Up until dtwclust
version 5.1.0, parallelization solely relied on the foreach
package, which mostly leverages multi-processing parallelization. Thanks to the RcppParallel
package, several included functions can now also take advantage of multi-threading. However, this means that there are some considerations to keep in mind when using the package in order to make the most of either parallelization strategy. The TL;DR version is:
# load dtwclust
# load parallel
# create multi-process workers
workers <- makeCluster(detectCores())
# load dtwclust in each one, and make them use 1 thread per worker
invisible(clusterEvalQ(workers, {
# register your workers, e.g. with doParallel
For more details, continue reading.
Parallelization with RcppParallel
uses multi-threading. All available threads are used by default, but this can be changed with RcppParallel::setThreadOptions
. The maximum number of threads can be checked with RcppParallel::defaultNumThreads
or parallel::detectCores
. Parallelization with foreach
requires a backend to be registered. Some packages that provide backends are:
See also this CRAN view.
The dtwclust
functions that use RcppParallel
for dtw.func = "dtw_basic"
by dtwclust
.The dtwclust
functions that use foreach
for partitional and fuzzy clustering when either more than one k
is specified in the call, or nrep > 1
in partitional_control
for distances not included with dtwclust
(more details below).TADPole
(also when called through tsclust
) for multiple dc
for each configuration.tsclust
if only one k
is specified and nrep = 1
for dtw.func = "dtw"
As mentioned above, all included distance functions that are registered with proxy
rely on RcppParallel
, so it is not necessary to explicitly create parallel
workers for the calculation of cross-distance matrices. Nevertheless, creating workers will not prevent the distances to use multi-threading when it is appropriate (more on this later). Using doParallel
as an example:
# doing either of the following will calculate the distance matrix with parallelization
distmat <- proxy::dist(CharTraj, method = "dtw_basic")
distmat <- proxy::dist(CharTraj, method = "dtw_basic")
If you want to prevent the use of multi-threading, you can do the following, but it will not fall back on foreach
, so it will be always sequential:
As mentioned in its documentation, the tsclustFamily
class (used by tsclust
) has a distance function that wraps proxy::dist
and, with some restrictions, can use parallelization even with distances not included with dtwclust
. This depends on foreach
for non-dtwclust
distances. For example:
Internally, any call to foreach
first performs the following checks:
This assumes that, when there are parallel workers, there are enough of them to use the CPU fully, so it would not make sense for each worker to try to spawn multiple threads. When the user has not changed any RcppParallel
configuration, the dtwclust
functions will configure each worker to use 1 thread, but it is best to be explicit (as shown in the introduction) because RcppParallel
saves its configuration in an environment variable, and the following could happen:
#> [1] ""
# parallel workers would seem the same,
# so dtwclust would try to configure 1 thread per worker
workers <- makeCluster(2L)
clusterEvalQ(workers, Sys.getenv("RCPP_PARALLEL_NUM_THREADS"))
#> [[1]]
#> [1] ""
#> [[2]]
#> [1] ""
# however, the environment variables get inherited by the workers upon creation
Sys.getenv("RCPP_PARALLEL_NUM_THREADS") # for main process
#> [1] "2"
workers <- makeCluster(2L)
clusterEvalQ(workers, Sys.getenv("RCPP_PARALLEL_NUM_THREADS")) # for each worker
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "2"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "2"
In the last case above dtwclust
would not change anything, so each worker would use 2 threads, resulting in 4 threads total. If the physical CPU only has 2 cores with 1 thread each, the previous would be suboptimal.
There are cases where a setup like above might make sense. For example if the CPU has 4 cores with 2 threads per core, the following would not be suboptimal:
But, at least with dtwclust
, it is unclear if this is advantageous when compared with makeCluster(8L)
. Using compare_clusterings
with many different configurations, where some configurations might take much longer, might benefit if each worker is not limited to sequential calculations. As a very informal example, consider the last piece of code from the documentation of compare_clusterings
comparison_partitional <- compare_clusterings(CharTraj, types = "p",
configs = p_cfgs,
seed = 32903L, trace = TRUE,
score.clus = score_fun,
pick.clus = pick_fun,
shuffle.configs = TRUE,
return.objects = TRUE)
A purely sequential calculation (main process with 1 thread) took more than 20 minutes, and the following parallelization scenarios were tested on a machine with 4 cores and 1 thread per core (each scenario tested only once with R v3.5.0):
The last scenario has the possible advantage that tracing is still possible.
If you are using foreach
for parallelization, there’s a good chance you’re already using all available threads/cores from your CPU. If you are calling dtwclust
functions inside a foreach
evaluation, you should specify the number of threads: