The devRate package allows quantifying the relationship between development rate and temperature in ectotherm organisms.
You can use the package: - to get development rate curves as a function of temperature for a specific organism (hundred of examples from the literature are included in the package); - to know which equations exists and which are most used in the literature; and - to relate development rate with temperature from your empirical data, using the equations from the package database.
The devRate package provides three categories of functions: - to find development rate information about a specific organism (Order, Family, Genus, species) - to relate development rate and temperature; and - to plot your empirical datasets and the associated fitted model, and/or to plot development curves from the literature.
UMR EGCE, Univ. ParisSud, CNRS, IRD, Univ. ParisSaclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
To cite this package please use citation(“devRate”) and/or Rebaudo F, Struelens Q, Dangles O. Modelling temperature-dependent development rate and phenology in arthropods: The devRate package for r. Methods Ecol Evol. 2017;00:1-7.