The goal of electoral package is provide simple functions to compute allocating seats methods and party system scores
Implemented allocating seats methods are:
For highest averages group: D’Hondt, Webster, Danish, Imperiali, Hill-Huntington, Dean, Modified Sainte-Lague, Equal proportions and Adams.
For largest remainders group: Hare, Droop, Hangenbach-Bischoff, Imperial, Modified Imperial, Quotas&Remainders.
Developed party system scores are:
Competitiveness, concentration, effective number of parties (ENP), party nationalization score (PNS), party system nationalization score (PSNS) and volatility. Effective number of parties implemented methods are Laakso-Taagepera and Golosov. Available party nationalization score and party system nationalization score methods are Jones-Mainwaring and Golosov.
You can install electoral from github with:
if (!require("devtools")) {
This is a basic example which shows you how to allocate seats by two common methods (D’Hondt and Hare):
seats_ha(parties = c("A", "B", "C"),
votes = c(100, 150, 60),
n_seats = 5,
method = "dhondt")
#> [1] "IMPORTANT: 4 seats had been allocated. There is(are) 1 seats with tie."
#> [1] "Parties in tie:" "A" "B"
seats_lr(parties = c("A", "B", "C"),
votes = c(100, 150, 60),
n_seats = 5,
method = "hare")
This is a basic example which shows you how to compute effective number of parties using Laakso-Taagepera method: