Keep your environment clean
A small utility which makes selective objects removing easier.
Many times we can meet a situation, when we want to clean our environment selectively. Suppose we just wrote a couple of functions, which have the same names as the ones existing in already attached libraries.
Sometimes, we may want to tidy our messy enivironment: we have objects we would like to keep, while in the same time there are many temporary objects created during the exploration.
cars.2 <- cars
cars.2$speed <- cars.2$speed + 2
new.iris <- iris[1:20, ]
add_two <- function(x) x + 2
# Normally, we don't have to pass envir argument, because it indicates global environment by default
eponge::erase_data(envir = environment())
Package was originally named sponge
, but it was changed in order to avoid name conflict with BioConductor package SPONGE. The current name comes from its French equivalent, éponge (e.pɔ̃ʒ).