

CRAN package designed to simplify the task of reading the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) into R and preparing the data for analysis. Although the PSID is one of the most comprehensive longitudinal datasets for examining health and life course patterns among American families, preparing the PSID for analysis can be a difficult task. The PSID comes with no scripts for being read into R, and every wave of each PSID longitudinal variable has a unique name. For example, variables in the 1968 PSID Family File are named V1-V440 whereas variables within the 1969 PSID Family File are named V441-V1017, even though most variables in the 1969 Family Files match those in the 1968 Family File. These aspects of the PSID pose difficulties for R users who want to conduct longitudinal analyses in the PSID. easyPSID simplifies these tasks and several others.


After downloading multiple waves of the PSID Packaged Data Family Files from https://simba.isr.umich.edu/, a common use of easyPSID is to unzip each wave of the family files, convert them to .rds format, rename all longitudinal variables to consistent names across years, and save the resulting renamed datasets to .rds format. This can be done as follows (assuming the PSID files were saved into C:/PSID/Zip Files):

    in_direc="C:/PSID/Zip Files",
    out_direc="C:/PSID/Unzipped Files",
    in_direc="C:/PSID/Unzipped Files",
    out_direc="C:/PSID/rds Files",
    in_direc="C:/PSID/rds Files",
    out_direc="C:/PSID/renamed Files",


This package can be directly installed via CRAN with install.packages("easyPSID"). Alternatively, newest versions of this package can be installed with devtools::install_github("BrianAronson/easyPSID")

Prior to working with the easyPSID package, users will need to download packaged PSID data for the family files and cross-sectional individual file from https://simba.isr.umich.edu/.

Function Overview

Below is a brief outline of each function in this package: