Create future EnergyPlus Weather files using CMIP6 data
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# set directory to store files
options(epwshiftr.dir = tempdir())
options(epwshiftr.verbose = TRUE)
# get CMIP6 data nodes
(nodes <- get_data_node())
#> data_node status
#> 1: UP
#> 2: UP
#> 3: UP
#> 4: UP
#> 5: UP
#> 6: UP
#> 7: UP
#> 8: UP
#> 9: UP
#> 10: UP
#> 11: UP
#> 12: UP
#> 13: UP
#> 14: UP
#> 15: UP
#> 16: UP
#> 17: UP
#> 18: UP
#> 19: UP
#> 20: UP
#> 21: UP
#> 22: UP
#> 23: UP
#> 24: UP
#> 25: UP
#> 26: UP
#> 27: UP
#> 28: UP
#> 29: UP
#> 30: UP
#> 31: UP
#> 32: UP
#> 33: UP
#> 34: UP
#> 35: UP
#> 36: UP
#> 37: UP
#> 38: UP
#> 39: DOWN
#> 40: DOWN
#> 41: DOWN
#> 42: DOWN
#> 43: DOWN
#> 44: DOWN
#> 45: DOWN
#> 46: DOWN
#> data_node status
# create a CMIP6 output file index
idx <- init_cmip6_index(
# only consider ScenarioMIP activity
activity = "ScenarioMIP",
# specify dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity
variable = c("tas", "hurs"),
# specify report frequent
frequency = "day",
# specify experiment name
experiment = c("ssp585"),
# specify GCM name
source = "EC-Earth3",
# only consider data nodes that are current working
data_node = nodes[status == "UP", data_node],
# specify years of interest
years = c(2050, 2080)
#> Querying CMIP6 Dataset Information
#> Querying CMIP6 File Information [Attempt 1]
#> Checking if data is complete
#> Data file index saved to '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/cmip6_index.csv'
# the index has been automatically saved into directory specified using
# `epwshiftr.dir` option and can be reloaded
idx <- load_cmip6_index()
#> Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame': 6 obs. of 22 variables:
#> $ file_id : chr ""| __truncated__ ""| __truncated__ ""| __truncated__ ""| __truncated__ ...
#> $ dataset_id : chr "|" "|" "|" "|" ...
#> $ mip_era : chr "CMIP6" "CMIP6" "CMIP6" "CMIP6" ...
#> $ activity_drs : chr "ScenarioMIP" "ScenarioMIP" "ScenarioMIP" "ScenarioMIP" ...
#> $ institution_id : chr "EC-Earth-Consortium" "EC-Earth-Consortium" "EC-Earth-Consortium" "EC-Earth-Consortium" ...
#> $ source_id : chr "EC-Earth3" "EC-Earth3" "EC-Earth3" "EC-Earth3" ...
#> $ experiment_id : chr "ssp585" "ssp585" "ssp585" "ssp585" ...
#> $ member_id : chr "r1i1p1f1" "r1i1p1f1" "r1i1p1f1" "r1i1p1f1" ...
#> $ table_id : chr "day" "day" "day" "day" ...
#> $ grid_label : chr "gr" "gr" "gr" "gr" ...
#> $ version : chr "20200203" "20200203" "20200203" "20200203" ...
#> $ nominal_resolution: chr "100 km" "100 km" "100 km" "100 km" ...
#> $ variable_id : chr "tas" "tas" "tas" "hurs" ...
#> $ variable_long_name: chr "Near-Surface Air Temperature" "Near-Surface Air Temperature" "Near-Surface Air Temperature" "Near-Surface Relative Humidity" ...
#> $ variable_units : chr "K" "K" "K" "%" ...
#> $ datetime_start : POSIXct, format: "2049-01-01" "2050-01-01" ...
#> $ datetime_end : POSIXct, format: "2049-12-31" "2050-12-31" ...
#> $ file_size : int 140957772 141308277 141157930 161752607 161748507 161673372
#> $ data_node : chr "" "" "" "" ...
#> $ file_url : chr ""| __truncated__ ""| __truncated__ ""| __truncated__ ""| __truncated__ ...
#> $ dataset_pid : chr "hdl:21.14100/d7ffe204-df79-308c-86e6-2b7466a11f9b" "hdl:21.14100/d7ffe204-df79-308c-86e6-2b7466a11f9b" "hdl:21.14100/d7ffe204-df79-308c-86e6-2b7466a11f9b" "hdl:21.14100/7cdf1215-c964-3a06-8ad7-913101e3278b" ...
#> $ tracking_id : chr "hdl:21.14100/b7bbbb87-e3d6-4b0a-90e9-4a747a85df61" "hdl:21.14100/1e8651dc-f3d4-4761-94e0-4fb4227dcf09" "hdl:21.14100/47d24c86-b410-40d0-9d2d-42d7da09434d" "hdl:21.14100/e25ab7e8-5608-4823-ab41-a556f646d7f5" ...
#> - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>
You have to download CMIP6 output file by yourself using your preferable methods or tools. The download url can be found in the file_url
column in the index.
After you have downloaded CMIP6 output files of interest, you can use suumary_database()
to get a summary on files downloaded against the CMIP6 output file index.
This step is necessary as it map the loaded files against index so that epwshiftr knows which case is complete and can be used for the next step.
# Summary downloaded file by GCM and variable, use the latest downloaded file if
# multiple matches are detected and save matched information into the index file
sm <- summary_database(tempdir(), by = c("source", "variable"), mult = "latest", update = TRUE)
#> 12 NetCDF files found.
#> Processing file /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20490...
#> Parsing meta data of NetCDF file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/'...
#> Processing file /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20500...
#> Parsing meta data of NetCDF file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/'...
#> Processing file /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20510...
#> Parsing meta data of NetCDF file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/'...
#> Processing file /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20790...
#> Parsing meta data of NetCDF file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/'...
#> Processing file /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20800...
#> Parsing meta data of NetCDF file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/'...
#> Processing file /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20810...
#> Parsing meta data of NetCDF file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/'...
#> Processing file /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_204901...
#> Parsing meta data of NetCDF file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/'...
#> Processing file /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_205001...
#> Parsing meta data of NetCDF file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/'...
#> Processing file /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_205101...
#> Parsing meta data of NetCDF file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/'...
#> Processing file /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_207901...
#> Parsing meta data of NetCDF file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/'...
#> Processing file /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_208001...
#> Parsing meta data of NetCDF file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/'...
#> Processing file /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_208101...
#> Parsing meta data of NetCDF file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/'...
#> Data file index updated and saved to '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/cmip6_index.csv'
variable_id | source_id | datetime_start | datetime_end | file_num | file_size | dl_num | dl_percent | dl_size |
tas | EC-Earth3 | 2049-01-01 12:00:00 | 2081-12-31 12:00:00 | 6 | 846 [Mbytes] | 6 | 100 [%] | 846 [Mbytes] |
hurs | EC-Earth3 | 2049-01-01 12:00:00 | 2081-12-31 12:00:00 | 6 | 971 [Mbytes] | 6 | 100 [%] | 971 [Mbytes] |
epw <- file.path(eplusr::eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "WeatherData/USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw")
# match any coordinates with absolute distance less than 1 degree
coord <- match_coord(epw, threshold = list(lon = 1, lat = 1), max_num = 1)
#> Start to match coordinates...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20490...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20500...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20510...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_2049...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_2050...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_2051...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20790...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20800...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20810...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_2079...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_2080...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_2081...
#> [1] "epw_cmip6_coord"
#> [1] "epw" "meta" "coord"
#> $city
#> [1] "San Francisco Intl Ap"
#> $state_province
#> [1] "CA"
#> $country
#> [1] "USA"
#> $latitude
#> [1] 37.62
#> $longitude
#> [1] -122.4
coord$coord[, .(file_path, coord)]
#> file_path
#> 1: /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/
#> 2: /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/
#> 3: /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/
#> 4: /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/
#> 5: /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/
#> 6: /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/
#> 7: /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/
#> 8: /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/
#> 9: /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/
#> 10: /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/
#> 11: /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/
#> 12: /tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/
#> coord
#> 1: <list>
#> 2: <list>
#> 3: <list>
#> 4: <list>
#> 5: <list>
#> 6: <list>
#> 7: <list>
#> 8: <list>
#> 9: <list>
#> 10: <list>
#> 11: <list>
#> 12: <list>
#> List of 2
#> $ lat:List of 4
#> ..$ index: int 1
#> ..$ value: num 36.8
#> ..$ dis : num -0.778
#> ..$ which: int 181
#> $ lon:List of 4
#> ..$ index: int 1
#> ..$ value: num 302
#> ..$ dis : num -0.759
#> ..$ which: int 430
data <- extract_data(coord, years = c(2050, 2080))
#> Start to extract CMIP6 data according to matched coordinates...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20490...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20500...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20510...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_2049...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_2050...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_2051...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20790...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20800...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/tas_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_20810...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_2079...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_2080...
#> Processing file '/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/hurs_day_EC-Earth3_ssp585_r1i1p1f1_gr_2081...
#> [1] "epw_cmip6_data"
#> [1] "epw" "meta" "data"
activity_drs | institution_id | source_id | experiment_id | member_id | table_id | datetime | lat | lon | variable | description | units | value |
ScenarioMIP | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | ssp585 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 2050-01-01 20:00:00 | 36.84202 | 301.6406 | tas | Near-Surface Air Temperature | K | 292.4459 |
ScenarioMIP | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | ssp585 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 2050-01-02 20:00:00 | 36.84202 | 301.6406 | tas | Near-Surface Air Temperature | K | 289.5120 |
ScenarioMIP | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | ssp585 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 2050-01-03 20:00:00 | 36.84202 | 301.6406 | tas | Near-Surface Air Temperature | K | 286.8790 |
ScenarioMIP | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | ssp585 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 2050-01-04 20:00:00 | 36.84202 | 301.6406 | tas | Near-Surface Air Temperature | K | 290.4449 |
ScenarioMIP | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | ssp585 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 2050-01-05 20:00:00 | 36.84202 | 301.6406 | tas | Near-Surface Air Temperature | K | 288.8000 |
ScenarioMIP | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | ssp585 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 2050-01-06 20:00:00 | 36.84202 | 301.6406 | tas | Near-Surface Air Temperature | K | 288.6677 |
morphed <- morphing_epw(data)
#> Morphing 'dry bulb temperature'...
#> Morphing 'relative humidity'...
#> Morphing 'dew point temperature'...
#> Morphing 'atmospheric pressure'...
#> Morphing 'horizontal infrared radiation from the sky'...
#> Morphing 'global horizontal radiation'...
#> Morphing 'diffuse horizontal radiation'...
#> Morphing 'direct normal radiation'...
#> Morphing 'wind speed'...
#> Morphing 'total sky cover'...
#> Morphing 'opaque sky cover'...
#> [1] "epw_cmip6_morphed"
#> [1] "epw" "tdb" "tdew" "rh" "p"
#> [6] "hor_ir" "glob_rad" "norm_rad" "diff_rad" "wind"
#> [11] "total_cover" "opaque_cover"
activity_drs | experiment_id | institution_id | source_id | member_id | table_id | lon | lat | interval | datetime | year | month | day | hour | minute | dry_bulb_temperature | delta | alpha |
ScenarioMIP | ssp585 | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 301.6406 | 36.84202 | 2050 | 2017-01-01 01:00:00 | 1999 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 13.050994 | 7.80078 | 1.812638 |
ScenarioMIP | ssp585 | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 301.6406 | 36.84202 | 2050 | 2017-01-01 02:00:00 | 1999 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 13.050994 | 7.80078 | 1.812638 |
ScenarioMIP | ssp585 | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 301.6406 | 36.84202 | 2050 | 2017-01-01 03:00:00 | 1999 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 12.144675 | 7.80078 | 1.812638 |
ScenarioMIP | ssp585 | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 301.6406 | 36.84202 | 2050 | 2017-01-01 04:00:00 | 1999 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 11.057093 | 7.80078 | 1.812638 |
ScenarioMIP | ssp585 | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 301.6406 | 36.84202 | 2050 | 2017-01-01 05:00:00 | 1999 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 7.975608 | 7.80078 | 1.812638 |
ScenarioMIP | ssp585 | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 301.6406 | 36.84202 | 2050 | 2017-01-01 06:00:00 | 1999 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 7.975608 | 7.80078 | 1.812638 |
activity_drs | experiment_id | institution_id | source_id | member_id | table_id | lon | lat | interval | datetime | year | month | day | hour | minute | relative_humidity | delta | alpha |
ScenarioMIP | ssp585 | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 301.6406 | 36.84202 | 2050 | 2017-01-01 01:00:00 | 1999 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 80.54769 | -8.538842 | 0.8949743 |
ScenarioMIP | ssp585 | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 301.6406 | 36.84202 | 2050 | 2017-01-01 02:00:00 | 1999 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 80.54769 | -8.538842 | 0.8949743 |
ScenarioMIP | ssp585 | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 301.6406 | 36.84202 | 2050 | 2017-01-01 03:00:00 | 1999 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 79.65271 | -8.538842 | 0.8949743 |
ScenarioMIP | ssp585 | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 301.6406 | 36.84202 | 2050 | 2017-01-01 04:00:00 | 1999 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 83.23261 | -8.538842 | 0.8949743 |
ScenarioMIP | ssp585 | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 301.6406 | 36.84202 | 2050 | 2017-01-01 05:00:00 | 1999 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 86.81251 | -8.538842 | 0.8949743 |
ScenarioMIP | ssp585 | EC-Earth-Consortium | EC-Earth3 | r1i1p1f1 | day | 301.6406 | 36.84202 | 2050 | 2017-01-01 06:00:00 | 1999 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 86.81251 | -8.538842 | 0.8949743 |
, we can now create future EPW files using future_epw()
# create future EPWs grouped by GCM, experiment ID, interval (year)
epws <- future_epw(morphed, by = c("source_id", "experiment_id", "interval"),
dir = tempdir(), separate = TRUE
#> ── Info ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Data period #1 has been replaced with input data.
#> Name StartDayOfWeek StartDay EndDay
#> 1: Data Sunday 1/ 1 12/31
#> ── Info ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Data period #1 has been replaced with input data.
#> Name StartDayOfWeek StartDay EndDay
#> 1: Data Sunday 1/ 1 12/31
#> [[1]]
#> ══ EnergyPlus Weather File ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> [Location ]: San Francisco Intl Ap, CA, USA
#> {N 37°37'}, {W 122°24'}, {UTC-08:00}
#> [Elevation]: 2m above see level
#> [Data Src ]: TMY3
#> [WMO Stat ]: 724940
#> [Leap Year]: FALSE
#> [Interval ]: 60 mins
#> ── Data Periods ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Name StartDayOfWeek StartDay EndDay
#> 1: Data Sunday 1/ 1 12/31
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> [[2]]
#> ══ EnergyPlus Weather File ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> [Location ]: San Francisco Intl Ap, CA, USA
#> {N 37°37'}, {W 122°24'}, {UTC-08:00}
#> [Elevation]: 2m above see level
#> [Data Src ]: TMY3
#> [WMO Stat ]: 724940
#> [Leap Year]: FALSE
#> [Interval ]: 60 mins
#> ── Data Periods ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Name StartDayOfWeek StartDay EndDay
#> 1: Data Sunday 1/ 1 12/31
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
sapply(epws, function (epw) epw$path())
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/EC-Earth3/ssp585/2050/USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.EC-Earth3.ssp585.2050.epw"
#> [2] "/tmp/Rtmp7yrkZW/EC-Earth3/ssp585/2080/USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.EC-Earth3.ssp585.2080.epw"
Hongyuan Jia
epwshiftr is released under the terms of MIT License.
Copyright © 2019 Hongyuan Jia
CMIP6 data
To enable modeling groups and others who support CMIP6 to demonstrate its impact (and secure ongoing funding), you are required to cite and acknowledge those who have made CMIP6 possible. You also must abide by any licensing restrictions, which are recorded in each file as a global attribute (named “license”).
Please carefully read and adhere to the CMIP6 Terms of Use.
Please note that the ‘epwshiftr’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.