This document provides three examples of how to use epca
to explore your data.
The first example shows how to call the two key functions: sca
and sma
Let's simulate a rank-5 data matrix with some additive Gaussian noise.
n <- 300
p <- 50
k <- 5
Z <- shrinkage(svd(matrix(runif(n * k), n, k))$u, gamma = sqrt(n))
B <- diag(5) * 3
Y <- shrinkage(svd(matrix(runif(p * k), p, k))$u, gamma = sqrt(p))
E <- matrix(rnorm(n * p, sd = 0.01), n, p)
X <- scale(Z %*% B %*% t(Y) + E)
In the above code, matrices Z
and Y
are rank-5 and sparse. The shrinkage()
function performs a soft-thresholding by default.
Now, apply sca
to find 5 sparse PCs. <- sca(X, k = 5)
## Call:sca(A = X, k = 5)
## Num. non-zero loadings': 25 24 24 29 24
## Abs. sum loadings': 3.348733
## Cumulative proportion of variance explained (CPVE):
## First component: 0.095
## First 2 components: 0.188
## First 3 components: 0.277
## First 4 components: 0.365
## First 5 components: 0.394
Similarly, we can do sparse matrix decomposition.
s.sma <- sma(X, k = 5)
## Call: sma(A = X, k = 5)
## Num. non-zero Z's: 171 174 168 177 225
## Num. non-zero Y's: 28 27 24 30 26
## Abs. sum Z's: 9.3834
## Abs. sum Y's: 3.352972
dataFor the second example example, we use the pitprops
We apply the sca
function to find k = 3
sparse PCs with sparsity parameter gamma = 4.5
. Here, the sparsity parameter (gamma
) controls the L1 norm of the returned PC loadings. The default of gamma
(if absent) is sqrt(p * k)
, where p
is the number of original variables.
data("pitprops", package = "epca") <- sca(pitprops, k = 3, gamma = 4.5)
print(, verbose = TRUE)
## Call:sca(A = pitprops, k = 3, gamma = 4.5)
## Num. non-zero loadings': 8 8 6
## Abs. sum loadings': 1.696596
## Cumulative proportion of variance explained (CPVE):
## First component: 0.349
## First 2 components: 0.605
## First 3 components: 0.768
## Component 1 :
## feature loadings
## 1 topdiam 0.343
## 2 length 0.345
## 3 ovensg -0.143
## 4 ringbut 0.07
## 5 bowmax 0.209
## 6 bowdist 0.294
## 7 whorls 0.212
## 8 knots -0.079
## Component 2 :
## feature loadings
## 1 testsg 0.008
## 2 ovensg 0.353
## 3 ringtop 0.382
## 4 ringbut 0.273
## 5 whorls 0.051
## 6 clear -0.077
## 7 knots -0.049
## 8 diaknot -0.339
## Component 3 :
## feature loadings
## 1 topdiam 0.028
## 2 moist 0.507
## 3 testsg 0.537
## 4 ringtop 0.052
## 5 bowmax -0.088
## 6 knots 0.06
Here, option verbose = TRUE
prints, for each PC, the original variable with non-zero loadings.
The followings find 6 sparse PCs with gamma = 6
. Note that the sparsity parameter for <- sca(pitprops, 6, gamma = 6)
print(, verbose = TRUE)
## Call:sca(A = pitprops, k = 6, gamma = 6)
## Num. non-zero loadings': 6 2 2 3 4 3
## Abs. sum loadings': 1.163234
## Cumulative proportion of variance explained (CPVE):
## First component: 0.250
## First 2 components: 0.397
## First 3 components: 0.482
## First 4 components: 0.600
## First 5 components: 0.722
## First 6 components: 0.839
## Component 1 :
## feature loadings
## 1 topdiam 0.333
## 2 length 0.336
## 3 ovensg -0.18
## 4 bowmax 0.017
## 5 bowdist 0.22
## 6 whorls 0.078
## Component 2 :
## feature loadings
## 1 moist 0.498
## 2 testsg 0.527
## Component 3 :
## feature loadings
## 1 whorls -0.087
## 2 clear 0.761
## Component 4 :
## feature loadings
## 1 ovensg -0.283
## 2 bowmax -0.058
## 3 knots 0.633
## Component 5 :
## feature loadings
## 1 ovensg 0.142
## 2 ringtop 0.531
## 3 ringbut 0.246
## 4 bowmax -0.171
## Component 6 :
## feature loadings
## 1 bowmax -0.24
## 2 whorls -0.034
## 3 diaknot 0.625
This example shows a large-scale application of sparse PCA to a single-cell RNA-seq data. For this example, we use the human/mouse pancreas single-cell RNA-seq data from Baron et al. (2017).
Fe used the single-cell RNA-seq data with the scRNAseq
package. We removed the genes that do not have any variation across samples (i.e., zero standard deviation) and the cell types that contain fewer than 100 cells. This resulted in a sparse data matrix pancreas
of 17499 genes (rows) and 8451 cells (columns) across nine cell types.
dat <- BaronPancreasData("human") <- !!apply(counts(dat), 1, sd) <- colData(dat) %>% data.frame() %>% dplyr::count(label) %>% filter(n >
dat1 <- dat[, colData(dat)$label %in%$label]
For SCA, we use the expression count matrix (count
) as the input, where count[i,j]
is the expression level of gene j in cell i, with 10.8\% being non-zero.
count <- counts(dat1)
The dataset contains labels for each cell.
label <- setNames(factor(dat1$label), colnames(dat1))
Next, We applied sca
to the transpose of count
to find k = 9
sparse gene PCs. Aiming for a small number of genes (i.e., non-zero loadings) in individual PCs, we set the sparsity parameter to gamma = log(pk)
, which is approximately 12.
scar <- sca(t(count), k = 9, gamma = 12, center = F, scale = F, epsilon = 0.001)
We can exam the number of original genes included by each gene PC.
n.gene <- apply(!!scar$loadings, 2, sum)
## PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9
## 1 1 1 8 15 1 1 3 61
Each gene PC uses a handful of original genes.
We can plot the component scores of the nine PCs, with dplyr
and ggplot2
packages. Each panel displays one of nine cell types with the names of cell types and the number of cells reported on the top strips. For each cell type, a box depicts the component scores for nine sparse gene PCs.
scar$scores %>% reshape2::melt(varnames = c("cell", "PC"), = "scores") %>%
mutate(PC = factor(PC), label = label[cell]) %>% ggplot(aes(PC, scores/1000,
fill = PC)) + geom_boxplot(color = "grey30", outlier.shape = NA, show.legend = FALSE) +
labs(x = "gene PC", y = bquote("scores (" ~ 10^3 ~ ")")) + scale_x_discrete(labels = 1:9) +
facet_wrap(~label, nrow = 3) + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set3") + theme_classic()
We observed that most of the gene PCs consist of one or a handful of genes, yet the component scores showed that these PCs distinguish different cell types effectively . For example, the PC 2 consists of only one gene (named SST), and the expression of the gene marks the “delta” cells among others. This result highlights power of scRNA-seq in capture cell-type specific information and suggests the applicability of our methods to biological data.