To cite effects in publications use:
Fox J, Weisberg S (2019). An R Companion to Applied Regression, 3rd edition. Sage, Thousand Oaks CA.
For predictor effects or partial residuals also cite:
Fox J, Weisberg S (2018). “Visualizing Fit and Lack of Fit in Complex Regression Models with Predictor Effect Plots and Partial Residuals.” Journal of Statistical Software, 87(9), 1–27. doi: 10.18637/jss.v087.i09,
For generalized linear models also cite:
Fox J (2003). “Effect Displays in R for Generalised Linear Models.” Journal of Statistical Software, 8(15), 1–27.
For usage in multinomial and proportional-odds logit models also cite:
Fox J, Hong J (2009). “Effect Displays in R for Multinomial and Proportional-Odds Logit Models: Extensions to the effects Package.” Journal of Statistical Software, 32(1), 1–24.
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Book{, title = {An R Companion to Applied Regression}, edition = {3rd}, author = {John Fox and Sanford Weisberg}, year = {2019}, publisher = {Sage}, address = {Thousand Oaks CA}, url = {}, }
@Article{, title = {Visualizing Fit and Lack of Fit in Complex Regression Models with Predictor Effect Plots and Partial Residuals}, author = {John Fox and Sanford Weisberg}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, year = {2018}, volume = {87}, number = {9}, pages = {1--27}, doi = {10.18637/jss.v087.i09}, url = {}, }
@Article{, title = {Effect Displays in {R} for Generalised Linear Models}, author = {John Fox}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, year = {2003}, volume = {8}, number = {15}, pages = {1--27}, url = {}, }
@Article{, title = {Effect Displays in {R} for Multinomial and Proportional-Odds Logit Models: Extensions to the {effects} Package}, author = {John Fox and Jangman Hong}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, year = {2009}, volume = {32}, number = {1}, pages = {1--24}, url = {}, }