The dodgr
package includes three functions for calculating iso-contours from one or more points of origin: dodgr_isodists()
for contours of equal distance; dodgr_isochrones()
for contours of equal time; and dodgr_isoverts()
to return full set of vertices within defined isodistance or isochrone contours.
Each of these functions is fully vectorised to accept both multiple origin points and multiple contours. Each returns a single data.frame
object, with a column specifying either the distance limit (as dlim
for dodgr_isodists()
,or tlim
for dodgr_isochrones()
). The functions are also internally parallelised for efficient calculation.
The dodgr_isodists()
function calculates contours of equal distance from one or more points of origin.
graph <- weight_streetnet (hampi)
from <- sample (graph$from_id, size = 100)
dlim <- c (1, 2, 5, 10, 20) * 100
d <- dodgr_isodists (graph, from = from, dlim)
dim (d)
## [1] 1804 5
knitr::kable (head (d))
from | dlim | id | x | y |
977473118 | 100 | 1143452406 | 76.46110 | 15.34093 |
977473118 | 100 | 1143452538 | 76.46162 | 15.34113 |
977473118 | 100 | 1143452406 | 76.46110 | 15.34093 |
977473118 | 200 | 2627422264 | 76.46112 | 15.34006 |
977473118 | 200 | 2627422262 | 76.46119 | 15.34023 |
977473118 | 200 | 1143452213 | 76.46239 | 15.34117 |
This function returns in this case a data.frame
with the columns shown above and 1,804 points defining the isodistance contours from each origin (from
) point, at the specified distances of 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 metres. There are naturally more points defining the contours at longer distances:
table (d$dlim)
## 100 200 500 1000 2000
## 193 269 358 447 537
The points defining the contours are arranged in an anticlockwise order around each point of origin, and so can be directly visualised using base graphics functions. This is easier to see by using just a single point of origin:
from <- sample (graph$from_id, size = 1)
dlim <- c (1, 2, 5, 10, 20) * 100
d <- dodgr_isodists (graph, from = from, dlim)
cols <- terrain.colors (length (dlim))
index <- which (d$dlim == max (d$dlim)) # plot max contour first
plot (d$x [index], d$y [index], "l", col = cols [1],
xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude")
for (i in seq (dlim) [-1]) {
index <- which (d$dlim == rev (dlim) [i])
lines (d$x [index], d$y [index], col = cols [i], lwd = i + 1)
The contours are convex hulls, so can not be guaranteed to entirely contain all internal contours, as that plot clearly reveals.