The goal of the {dm} package and the dm
class that comes with it, is to make your life easier when you are dealing with data from several different tables.
Let’s take a look at the dm
The dm
class consists of a collection of tables and metadata about the tables, such as
All tables in a dm
must be obtained from the same data source; csv files and spreadsheets would need to be imported to data frames in R.
objectsThere are currently three options available for creating a dm
object. The relevant functions for creating dm
objects are:
To illustrate these options, we will now create the same dm
in several different ways. We can use the tables from the well-known {nycflights13} package.
Create a dm
object directly by providing data frames to dm()
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `airlines`, `airports`, `flights`, `planes`, `weather`
#> Columns: 53
#> Primary keys: 0
#> Foreign keys: 0
Start with an empty dm
object that has been created with dm()
or new_dm()
, and add tables to that object:
empty_dm <- dm()
#> dm()
dm_add_tbl(empty_dm, airlines, airports, flights, planes, weather)
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `airlines`, `airports`, `flights`, `planes`, `weather`
#> Columns: 53
#> Primary keys: 0
#> Foreign keys: 0
Turn a named list of tables into a dm
with as_dm()
as_dm(list(airlines = airlines,
airports = airports,
flights = flights,
planes = planes,
weather = weather))
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `airlines`, `airports`, `flights`, `planes`, `weather`
#> Columns: 53
#> Primary keys: 0
#> Foreign keys: 0
into a dm
Squeeze all (or a subset of) tables belonging to a src
object into a dm
using dm_from_src()
#> ── Table source ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> src: sqlite 3.30.1 [/tmp/RtmpFOYUVF/nycflights13.sqlite]
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `airlines`, `airports`, `flights`, `planes`, `sqlite_stat1`, … (7 total)
#> Columns: 62
#> Primary keys: 0
#> Foreign keys: 0
The function dm_from_src(src, table_names = NULL)
includes all available tables on a source in the dm
object. This means that you can use this, for example, on a postgres database that you access via src_postgres()
(with the appropriate arguments dbname
, host
, port
, …), to produce a dm
object with all the tables on the database.
Another way of creating a dm
object is calling new_dm()
on a list of tbl
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `trees`, `mtcars`
#> Columns: 14
#> Primary keys: 0
#> Foreign keys: 0
This constructor is optimized for speed and does not perform integrity checks. Use with caution, validate using validate_dm()
if necessary.
We can get the list of tables with dm_get_tables()
and the src
object with dm_get_src()
In order to pull a specific table from a dm
, use:
#> # Source: table<`airports`> [?? x 8]
#> # Database: sqlite 3.30.1 [/tmp/RtmpFOYUVF/nycflights13.sqlite]
#> faa name lat lon alt tz dst tzone
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 04G Lansdowne Airport 41.1 -80.6 1044 -5 A America/New_…
#> 2 06A Moton Field Municipa… 32.5 -85.7 264 -6 A America/Chic…
#> 3 06C Schaumburg Regional 42.0 -88.1 801 -6 A America/Chic…
#> 4 06N Randall Airport 41.4 -74.4 523 -5 A America/New_…
#> 5 09J Jekyll Island Airport 31.1 -81.4 11 -5 A America/New_…
#> 6 0A9 Elizabethton Municip… 36.4 -82.2 1593 -5 A America/New_…
#> 7 0G6 Williams County Airp… 41.5 -84.5 730 -5 A America/New_…
#> 8 0G7 Finger Lakes Regiona… 42.9 -76.8 492 -5 A America/New_…
#> 9 0P2 Shoestring Aviation … 39.8 -76.6 1000 -5 U America/New_…
#> 10 0S9 Jefferson County Intl 48.1 -123. 108 -8 A America/Los_…
#> # … with more rows
But how can we use {dm}-functions to manage the primary keys of the tables in a dm
objectsSome useful functions for managing primary key settings are:
Currently dm
objects only support one-column primary keys. If your tables have unique compound keys, adding a surrogate key column might be helpful. If you created a dm
object according to the examples in “Examples of dm
objects”, your object does not yet have any primary keys set. So let’s add one.
has an option to check if the column of the table given by the user is a unique key; for performance reasons, the check will not be executed unless requested. We use the nycflights13
tables, i.e. flights_dm
from above.
dm_has_pk(flights_dm, airports)
#> [1] FALSE
flights_dm_with_key <- dm_add_pk(flights_dm, airports, faa)
#> ── Table source ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> src: sqlite 3.30.1 [/tmp/RtmpFOYUVF/nycflights13.sqlite]
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `airlines`, `airports`, `flights`, `planes`, `sqlite_stat1`, … (7 total)
#> Columns: 62
#> Primary keys: 1
#> Foreign keys: 0
The dm
now has a primary key. Let’s check:
Get the name of the column that is marked as primary key of the table:
Remove a primary key:
If you still need to get to know your data better, and it is already available in the form of a dm
object, you can use the dm_enum_pk_candidates()
function in order to get information about which columns of the table are unique keys:
#> # A tibble: 8 x 3
#> columns candidate why
#> <keys> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 faa TRUE ""
#> 2 lon TRUE ""
#> 3 alt FALSE "has duplicate values: 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, …"
#> 4 dst FALSE "has duplicate values: A, N, U"
#> 5 lat FALSE "has duplicate values: 38.88944, 40.63975"
#> 6 name FALSE "has duplicate values: All Airports, Capital City Airp…
#> 7 tz FALSE "has duplicate values: -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, …"
#> 8 tzone FALSE "has duplicate values: NA, America/Anchorage, America/…
The flights
table does not have any one-column primary key candidates:
#> # A tibble: 1 x 2
#> candidate n
#> <lgl> <int>
#> 1 FALSE 19
To get an overview over all tables with primary keys, use dm_get_all_pks()
#> # A tibble: 3 x 2
#> table pk_col
#> <chr> <keys>
#> 1 airlines carrier
#> 2 airports faa
#> 3 planes tailnum
Here we used the prepared dm
object dm_nycflights13(cycle = TRUE)
as an example. This object already has all keys pre-set.
Useful functions for managing foreign key relations include:
Now it gets (even more) interesting: we want to define relations between different tables. With the dm_add_fk()
function you can define which column of which table points to another table’s column.
This is done by choosing a foreign key from one table that will point to a primary key of another table. The primary key of the referred table must be set with dm_add_pk()
. dm_add_fk()
will find the primary key column of the referenced table by itself and make the indicated column of the child table point to it.
#> ── Table source ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> src: sqlite 3.30.1 [/tmp/RtmpFOYUVF/nycflights13.sqlite]
#> ── Metadata ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `airlines`, `airports`, `flights`, `planes`, `sqlite_stat1`, … (7 total)
#> Columns: 62
#> Primary keys: 1
#> Foreign keys: 1
This will throw an error:
flights_dm %>% dm_add_fk(flights, origin, airports)
#> Error: ref_table `airports` needs a primary key first. Use `dm_enum_pk_candidates()` to find appropriate columns and `dm_add_pk()` to define a primary key.
Let’s create a dm
object with a foreign key relation to work with later on:
What if we tried to add another foreign key relation from flights
to airports
to the object? Column dest
might work, since it also contains airport codes:
flights_dm_with_fk %>% dm_add_fk(flights, dest, airports, check = TRUE)
#> Error: Column `dest` of table `flights` contains values (see above) that are not present in column `faa` of table `airports`.
As you can see, behind the scenes, checks are executed automatically (unless check = FALSE
) by the functions of dm
to prevent steps that would result in inconsistent representations.
Use dm_has_fk()
for checking if a foreign key exists that is pointing from one table to another:
flights_dm_with_fk %>% dm_has_fk(flights, planes)
#> [1] FALSE
flights_dm_with_fk %>% dm_has_fk(flights, airports)
#> [1] TRUE
If you want to access the name of the column which acts as a foreign key of one table to another table’s column, use dm_get_fk()
flights_dm_with_fk %>% dm_get_fk(flights, planes)
#> <list_of<character>[0]>
flights_dm_with_fk %>% dm_get_fk(flights, airports)
#> <list_of<character>[1]>
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "origin"
Remove foreign key relations with dm_rm_fk()
(parameter column = NULL
means that all relations will be removed):
flights_dm_with_fk %>%
dm_rm_fk(table = flights, column = dest, ref_table = airports) %>%
dm_get_fk(flights, airports)
#> Error: (`dest`) is not a foreign key of table `flights` into table `airports`.
flights_dm_with_fk %>%
dm_rm_fk(flights, origin, airports) %>%
dm_get_fk(flights, airports)
#> <list_of<character>[0]>
flights_dm_with_fk %>%
dm_rm_fk(flights, NULL, airports) %>%
dm_get_fk(flights, airports)
#> <list_of<character>[0]>
Since the primary keys are defined in the dm
object, you do not need to provide the referenced column name of ref_table
. This is always the primary key column of the table.
Another function for getting to know your data better (cf. dm_enum_pk_candidates()
in “Primary keys of dm
objects”) is dm_enum_fk_candidates()
. Use it to get an overview over foreign key candidates that point from one table to another:
#> # A tibble: 15 x 3
#> columns candidate why
#> <keys> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 origin TRUE ""
#> 2 wind_gust FALSE "5337 entries (20.4%) of `weather$wind_gust` not i…
#> 3 pressure FALSE "23386 entries (89.6%) of `weather$pressure` not i…
#> 4 wind_dir FALSE "25655 entries (98.2%) of `weather$wind_dir` not i…
#> 5 wind_speed FALSE "26111 entries (100%) of `weather$wind_speed` not …
#> 6 dewp FALSE "26114 entries (100%) of `weather$dewp` not in `ai…
#> 7 humid FALSE "26114 entries (100%) of `weather$humid` not in `a…
#> 8 temp FALSE "26114 entries (100%) of `weather$temp` not in `ai…
#> 9 day FALSE "26115 entries (100%) of `weather$day` not in `air…
#> 10 hour FALSE "26115 entries (100%) of `weather$hour` not in `ai…
#> 11 month FALSE "26115 entries (100%) of `weather$month` not in `a…
#> 12 precip FALSE "26115 entries (100%) of `weather$precip` not in `…
#> 13 time_hour FALSE "26115 entries (100%) of `weather$time_hour` not i…
#> 14 visib FALSE "26115 entries (100%) of `weather$visib` not in `a…
#> 15 year FALSE "26115 entries (100%) of `weather$year` not in `ai…
Get an overview of all foreign key relations withdm_get_all_fks()
#> # A tibble: 4 x 3
#> child_table child_fk_cols parent_table
#> <chr> <keys> <chr>
#> 1 flights carrier airlines
#> 2 flights dest airports
#> 3 flights origin airports
#> 4 flights tailnum planes