This vignette exemplifies the use of the devRate package to fit a development rate model to an empirical dataset (laboratory experiments at air constant temperatures) and to build a simple phenological model.
The preliminary step is to perform an experiment where the arthropod study model is reared at different constant air temperatures, and to monitor the time at which individuals change of life stage (e.g., from eggs to larva). The monitoring of life stages is commonly expressed in development rate, corresponding to the inverse of the development time needed to reach the next life stage. Development time is usually expressed in days. For example, assuming that an individual needs 10 days to develop from eggs to larva at 15 degrees Celsius, its development rate would be 1/10 = 0.1. In this vignette we illustrate the different functions using a dataset from the literature.
The dataset for T. solanivora was retrieved from Crespo-Perez et al. 20111, using Web Plot Digitizer2. The dataset is also included in the package in the exTropicalMoth object. This object is composed of the laboratory data and results of the modeling (see below). In this vignette we present how to organize your own dataset from scratch.
In this example various individuals of T. solanivora were reared at different temperatures and the development rates were monitored for three life stages (eggs, larvae, pupae):
The dataset resulting from the rearing experiments looks like the following table (for one life stage) and represents the only input needed by the package devRate.
Temperature | Development Rate |
10.0 | 0.031 |
10.0 | 0.039 |
13.0 | 0.072 |
… | … |
If the dataset is stored into a file, it can be read directly from that file (e.g., using read.table()). In this example, we copy-pasted the experimental results to create vectors and data frames that are the required input types for the package.
### Experimental temperatures and development rate for the eggs
expeTempEggs <- c(10.0, 10.0, 13.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.5, 16.0, 16.0, 17.0, 20.0, 20.0,
25.0, 25.0, 30.0, 30.0, 35.0)
expeDevEggs <- c(0.031, 0.039, 0.072, 0.047, 0.059, 0.066, 0.083, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.143,
0.171, 0.2, 0.2, 0.18, 0.001)
dfDevEggs <- data.frame(expeTempEggs, expeDevEggs)
### Experimental temperatures and development rate for the larva
expeTempLarva <- c(10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 13.0, 15.0, 15.5, 15.5, 15.5, 17.0, 20.0, 25.0,
25.0, 30.0, 35.0)
expeDevLarva <- c(0.01, 0.014, 0.019, 0.034, 0.024, 0.029, 0.034, 0.039, 0.067, 0.05,
0.076, 0.056, 0.0003, 0.0002)
dfDevLarva <- data.frame(expeTempLarva, expeDevLarva)
### Experimental temperatures and development rate for the pupa
expeTempPupa <- c(10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 13.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.5, 15.5, 16.0, 16.0, 17.0,
20.0, 20.0, 25.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0)
expeDevPupa <- c(0.001, 0.008, 0.012, 0.044, 0.017, 0.044, 0.039, 0.037, 0.034, 0.051, 0.051, 0.08, 0.092, 0.102, 0.073, 0.005, 0.0002)
dfDevPupa <- data.frame(expeTempPupa, expeDevPupa)
### Same dataset included in the package in the form of matrices
## List of 3
## $ eggs : num [1:16, 1:2] 10 10 13 15 15 15.5 16 16 17 20 ...
## $ larva: num [1:14, 1:2] 10 10 10 13 15 15.5 15.5 15.5 17 20 ...
## $ pupa : num [1:17, 1:2] 10 10 10 13 15 15 15.5 15.5 16 16 ...
Before attempting to fit any model to the empirical data, the devRate function “devRateFind” search the database for previous articles fitting models to the organism, either by Order, Family, or species. The most used models are presented at the top of the data.frame.
## equation occu paramNumb
## 1 campbell_74 414 2
## 2 lactin2_95 32 4
## 3 logan6_76 27 4
## 4 briere1_99 23 3
## 5 taylor_81 22 3
## 6 briere2_99 18 4
## 7 davidson_44 15 3
## 8 harcourtYee_82 13 4
## 9 logan10_76 12 5
## 10 hilbertLogan_83 10 5
## 11 wang_82 9 6
## 12 sharpeDeMichele_77 8 6
## 13 lactin1_95 8 3
## 14 analytis_77 7 5
## 15 poly4 5 5
## 16 stinner_74 4 4
## 17 poly2 4 3
## 18 lamb_92 4 4
## 19 kontodimas_04 4 3
## 20 damos_08 4 3
## 21 schoolfieldHigh_81 3 4
## 22 schoolfield_81 1 6
## 23 rootsq_82 1 2
## 24 wangengel_98 1 3
## 25 regniere_12 1 6
Here we can see that at the time of this vignette, campbell_74 model was used 108 times to characterize the relationship between development rate and temperature for the Lepidoptera Order, and the taylor_81 model 22 times.
## equation occu paramNumb
## 1 campbell_74 33 2
## 2 lactin2_95 7 4
## 3 logan6_76 4 4
## 4 lactin1_95 4 3
## 5 briere1_99 4 3
## 6 damos_08 4 3
## 7 analytis_77 3 5
## 8 taylor_81 2 3
## 9 logan10_76 1 5
## 10 harcourtYee_82 1 4
## 11 poly4 1 5
## 12 rootsq_82 1 2
If we focus on the Family (Gelechiidae), campbell_74 has been used 12 times, lactin2_95 7 times, logan6_76 4 times, lactin1_95 4 times, briere1_99 4 times, damos_08 4 times, analytis_77 3 times, taylor_81 2 times, and so on (this may change as the database is growing).
## equation occu paramNumb
## 1 campbell_74 1 2
Unfortunately, the species Tecia solanivora is not in the package database at this time, so that we have to find a closely related species. A rapid search in the literature indicates that T. solanivora is often associated with two tuber moths: Symmetrischema tangolias and Phthorimaea operculella, both being of the Gelechiidae family. The devRateFind function can be used to browse the database for these two Gelechiidae species.
## equation occu paramNumb
## 1 taylor_81 2 3
## 2 rootsq_82 1 2
## equation occu paramNumb
## 1 campbell_74 10 2
## 2 logan6_76 3 4
## 3 analytis_77 3 5
## 4 lactin1_95 3 3
## 5 lactin2_95 3 4
## 6 briere1_99 3 3
The taylor_81 model was used for S. tangolias and among others, the lactin1_95 model was used for P. operculella.
The “devRateInfo” function provides additional information on these models and on parameter estimations.
## ----------------------------------------
## Gauss
## ----------------------------------------
## Taylor, F. (1981) Ecology and evolution of physiological time in insects.
## American Naturalist, 1-23. \nLamb, RJ. (1992) Developmental rate of
## Acyrthosiphon pisum (Homoptera: Aphididae) at low temperatures: implications
## for estimating rate parameters for insects. Environmental Entomology 21(1):
## 10-19.
## rT ~ Rm * exp(-1/2 * ((T - Tm)/To)^2)
## <environment: namespace:devRate>
## Parameter estimates from the literature (eq$startVal):
## ordersp familysp genussp species
## 1 Hemiptera Lygaeidae Geocoris articolor
## 2 Hemiptera Lygaeidae Geocoris pallens
## 3 Hemiptera Lygaeidae Geocoris punctipes
## 4 Hemiptera Miridae Lygus desetinus
## 5 Hemiptera Miridae Lygus hesperus
## 6 Hemiptera Aphididae Acyrthosiphon pisum
## 7 Hemiptera Aphididae Acyrthosiphon pisum
## 8 Hemiptera Aphididae Brevicoryne brassicae
## 9 Hemiptera Aphididae Brevicoryne brassicae
## 10 Hemiptera Aphididae Hyadaphis pseudobrassicae
## 11 Hemiptera Aphididae Macrosiphum euphorbiae
## 12 Hemiptera Aphididae Myzus persicae
## 13 Hemiptera Aphididae Myzus persicae
## 14 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Circulifer tenelus
## 15 Hemiptera Cicadellidae Empoasca fabae
## 16 Coleoptera Bruchidae Callosobruchus rhodesianus
## 17 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Crioceris asparagi
## 18 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Oulema melanopus
## 19 Coleoptera Cucujidae Cryptolestes ferrugineus
## 20 Coleoptera Curculionidae Anthonomus grandis
## 21 Coleoptera Curculionidae Hypera brunneipennis
## 22 Coleoptera Curculionidae Hypera postica
## 23 Coleoptera Dermestidae Dermestes frischii
## 24 Coleoptera Dermestidae Dermestes frischii
## 25 Coleoptera Dermestidae Dermestes frischii
## 26 Coleoptera Dermestidae Dermestes frischii
## 27 Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Tribolium castaneum
## 28 Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Tribolium confusum
## 29 Lepidoptera Arctiidae Hyphantria cunea
## 30 Lepidoptera Noctuidae Agrostis segetum
## 31 Lepidoptera Noctuidae Amanthes c-nigrum
## 32 Lepidoptera Noctuidae Mamestra configurata
## 33 Lepidoptera Noctuidae Pseudaletia unipunctata
## 34 Lepidoptera Noctuidae Simyra henrici
## 35 Lepidoptera Noctuidae Spodoptera frugiperda
## 36 Lepidoptera Noctuidae Triphaena pronuba
## 37 Lepidoptera Pyralidae Anagasta kuehniella
## 38 Lepidoptera Pyralidae Ostrinia nubilalis
## 39 Lepidoptera Tortricidae Epiphyas postvittana
## 40 Diptera Chloropidae Hippelates bishoppi
## 41 Diptera Chloropidae Hippelates pallipes
## 42 Diptera Chloropidae Hippelates pusio
## 43 Diptera Culicidae Aedes flavescens
## 44 Diptera Culicidae Aedes vexans
## 45 Diptera Culicidae Anopheles quadrimaculatus
## 46 Diptera Culicidae Toxorhynchites brevipalpis
## 47 Diptera Drosophilidae Drosophila melanogaster
## 48 Diptera Drosophilidae Drosophila melanogaster
## 49 Diptera Muscidae Haematobia stimulans
## 50 Diptera Muscidae Lyperosia irritans
## 51 Diptera Muscidae Musca domestica
## 52 Diptera Muscidae Stomoxys calcitans
## 53 Hymenoptera Braconidae Apanteles operculella
## 54 Hymenoptera Braconidae Apanteles scutellaris
## 55 Hymenoptera Braconidae Apanteles subandinus
## 56 Hymenoptera Braconidae Aphelinus semiflavus
## 57 Hymenoptera Braconidae Aphidius rapae
## 58 Hymenoptera Braconidae Bracon mellitor
## 59 Hymenoptera Braconidae Bracon mellitor
## 60 Hymenoptera Braconidae Praon palitans
## 61 Hymenoptera Braconidae Trioxys utilus
## 62 Hemiptera Aphididae Acyrthosiphon pisum
## 63 Hemiptera Aphididae Acyrthosiphon pisum
## 64 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Symmetrischema tangolias
## 65 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Symmetrischema tangolias
## 66 Coleoptera Coccinellidae Nephus includens
## 67 Coleoptera Coccinellidae Nephus bisignatus
## 68 Lepidoptera Tortricidae Cydia pomonella
## 69 Lepidoptera Tortricidae Cydia pomonella
## 70 Lepidoptera Tortricidae Cydia pomonella
## 71 Lepidoptera Tortricidae Cydia pomonella
## 72 Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Plutella xylostella
## 73 Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Plutella xylostella
## 74 Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Plutella xylostella
## 75 Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Plutella xylostella
## 76 Lepidoptera Tortricidae Choristoneura occidentalis
## 77 Coleoptera Curculionidae Dendroctonus ponderosae
## 78 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Entomoscelis americana
## genSp stage param.Rm param.Tm param.To
## 1 Geocoris articolor all 0.05500 37.2000 8.8000
## 2 Geocoris pallens all 0.06300 37.0000 8.6000
## 3 Geocoris punctipes all 0.04400 33.8000 7.7000
## 4 Lygus desetinus all 0.05600 32.1000 9.8000
## 5 Lygus hesperus all 0.06200 36.2000 12.8000
## 6 Acyrthosiphon pisum all 0.16500 26.2000 9.0000
## 7 Acyrthosiphon pisum all 0.15100 27.5000 11.0000
## 8 Brevicoryne brassicae all 0.09700 26.4000 10.5000
## 9 Brevicoryne brassicae all 0.10000 26.6000 8.4000
## 10 Hyadaphis pseudobrassicae all 0.14400 26.0000 9.1000
## 11 Macrosiphum euphorbiae all 0.14000 30.6000 14.6000
## 12 Myzus persicae all 0.12900 24.7000 9.3000
## 13 Myzus persicae all 0.15500 26.3000 10.4000
## 14 Circulifer tenelus all 0.05200 35.2000 9.2000
## 15 Empoasca fabae all 0.07100 30.7000 8.9000
## 16 Callosobruchus rhodesianus all 0.03900 31.2000 8.0000
## 17 Crioceris asparagi all 0.07100 37.6000 13.3000
## 18 Oulema melanopus all 0.05100 33.7000 11.5000
## 19 Cryptolestes ferrugineus all 0.04700 36.5000 9.4000
## 20 Anthonomus grandis all 0.07500 36.7000 9.4000
## 21 Hypera brunneipennis all 0.05800 36.8000 12.3000
## 22 Hypera postica all 0.07400 37.8000 11.9000
## 23 Dermestes frischii 45% RH 0.01900 31.6000 6.2000
## 24 Dermestes frischii 60% RH 0.02500 33.2000 7.1000
## 25 Dermestes frischii 75% RH 0.03200 34.0000 7.7000
## 26 Dermestes frischii 90% RH 0.03900 34.3000 8.4000
## 27 Tribolium castaneum all 0.04900 34.6000 7.1000
## 28 Tribolium confusum all 0.03800 32.8000 7.2000
## 29 Hyphantria cunea all 0.03100 32.9000 9.5000
## 30 Agrostis segetum all 0.02600 33.9000 12.1000
## 31 Amanthes c-nigrum all 0.02600 28.3000 9.8000
## 32 Mamestra configurata all 0.02700 32.2000 12.2000
## 33 Pseudaletia unipunctata all 0.03700 32.5000 10.8000
## 34 Simyra henrici all 0.02900 37.7000 13.6000
## 35 Spodoptera frugiperda all 0.05600 37.4000 11.3000
## 36 Triphaena pronuba all 0.01800 28.8000 10.2000
## 37 Anagasta kuehniella all 0.02600 29.8000 9.0000
## 38 Ostrinia nubilalis all 0.04300 32.5000 9.7000
## 39 Epiphyas postvittana all 0.03200 27.2000 9.0000
## 40 Hippelates bishoppi all 0.07500 35.0000 9.8000
## 41 Hippelates pallipes all 0.08400 32.1000 7.3000
## 42 Hippelates pusio all 0.07900 32.5000 7.5000
## 43 Aedes flavescens all 0.05100 22.2000 6.5000
## 44 Aedes vexans all 0.14200 26.3000 7.7000
## 45 Anopheles quadrimaculatus all 0.11400 32.8000 9.7000
## 46 Toxorhynchites brevipalpis all 0.06200 28.4000 6.1000
## 47 Drosophila melanogaster all 0.13100 30.2000 8.6000
## 48 Drosophila melanogaster all 0.12200 29.2000 8.4000
## 49 Haematobia stimulans all 0.08100 29.5000 8.8000
## 50 Lyperosia irritans all 0.12100 34.1000 10.1000
## 51 Musca domestica all 0.12500 33.6000 9.7000
## 52 Stomoxys calcitans all 0.08600 32.2000 9.6000
## 53 Apanteles operculella all 0.07400 38.1000 11.4000
## 54 Apanteles scutellaris all 0.10000 35.2000 10.1000
## 55 Apanteles subandinus all 0.08900 36.1000 11.5000
## 56 Aphelinus semiflavus all 0.10000 31.8000 9.8000
## 57 Aphidius rapae all 0.09800 27.0000 9.2000
## 58 Bracon mellitor female 0.11300 42.5000 15.3000
## 59 Bracon mellitor male 0.10800 36.4000 11.9000
## 60 Praon palitans all 0.08200 27.6000 7.7000
## 61 Trioxys utilus all 0.10500 28.7000 8.8000
## 62 Acyrthosiphon pisum all 0.19900 26.1000 9.9000
## 63 Acyrthosiphon pisum all 0.19000 26.3000 10.3000
## 64 Symmetrischema tangolias larva 0.04760 28.5800 10.5000
## 65 Symmetrischema tangolias pupa 0.09900 31.8000 11.1000
## 66 Nephus includens all 0.04410 34.9999 11.0220
## 67 Nephus bisignatus all 0.03380 32.4999 10.7097
## 68 Cydia pomonella egg 0.24680 30.9122 9.0574
## 69 Cydia pomonella larva 0.06370 29.6918 8.7660
## 70 Cydia pomonella pupa 0.08360 30.6414 8.8934
## 71 Cydia pomonella all 0.03160 29.9478 8.5990
## 72 Plutella xylostella eggs 0.03900 29.5200 9.3800
## 73 Plutella xylostella larva 0.14100 26.6800 6.4500
## 74 Plutella xylostella pupa 0.28100 31.2800 1.7300
## 75 Plutella xylostella all 0.07800 26.7600 6.1400
## 76 Choristoneura occidentalis eggs 0.19000 29.7000 9.5000
## 77 Dendroctonus ponderosae eggs 0.19400 24.5000 7.6000
## 78 Entomoscelis americana eggs 0.05063 30.5200 8.9620
## ref
## 1 Taylor 1981
## 2 Taylor 1981
## 3 Taylor 1981
## 4 Taylor 1981
## 5 Taylor 1981
## 6 Taylor 1981
## 7 Taylor 1981
## 8 Taylor 1981
## 9 Taylor 1981
## 10 Taylor 1981
## 11 Taylor 1981
## 12 Taylor 1981
## 13 Taylor 1981
## 14 Taylor 1981
## 15 Taylor 1981
## 16 Taylor 1981
## 17 Taylor 1981
## 18 Taylor 1981
## 19 Taylor 1981
## 20 Taylor 1981
## 21 Taylor 1981
## 22 Taylor 1981
## 23 Taylor 1981
## 24 Taylor 1981
## 25 Taylor 1981
## 26 Taylor 1981
## 27 Taylor 1981
## 28 Taylor 1981
## 29 Taylor 1981
## 30 Taylor 1981
## 31 Taylor 1981
## 32 Taylor 1981
## 33 Taylor 1981
## 34 Taylor 1981
## 35 Taylor 1981
## 36 Taylor 1981
## 37 Taylor 1981
## 38 Taylor 1981
## 39 Taylor 1981
## 40 Taylor 1981
## 41 Taylor 1981
## 42 Taylor 1981
## 43 Taylor 1981
## 44 Taylor 1981
## 45 Taylor 1981
## 46 Taylor 1981
## 47 Taylor 1981
## 48 Taylor 1981
## 49 Taylor 1981
## 50 Taylor 1981
## 51 Taylor 1981
## 52 Taylor 1981
## 53 Taylor 1981
## 54 Taylor 1981
## 55 Taylor 1981
## 56 Taylor 1981
## 57 Taylor 1981
## 58 Taylor 1981
## 59 Taylor 1981
## 60 Taylor 1981
## 61 Taylor 1981
## 62 Lamb 1992
## 63 Lamb 1992
## 64 Sporleder et al. 2016
## 65 Sporleder et al. 2016
## 66 Kontodimas et al. 2004
## 67 Kontodimas et al. 2004
## 68 Aghdam et al. 2009
## 69 Aghdam et al. 2009
## 70 Aghdam et al. 2009
## 71 Aghdam et al. 2009
## 72 Marchioro and Foerster 2011
## 73 Marchioro and Foerster 2011
## 74 Marchioro and Foerster 2011
## 75 Marchioro and Foerster 2011
## 76 Regniere et al. 2012
## 77 Regniere et al. 2012
## 78 Lamb et al. 1984
## Comments:
## [...] The curve must be truncated to the right of Tm because of lethal effects
## of short exposures to high temperatures. The rate at which development rate
## falls away from Tm is measured by To. Taylor 1981
## ----------------------------------------
## Lactin-1
## ----------------------------------------
## Lactin, Derek J, NJ Holliday, DL Johnson, y R Craigen (1995) Improved rate
## model of temperature-dependent development by arthropods. Environmental
## Entomology 24(1): 68-75.
## rT ~ exp(aa * T) - exp(aa * Tmax - (Tmax - T)/deltaT)
## <environment: namespace:devRate>
## Parameter estimates from the literature (eq$startVal):
## ordersp familysp genussp species
## 1 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Leptinotarsa decemlineata
## 2 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Leptinotarsa decemlineata
## 3 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Leptinotarsa decemlineata
## 4 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Leptinotarsa decemlineata
## 5 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Leptinotarsa decemlineata
## 6 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Entomoscelis americana
## 7 Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Entomoscelis americana
## 8 Orthoptera Acrididae Melanoplus sanguinipes
## 9 Homoptera Aphididae Acyrthosiphon pisum
## 10 Diptera Simuliidae Simulium arcticum
## 11 Diptera Muscidae Musca domestica
## 12 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Phthorimaea operculella
## 13 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Phthorimaea operculella
## 14 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Phthorimaea operculella
## 15 Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Diadegma anurum
## 16 Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Diadegma anurum
## 17 Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Plutella xylostella
## 18 Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Plutella xylostella
## 19 Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Plutella xylostella
## 20 Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae Plutella xylostella
## 21 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Tuta absoluta
## genSp stage param.aa param.Tmax param.deltaT
## 1 Leptinotarsa decemlineata eggs 0.155430 38.04873 6.421234
## 2 Leptinotarsa decemlineata L1 0.154034 38.95336 6.467896
## 3 Leptinotarsa decemlineata L2 0.154035 37.52610 6.460183
## 4 Leptinotarsa decemlineata L3 0.169451 36.39726 5.883764
## 5 Leptinotarsa decemlineata L4 0.166364 35.91467 5.997446
## 6 Entomoscelis americana eggs 0.147574 39.23976 6.704902
## 7 Entomoscelis americana larva 0.159722 36.35009 6.257617
## 8 Melanoplus sanguinipes all 0.121649 49.73228 8.217372
## 9 Acyrthosiphon pisum all 0.163142 31.41951 6.110100
## 10 Simulium arcticum eggs 0.216847 23.40644 4.603325
## 11 Musca domestica eggs + larva 0.146438 42.88196 6.821329
## 12 Phthorimaea operculella eggs 0.177000 36.58600 5.631000
## 13 Phthorimaea operculella larva 0.169000 37.91400 5.912000
## 14 Phthorimaea operculella pupa 0.193000 36.29100 5.180000
## 15 Diadegma anurum all 0.165000 35.00100 6.048000
## 16 Diadegma anurum all 0.166000 35.00700 5.984000
## 17 Plutella xylostella eggs 0.140000 38.02000 6.950000
## 18 Plutella xylostella larva 0.170000 35.15000 5.880000
## 19 Plutella xylostella pupa 0.160000 36.49000 6.220000
## 20 Plutella xylostella all 0.170000 35.10000 5.700000
## 21 Tuta absoluta all NA NA NA
## ref
## 1 Lactin et al. 1995
## 2 Lactin et al. 1995
## 3 Lactin et al. 1995
## 4 Lactin et al. 1995
## 5 Lactin et al. 1995
## 6 Lactin et al. 1995
## 7 Lactin et al. 1995
## 8 Lactin et al. 1995
## 9 Lactin et al. 1995
## 10 Lactin et al. 1995
## 11 Lactin et al. 1995
## 12 Golizadeh et al. 2012
## 13 Golizadeh et al. 2012
## 14 Golizadeh et al. 2012
## 15 Golizadeh et al. 2008
## 16 Golizadeh et al. 2008
## 17 Marchioro and Foerster 2011
## 18 Marchioro and Foerster 2011
## 19 Marchioro and Foerster 2011
## 20 Marchioro and Foerster 2011
## 21 Ozgokce et al. 2016
## Comments:
## None
Here we can see for example that S. tangolias study by Sporleder et al. 2016 has used the taylor_81 model, and that P. operculella study by Golizadeh et al. 2012 has used the lactin1_95 model.
To return only the information on the closely related species, a specific query can be performed on the model.
## ordersp familysp genussp species
## 64 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Symmetrischema tangolias
## 65 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Symmetrischema tangolias
## genSp stage param.Rm param.Tm param.To
## 64 Symmetrischema tangolias larva 0.0476 28.58 10.5
## 65 Symmetrischema tangolias pupa 0.0990 31.80 11.1
## ref
## 64 Sporleder et al. 2016
## 65 Sporleder et al. 2016
## ordersp familysp genussp species genSp
## 12 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Phthorimaea operculella Phthorimaea operculella
## 13 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Phthorimaea operculella Phthorimaea operculella
## 14 Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Phthorimaea operculella Phthorimaea operculella
## stage param.aa param.Tmax param.deltaT ref
## 12 eggs 0.177 36.586 5.631 Golizadeh et al. 2012
## 13 larva 0.169 37.914 5.912 Golizadeh et al. 2012
## 14 pupa 0.193 36.291 5.180 Golizadeh et al. 2012
Information from the database can be plotted using the “devRatePlotInfo” function if we want to have a first look on the taylor_81 or lactin1_95 models.
If there is no a priori model selection (e.g., guided by a specific research question), the taylor_81 and/or lactin1_95 models can be used as candidate models.
Now that we have candidate models and starting parameter estimates from closely related species, we can start the fitting process with our empirical data (NLS fit). The empirical data can be fitted to any model in the database with the “devRateModel” function, which returns an object of class “nls”.
### using the vectors from section "Organizing the dataset"
### for the taylor_81 model
mEggs01 <- devRateModel(eq = taylor_81,
temp = expeTempEggs,
devRate = expeDevEggs,
startValues = list(Rm = 0.05, Tm = 30, To = 5))
mLarva01 <- devRateModel(eq = taylor_81,
temp = expeTempLarva,
devRate = expeDevLarva,
startValues = list(Rm = 0.05, Tm = 25, To = 10))
mPupa01 <- devRateModel(eq = taylor_81,
temp = expeTempPupa,
devRate = expeDevPupa,
startValues = list(Rm = 0.1, Tm = 30, To = 10))
### for the lactin1_95 model
mEggs01b <- devRateModel(eq = lactin1_95,
temp = expeTempEggs,
devRate = expeDevEggs,
startValues = list(aa = 0.177, Tmax = 36.586, deltaT = 5.631))
# mLarva01b <- devRateModel(eq = lactin1_95,
# temp = expeTempLarva,
# devRate = expeDevLarva,
# startValues = list(aa = 0.169, Tmax = 37.914, deltaT = 5.912))
### The algorithm has not found a solution after 50 iterations
### One possibility is to increase the maximum number of iterations
### using the "control" argument (see ?nls() for more details).
mLarva01b <- devRateModel(eq = lactin1_95,
temp = expeTempLarva,
devRate = expeDevLarva,
startValues = list(aa = 0.169, Tmax = 37.914, deltaT = 5.912),
control = list(maxiter = 500))
mPupa01b <- devRateModel(eq = lactin1_95,
temp = expeTempPupa,
devRate = expeDevPupa,
startValues = list(aa = 0.193, Tmax = 36.291, deltaT = 5.18),
control = list(maxiter = 500))
### using the data frames from section "Organizing the dataset"
mEggs02 <- devRateModel(eq = taylor_81,
df = dfDevEggs,
startValues = list(Rm = 0.05, Tm = 30, To = 5))
mLarva02 <- devRateModel(eq = taylor_81,
df = dfDevLarva,
startValues = list(Rm = 0.05, Tm = 25, To = 10))
mPupa02 <- devRateModel(eq = taylor_81,
df = dfDevPupa,
startValues = list(Rm = 0.1, Tm = 30, To = 10))
### using the dataset included in the package (only for taylor_81 model)
mEggs <- devRateModel(eq = taylor_81,
temp = exTropicalMoth$raw$eggs[,1],
devRate = exTropicalMoth$raw$eggs[,2],
startValues = list(Rm = 0.05, Tm = 30, To = 5))
mLarva <- devRateModel(eq = taylor_81,
temp = exTropicalMoth$raw$larva[,1],
devRate = exTropicalMoth$raw$larva[,2],
startValues = list(Rm = 0.05, Tm = 25, To = 10))
mPupa <- devRateModel(eq = taylor_81,
temp = exTropicalMoth$raw$pupa[,1],
devRate = exTropicalMoth$raw$pupa[,2],
startValues = list(Rm = 0.1, Tm = 30, To = 10))
The summary of the “devRateModel” can be obtained with the “devRatePrint” function.
resultNLS <- devRatePrint(myNLS = mLarva,
temp = exTropicalMoth$raw$larva[,1],
devRate = exTropicalMoth$raw$larva[,2])
## ##################################################
## ### Parameter estimates and overall model fit
## ##################################################
## Formula: rT ~ Rm * exp(-1/2 * ((T - Tm)/To)^2)
## Parameters:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## Rm 0.068383 0.009473 7.219 1.71e-05 ***
## Tm 21.408732 0.729062 29.365 8.41e-12 ***
## To 5.544986 0.865264 6.408 5.02e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.0133 on 11 degrees of freedom
## Number of iterations to convergence: 13
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 6.653e-06
## ##################################################
## ### Confidence intervals for parameters
## ##################################################
## 2.5 % 97.5 %
## Rm 0.04981547 0.08694955
## Tm 19.97979621 22.83766817
## To 3.84909961 7.24087239
## ##################################################
## ### Residuals distribution and independence
## ##################################################
## ### Normality of the residual distribution
## Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data: stats::residuals(myNLS)
## W = 0.97915, p-value = 0.9696
## ### Regression of the residuals against a lagged version of themselves
## ### and testing if the slope of the resulting relationship is significantly
## ### different from 0:
## Call:
## stats::lm(formula = stats::residuals(myNLS)[-N] ~ stats::residuals(myNLS)[-1])
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -0.021388 -0.011116 0.002149 0.009943 0.020078
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.0005691 0.0036255 0.157 0.878
## stats::residuals(myNLS)[-1] -0.1654787 0.2965227 -0.558 0.588
## Residual standard error: 0.01307 on 11 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.02753, Adjusted R-squared: -0.06087
## F-statistic: 0.3114 on 1 and 11 DF, p-value: 0.588
## ##################################################
## ### Comparing models
## ##################################################
## ### Using AIC and BIC
## Akaike Information Criterion (AIC): -76.6001352945075
## Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC): -74.0439059760465
resultNLSb <- devRatePrint(myNLS = mLarva01b,
temp = exTropicalMoth$raw$larva[,1],
devRate = exTropicalMoth$raw$larva[,2])
## ##################################################
## ### Parameter estimates and overall model fit
## ##################################################
## Formula: rT ~ exp(aa * T) - exp(aa * Tmax - (Tmax - T)/deltaT)
## Parameters:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## aa 0.10600 0.02346 4.519 0.000874 ***
## Tmax 34.36276 1.09320 31.433 4.01e-12 ***
## deltaT 9.40117 2.05898 4.566 0.000809 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.01864 on 11 degrees of freedom
## Number of iterations to convergence: 103
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 8.166e-06
## ##################################################
## ### Confidence intervals for parameters
## ##################################################
## 2.5 % 97.5 %
## aa 0.0600211 0.1519774
## Tmax 32.2201227 36.5053899
## deltaT 5.3656469 13.4366907
## ##################################################
## ### Residuals distribution and independence
## ##################################################
## ### Normality of the residual distribution
## Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data: stats::residuals(myNLS)
## W = 0.95297, p-value = 0.6077
## ### Regression of the residuals against a lagged version of themselves
## ### and testing if the slope of the resulting relationship is significantly
## ### different from 0:
## Call:
## stats::lm(formula = stats::residuals(myNLS)[-N] ~ stats::residuals(myNLS)[-1])
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -0.037702 -0.008981 -0.000671 0.005363 0.029264
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -0.001559 0.005071 -0.307 0.764
## stats::residuals(myNLS)[-1] 0.073340 0.306144 0.240 0.815
## Residual standard error: 0.01828 on 11 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.00519, Adjusted R-squared: -0.08525
## F-statistic: 0.05739 on 1 and 11 DF, p-value: 0.8151
## ##################################################
## ### Comparing models
## ##################################################
## ### Using AIC and BIC
## Akaike Information Criterion (AIC): -67.1607406799357
## Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC): -64.6045113614747
Empirical data can be plotted against the model using the “devRatePlot” function.
par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(4, 4, 0, 0))
devRatePlot(eq = taylor_81,
nlsDR = mEggs,
temp = exTropicalMoth$raw$eggs[,1],
devRate = exTropicalMoth$raw$eggs[,2],
pch = 16, ylim = c(0, 0.2))
devRatePlot(eq = lactin1_95,
nlsDR = mEggs01b,
temp = exTropicalMoth$raw$eggs[,1],
devRate = exTropicalMoth$raw$eggs[,2],
pch = 16, ylim = c(0, 0.2))
devRatePlot(eq = taylor_81,
nlsDR = mLarva,
temp = exTropicalMoth$raw$larva[,1],
devRate = exTropicalMoth$raw$larva[,2],
pch = 16, ylim = c(0, 0.1))
devRatePlot(eq = lactin1_95,
nlsDR = mLarva01b,
temp = exTropicalMoth$raw$larva[,1],
devRate = exTropicalMoth$raw$larva[,2],
pch = 16, ylim = c(0, 0.1))
devRatePlot(eq = taylor_81,
nlsDR = mPupa,
temp = exTropicalMoth$raw$pupa[,1],
devRate = exTropicalMoth$raw$pupa[,2],
pch = 16, ylim = c(0, 0.15))
devRatePlot(eq = lactin1_95,
nlsDR = mPupa01b,
temp = exTropicalMoth$raw$pupa[,1],
devRate = exTropicalMoth$raw$pupa[,2],
pch = 16, ylim = c(0, 0.15))
Models can be compared using the AIC or any function compatible with an “nls” object, such as BIC or logLik (see the R manual for the use and interpretation of these functions, outside of the scope of this vignette).
## [1] -76.60014 -67.16074
## [1] -74.04391 -64.60451
## [1] 42.30007 37.58037
From the “nls” object obtained above, we can build a simple phenology model using temperature time series (e.g., to forecast the organism outbreaks). In this example the temperature dataset is built from a Normal distribution of mean 15 and a standard deviation of 1, with a time step of one day. The development models used are those previously fitted with the Taylor model for the three stages. We assumed that the average time for female adults to lay eggs was of 1 day. We simulated 50 individuals, with a stochasticity in development rate centered on the development rate, with a standard deviation of 0.015 (Normal distribution).
forecastTsolanivora <- devRateIBM(
tempTS = rnorm(n = 100, mean = 15, sd = 1),
timeStepTS = 1,
models = list(mEggs, mLarva, mPupa),
numInd = 50,
stocha = 0.015,
timeLayEggs = 1)
## [[1]]
## g1s1 g1s2 g1s3 g2s1
## [1,] 15 39 67 82
## [2,] 17 43 74 91
## [3,] 18 50 82 NA
## [4,] 17 42 74 92
## [5,] 18 47 75 93
## [6,] 18 47 76 96
## [7,] 17 43 74 92
## [8,] 18 43 75 92
## [9,] 17 45 79 97
## [10,] 18 43 73 92
## [11,] 18 47 76 95
## [12,] 17 46 76 94
## [13,] 16 42 74 92
## [14,] 19 46 74 93
## [15,] 17 41 71 88
## [16,] 17 42 68 84
## [17,] 18 50 81 100
## [18,] 17 41 73 90
## [19,] 16 42 75 92
## [20,] 17 50 79 98
## [21,] 17 45 73 89
## [22,] 15 43 76 95
## [23,] 17 45 78 96
## [24,] 17 44 81 99
## [25,] 16 43 73 93
## [26,] 18 46 76 97
## [27,] 17 42 72 90
## [28,] 16 41 74 92
## [29,] 17 50 81 99
## [30,] 18 45 75 92
## [31,] 17 42 70 86
## [32,] 15 41 72 88
## [33,] 17 48 76 95
## [34,] 16 48 77 97
## [35,] 17 46 78 96
## [36,] 17 49 78 96
## [37,] 17 48 76 94
## [38,] 19 47 77 95
## [39,] 17 44 75 95
## [40,] 18 48 78 97
## [41,] 18 41 75 92
## [42,] 17 40 74 92
## [43,] 16 45 76 96
## [44,] 17 42 73 92
## [45,] 17 45 74 91
## [46,] 17 44 74 93
## [47,] 17 44 75 93
## [48,] 16 42 75 94
## [49,] 17 42 73 91
## [50,] 15 43 75 92
## [[2]]
## [[2]][[1]]
## Nonlinear regression model
## model: rT ~ Rm * exp(-1/2 * ((T - Tm)/To)^2)
## data: data.frame(rT = devRate, T = temp)
## Rm Tm To
## 0.1934 25.3418 -6.8939
## residual sum-of-squares: 0.01303
## Number of iterations to convergence: 13
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 8.263e-06
## [[2]][[2]]
## Nonlinear regression model
## model: rT ~ Rm * exp(-1/2 * ((T - Tm)/To)^2)
## data: data.frame(rT = devRate, T = temp)
## Rm Tm To
## 0.06838 21.40873 5.54499
## residual sum-of-squares: 0.001947
## Number of iterations to convergence: 13
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 6.653e-06
## [[2]][[3]]
## Nonlinear regression model
## model: rT ~ Rm * exp(-1/2 * ((T - Tm)/To)^2)
## data: data.frame(rT = devRate, T = temp)
## Rm Tm To
## 0.0978 22.0114 4.7515
## residual sum-of-squares: 0.002394
## Number of iterations to convergence: 14
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 3.911e-06
## [[3]]
## [1] 13.98127 14.29927 16.55039 14.18317 13.73826 16.78047 15.96954
## [8] 14.37693 15.28019 12.96837 13.34624 13.45129 14.41654 14.92241
## [15] 15.93932 14.58335 16.98399 14.57448 15.22100 13.61321 16.17997
## [22] 16.25458 15.59021 15.82926 15.17924 15.72899 17.44244 15.57770
## [29] 17.01760 15.89592 13.40891 12.99561 14.43783 15.03369 15.04851
## [36] 14.70517 14.83472 15.37465 15.67814 14.01579 13.74177 16.03917
## [43] 15.85768 12.95360 14.29431 13.36093 14.98585 15.15399 13.07003
## [50] 14.68840 14.97433 14.61033 14.23009 14.50589 15.07186 15.21153
## [57] 15.15797 14.37237 15.08929 15.86535 14.64152 16.34755 15.31196
## [64] 15.16453 16.46089 14.74541 16.18127 13.09950 13.59831 14.28928
## [71] 14.39279 16.06049 15.73471 15.71003 14.95358 16.88319 15.03753
## [78] 15.51774 15.45395 13.40714 14.35647 16.27842 14.92879 14.73860
## [85] 12.34241 13.89167 15.65501 15.28813 14.43084 12.32082 14.25019
## [92] 13.99015 14.86803 14.97206 14.93937 14.42373 15.11671 14.83962
## [99] 17.08480 14.11510
Results can be plotted using the “devRateIBMPlot” function. From this simple model we can observe that if eggs of the first generation are laid at time t = 0, adults should be seen at t = [65:85], if the temperature time series correspond to the temperatures experienced by the organism and in the absence of other limiting factors.
## Threshold for visualization = 10% of individuals
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Rohatgi, A. (2015) WebPlotDigitalizer: HTML5 Based Online Tool to Extract Numerical Data from Plot Images.↩