Block-diagonal matrices can be extracted or removed using two small functions implemented here, in addition, non-square matrices are supported.
Block diagonal matrices occur when we combine two dimensions of a data set along one edge of a matrix. For example, trade-flow data in the decompr and gvc package have each country-industry combination occur on each edge of the matrix.
The stable version of the diagonals
package can be install from CRAN using:
The development version, to be used at your peril, can be installed using:
Following installation, the package can be loaded using:
For general information on using the package, please refer to the help files .
For examples of usage, see the function specific help page.
In addition to the help files we provide long form examples in the vignettes .
An overview of the changes is available in the NEWS file.
There is also a blog post with information on my personal website.
Development takes place on the GitHub page.
Bugs can be filed on the issues page on GitHub.