NEWS for the emmeans package

emmeans 1.4.8

emmeans 1.4.7

emmeans 1.4.6

emmeans 1.4.5

emmeans 1.4.4


emmeans 1.4.3

emmeans 1.4.2

emmeans 1.4.1

emmeans 1.4


emmeans 1.3.5

emmeans 1.3.4

emmeans 1.3.3

emmeans 1.3.2

emmeans 1.3.1

emmeans 1.3.0

emmeans 1.2.4

emmeans 1.2.3

emmeans 1.2.2

emmeans 1.2.1

emmeans 1.2

emmeans 1.1.3

emmeans 1.1.2

emmeans 1.1

emmeans 1.0

emmeans 0.9.1

emmeans 0.9

This is the initial major version that replaces the lsmeans package. Changes shown below are changes made to the last real release of lsmeans (version 2.27-2). lsmeans versions greater than that are transitional to that package being retired.

NOTE: emmeans is a continuation of the lsmeans package.

New developments will take place in emmeans, and lsmeans will remain static and eventually will be archived.