

dfvad decomposes value added growth into explanatory factors. A cost constrained value added function is defined to specify the production frontier. Industry estimates can also be aggregated using a weighted average approach.


dfvad is available from https://github.com/shipei-zeng/dfvad. To install it, install_github from the devtools package can be helpful.



value_decom() for decomposing nominal value added growth identifies the contributions from efficiency change, growth of primary inputs, changes in output and input prices, technical progress and returns to scale.

# Use the built-in dataset "mining"
table1 <- value_decom(c("h2","x2"), c("w2","u2"), "y2", "p2", "year", mining)[[1]]
#>   period     value     alpha      beta     gamma efficiency   epsilon      tau
#> 1   1991 1.0869517 1.0287049 0.9944262 1.0000000  1.0000000 1.0000000 1.062544
#> 2   1992 0.9960608 0.9523963 0.9874494 1.0000000  1.0000000 1.0000000 1.059140
#> 3   1993 1.0477108 1.0373754 1.0180111 0.9997303  0.9923619 0.9923619 1.000000
#> 4   1994 0.9773035 0.9605188 1.0444275 0.9996838  0.9670585 0.9745018 1.000000
#> 5   1995 1.0545680 0.9842271 1.0168128 0.9999874  1.0000000 1.0340636 1.019052
#> 6   1996 1.1345729 1.0406754 1.0327427 1.0000000  1.0000000 1.0000000 1.055662
#>        TFPG
#> 1 1.0625440
#> 2 1.0591398
#> 3 0.9920943
#> 4 0.9741937
#> 5 1.0537516
#> 6 1.0556623
table2 <- value_decom(c("h2","x2"), c("w2","u2"), "y2", "p2", "year", mining)[[2]]
#>   period    value         A         B         C         E        T      TFP
#> 1   1990 1.000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.000000 1.000000
#> 2   1991 1.086952 1.0287049 0.9944262 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.062544 1.062544
#> 3   1992 1.082670 0.9797347 0.9819455 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.125383 1.125383
#> 4   1993 1.134325 1.0163527 0.9996314 0.9997303 0.9923619 1.125383 1.116486
#> 5   1994 1.108580 0.9762259 1.0440425 0.9994142 0.9670585 1.125383 1.087673
#> 6   1995 1.169073 0.9608280 1.0615958 0.9994016 1.0000000 1.146824 1.146138

t_weight() follows a “bottom up” approach that uses weighted averages of the sectoral decompositions to provide an approximate decomposition into explanatory components at the aggregate level.

# Use the built-in dataset "sector"
table1 <- t_weight("y", "p", "industry", "year", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "epsilon", "tau", sector)[[1]]
#>   period     value    alpha      beta     gamma   epsilon      tau      TFPG
#> 1   1991 0.9951654 1.004989 0.9878890 0.9996087 0.9868727 1.016024 1.0023647
#> 2   1992 1.0145281 1.015884 0.9869371 0.9987753 0.9962747 1.016905 1.0118834
#> 3   1993 1.0656435 1.034633 1.0128698 1.0002431 1.0011899 1.015434 1.0168858
#> 4   1994 1.0649234 1.007479 1.0291213 1.0001043 1.0029142 1.024013 1.0271072
#> 5   1995 1.0565961 1.020031 1.0378505 1.0010086 0.9871089 1.010072 0.9980697
#> 6   1996 1.0703334 1.019766 1.0212297 0.9998535 1.0097033 1.018044 1.0277682
table2 <- t_weight("y", "p", "industry", "year", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "epsilon", "tau", sector)[[2]]
#>   period     value        A         B         C         E        T      TFP
#> 1   1990 1.0000000 1.000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.000000 1.000000
#> 2   1991 0.9951654 1.004989 0.9878890 0.9996087 0.9868727 1.016024 1.002365
#> 3   1992 1.0096232 1.020952 0.9749843 0.9983845 0.9831963 1.033200 1.014276
#> 4   1993 1.0758984 1.056311 0.9875322 0.9986272 0.9843662 1.049147 1.031403
#> 5   1994 1.1457494 1.064211 1.0162904 0.9987313 0.9872349 1.074340 1.059361
#> 6   1995 1.2105943 1.085528 1.0547575 0.9997387 0.9745083 1.085161 1.057317


Here is an example to plot the explanatory factors of productivity (logarithmic indexes). Additional packages such as ggplot2 and reshape2 are required.

# Get the decomposition result
df <- value_decom(c("h2","x2"), c("w2","u2"), "y2", "p2", "year", mining)[[2]]
# Extract columns and rename
df_cmpt <- data.frame(df[,"period"], log(df[,c("T", "E", "C")]))
colnames(df_cmpt) <- c("year", "lnT", "lnE", "lnC")
df_tfp <- data.frame(df[,"period"], log(df[,"TFP"]))
colnames(df_tfp) <- c("year", "lnTFP")
# Set the colour scheme
palette_a <- c("goldenrod1", "seashell4", "red")
# Convert data into a tidy form
df_cmpt_tidy <- melt(df_cmpt, id.vars="year")
# Plot the components
plot_out <- ggplot(df_cmpt_tidy) + geom_bar(aes(x=year, y=value, fill=variable), stat="identity") +
        geom_line(data=df_tfp, aes(x=year,y=lnTFP,color='black'), lwd=0.5) +
        ylab('Log Index') + xlab('Year') + 
        scale_fill_manual("", values=palette_a) + 
        scale_colour_manual("", values=c('black'='black'), labels = c('lnTFP')) + 
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(min(df$period), max(df$period), by = 3)) + 