easySdcTable 0.6.0
- New method, “Gauss”, available
- An additional method that is not available in sdcTable
- Secondary suppression by Gaussian elimination
- Tau-argus problem fixed.
- Version 0.5.0 resulted in wrong tau-argus input when the useFancyQuotes option was TRUE.
easySdcTable 0.5.0
- Method “SimpleSingle” re-defined and made default.
- The new parameter, threshold, in sdcTable is used.
- The shiny functionality is now as two functions
- Run PTgui from the R console or use PTguiApp to make a server application
- PTxyz, new function
- ProtectTable with output ready for SuppressDec in package RegSDC
easySdcTable 0.3.3
- Last version before any news