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emstreeR is a package for fast and easily computing Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees (EMST). It heavily relies on ‘RcppMLPACK’ and ‘Rcpp’, working as a wrapper to the fast EMST Dual-Tree Boruvka algorithm (March, Ram, Gray, 2010) implemented in ‘mlpack’ - the C++ Machine Learning library (Curtin, 2013). Thus, do not have to deal with the R-‘Rcpp’-C++ integration. The package also provides functions and an S3 method for readily plotting Minimum Spanning Trees (MST) using either ‘base’ R, ‘scatterplot3d’ or ‘ggplot2’ style.


# CRAN version

# Dev version
if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools')

Basic Usage

## artificial data:
n <- 7
c1 <- data.frame(x = rnorm(n, -0.2, sd = 0.2), y = rnorm(n, -2, sd = 0.2))
c2 <- data.frame(x = rnorm(n, -1.1, sd = 0.15), y = rnorm(n, -2, sd = 0.3)) 
d <- rbind(c1, c2)
d <- as.data.frame(d)

## MST:
out <- ComputeMST(d)
#> 9 edges found so far.
#> 182 cumulative base cases.
#> 0 cumulative node combinations scored.
#> 12 edges found so far.
#> 332 cumulative base cases.
#> 0 cumulative node combinations scored.
#> 13 edges found so far.
#> 430 cumulative base cases.
#> 0 cumulative node combinations scored.
#> Total spanning tree length: 2.49929
#>               x         y from to   distance
#> 1  -0.118159357 -2.166545   11 13 0.03281747
#> 2  -0.264604994 -2.105242    8 12 0.05703382
#> 3  -0.072829535 -1.716803    3  7 0.08060398
#> 4  -0.569225757 -1.943598    5  6 0.11944501
#> 5  -0.009270527 -1.942413    6  7 0.13450475
#> 6   0.037697969 -1.832590    8 10 0.14293342
#> 7  -0.091509110 -1.795213    1  2 0.15875908
#> 8  -1.097338236 -1.871078   10 14 0.16993335
#> 9  -0.841400898 -2.194585    1  5 0.24918237
#> 10 -1.081888729 -1.728982    8 13 0.27882008
#> 11 -1.366334073 -2.003965    2  4 0.34485145
#> 12 -1.081078171 -1.925745    9 12 0.36016689
#> 13 -1.357063682 -1.972485    4  9 0.37023475
#> 14 -0.913706515 -1.753315    1  1 0.00000000


2D Plots

## artifical data for 2D plots:
n <- 15
c1 <- data.frame(x = rnorm(n, -0.2, sd = 0.2), y = rnorm(n, -2, sd = 0.2))
c2 <- data.frame(x = rnorm(n, -1.1, sd = 0.15), y = rnorm(n, -2, sd = 0.3)) 
d <- rbind(c1, c2)
d <- as.data.frame(d)
## MST:
out <- ComputeMST(d, verbose = FALSE)
## simple 2D plot:
plot(out, col.pts = "red", col.segts = "blue")

## 2D plot with ggplot2:
ggplot(data = out, aes(x = x, y = y, from = from, to = to))+ 

## 2D curved edges plot with ggplot2:
ggplot(data = out, aes(x = x, y = y, from = from, to = to))+ 

3D Plot

## artificial data for 3D plots:
n = 99
d1 <- matrix(rnorm(n, mean = -2, sd = .5), n/3, 3) # 3d
d2 <- matrix(rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = .3), n/3, 3)
d3 <- matrix(rnorm(n, mean = 3, sd = .4), n/3, 3)
d <- rbind(d1,d2,d3) # showing a matrix input
## MST:
out <- ComputeMST(d, verbose = FALSE)
## simple 3D plot:
plotMST3D(out, xlab = "xaxis", col.pts = "orange", col.segts = "red", main = "a simple MST 3D plot")


This package is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause License.


March, W. B., and Ram, P., and Gray, A. G. (2010). Fast euclidian minimum spanning tree: algorithm analysis, and applications. 16th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data mining, July 25-28 2010. Washington, DC, USA.

Curtin, R. R. et al. (2013). Mlpack: A scalable C++ machine learning library. Journal of Machine Learning Research, v. 14, 2013.