How To Use This Package

Mauricio Vargas


World Trade and Per-Capita GDP

This example is inspired after the visualizations from Hausmann et al. (2014) with some ggplot additions.

Package Data

##   country product value
## 1     afg    0011 30068
## 2     afg    0012 16366
## 3     afg    0111 19273
## 4     afg    0112   893
## 5     afg    0113   350
## 6     afg    0116  1561
##   country value
## 1     abw 19185
## 2     ago  1540
## 3     alb  1433
## 4     and 27765
## 5     arb  3312
## 6     are 43082

Balassa Index

You can obtain Balassa Index with balassa_index().

## [1] 0 0 0 0 1 0

Another possibility is to obtain Balassa Index without discretization.

## [1] 0.2312238 0.1777917 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.4825815 0.0000000

Complexity Measures

You can compute complexity indexes (e.g. such as the Economic Complexity Index and Product Complexity Index) by using complexity_measures(). The calculations methods are fitness (default), reflections, eigenvalues. See (Mariani et al. 2015) for the methodological details.

The eigenvalues also calls the reflections methods in order to correct the index sign in some special cases when the correlation between the output from both methods is negative.


##        afg        ago        aia        alb        and 
## 0.78605655 0.03999516 1.05645538 1.24261128 1.37321261
##      0011      0012      0013      0014      0015 
## 0.7538883 0.7491391 2.3018690 0.9903918 1.3120378


##        afg        ago        aia        alb        and 
## -0.5788151 -1.7710696  1.4074821 -0.1754989  1.0738736
##        0011        0012        0013        0014        0015 
## -0.66255107 -1.62169899 -0.07449487  0.20554720  0.15848845


##        afg        ago        aia        alb        and 
## -0.5764283 -1.7770752  1.4090414 -0.1732606  1.0772452
##        0011        0012        0013        0014        0015 
## -0.66657613 -1.62657599 -0.08149436  0.19917280  0.14935653


Proximity matrices are used to create projections e.g. (country-country and product-product networks) for bipartite networks. Using proximity() is straightforward.

## 5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dsCMatrix"
##            afg         ago         aia        alb         and
## afg 1.00000000 0.015873016 0.181818182 0.19689119 0.192513369
## ago 0.01587302 1.000000000 0.006993007 0.01554404 0.005347594
## aia 0.18181818 0.006993007 1.000000000 0.16580311 0.251336898
## alb 0.19689119 0.015544041 0.165803109 1.00000000 0.310880829
## and 0.19251337 0.005347594 0.251336898 0.31088083 1.000000000
## 5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dsCMatrix"
##           0011      0012      0013      0014      0015
## 0011 1.0000000 0.3658537 0.1707317 0.2439024 0.2682927
## 0012 0.3658537 1.0000000 0.2500000 0.2250000 0.2500000
## 0013 0.1707317 0.2500000 1.0000000 0.2500000 0.1200000
## 0014 0.2439024 0.2250000 0.2500000 1.0000000 0.2250000
## 0015 0.2682927 0.2500000 0.1200000 0.2250000 1.0000000


The projections() function is designed to use igraph for the internal computations and also to pass proximity-based networks to igraph, ggraph or export to Cytoscape by saving the output as csv/tsv.

## + 5/484 edges from 559a8f0 (vertex names):
## [1] zaf--zwe tza--zmb tza--uga tuv--wlf tuv--umi
## + 5/1505 edges from 18a7d3a (vertex names):
## [1] 8981--8982 8946--9510 8922--8932 8921--8922 8852--8959

Just two basic examples with ggraph.

Complexity Outlook

Both the Complexity Outlook Index and Complexity Outlook Gain are obtained after the complexity_outlook() function.

co <- complexity_outlook(

# partial view of complexity outlook
##        afg        ago        aia        alb        and 
## 103.948610   9.962401 122.311158 152.107317 151.295380
## 5 x 5 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
##          0011      0012      0013      0014      0015
## afg 0.8615531 0.7613878 0.7537907 1.0961458 0.8143851
## ago 0.9681802 0.8436855 0.8219918 1.2151040 0.8883146
## aia 0.8339114 0.7475080 0.7247198 1.0425043 0.7671877
## alb 0.7979779 0.7199705 0.7132042 1.0170093 0.7636545
## and 0.0000000 0.7118512 0.6829531 0.9987236 0.0000000

Productivy Levels

The productivity_levels() dataset follows the definitions from Hausmann et al. (2014) and Hausmann, Hwang, and Rodrik (2005).

I don’t have a per-capita GDP dataset for the Galactic Federation, so I’ll create simulated data for the example.

pl <- productivity_levels(world_trade_avg_1998_to_2000, world_gdp_avg_1998_to_2000)

# partial view of productivity levels
##       ago       alb       and       are       arg 
##  8223.607  6343.341 13783.485 10207.679  9269.670
##      0011      0012      0013      0014      0015 
##  7915.893  3986.371 11375.710  6273.428 17628.950


Hausmann, Ricardo, César Hidalgo, Sebastián Bustos, Michele Coscia, Alexander Simoes, and Muhammed Yildirim. 2014. The Atlas of Economic Complexity: Mapping Paths to Prosperity. MIT Press.

Hausmann, Ricardo, Jason Hwang, and Dani Rodrik. 2005. “What You Export Matters.” Working Paper 11905. Working Paper Series. National Bureau of Economic Research.

Mariani, Manuel, Alexandre Vidmer, Matsúš Medo, and Yi-Cheng Zhang. 2015. “Measuring Economic Complexity of Countries and Products: Which Metric to Use?” The European Physical Journal B 88 (11). Springer: 293.