This package is described in detail in the paper Software for Distributed Computation on Medical Databases: A Demonstration Project.
Install this package the usual way in R or via:
{r, eval = FALSE} library(devtools) install_github("bnaras/distcomp")
Then, you will find a document that describes several examples installed under the R library tree. For example:
{r, eval = FALSE} list.files(system.file("doc", package = "distcomp")) list.files(system.file("doc_src", package = "distcomp"))
The examples described in the reference below are available as follows:
{r, eval = FALSE} list.files(system.file("ex", package = "distcomp"))
Use of this package requires some configuration. In particular, to run the examples on a local machine where a single opencpu
server will be emulating several sites, a suitable R profile needs to be set up. That profile will be something along the lines of
{r, eval=FALSE} library(distcomp) distcompSetup(workspace = "full_path_to_workspace_directory", ssl_verifyhost = 0L, ssl_verifypeer = 0L)
where the workspace is a directory that the opencpu
server can serialize objects to. On Unix or Mac, the above can be inserted into an .Rprofile
file, but on Windows, we find that the
file needs to contain the above lines.
The effect of this is that every R process (including the opencpu
process) has access to the distcomp
library and the workspace.
Refer to the vignette in the package for some tips on developing new distributed computations.
Balasubramanian Narasimhan and Daniel Rubin and Samuel Gross and Marina Bendersky and Philip Lavori. Software for Distributed Computation on Medical Databases: A Demonstration Project. Journal of Statistical Software, Volume 77, Issue 13, (2017). DOI