dbparser 1.1.2
Major Changes
- Enhance many memory and performance issues for many parsers.
- Change the drug classigication represenations to extract more useful infromation. ### Minor Changes
- Change some drug tibbles features names ### DEFUNCT
- Size columns in
main table is no longer exist, will do full statistical analysis later using dvminer package.
dbparser 1.1.1
- Fix column size issue while importing into SQL Server (#91)
- Fix dbparser and upcoming CRAN release of dplyr issues (#92)
- Fix CRAN Notes (#93)
- Fix package documentation and site references
dbparser 1.1.0
Major Changes
- Functions have been splitted into 6 categories DrugBank Database Loading, Carriers, Targets, Transporters, Drug and common parsers. All function names are changed to reflect the function family. The related documentation is also updated (#66, #75).
now can cite the package by calling citation("dbparser")
- Adding more user friendly error messages (#76, #81).
- User can now pass
database connection to parser functions as an argument beside SQLite and MariaDB (#87).
, open_mdb
and close_db
functions are no longer supported. Creating and maintaining database is completely user responsibility and the database connection can be passed to parser functions (#87).
- New tutorials for how to use
have been created (#78, #79).
- Contribution guide has been added.
- Code of conduct has been added (#70).
- Enhance function reference documentation to include section for each type (#68).
dbparser 1.0.4
- Fix save drugs tibbles as csv several issues.
- Update sql database tibbles saver functions.
- Update sql database saver functions documentations.
- Support MariaDB and introduce related functionalities.
dbparser 1.0.3
- Fix CRAN errors and notes
dbparser 1.0.2
- Fix zip file location issue
- Replace Secondary and third keys columns from drug framework with other_keys column that contains any other keys that might exist in addition to the primary key
- Add average-mass, monoisotopic-mass and calculated-properties parsers.
- Support saving parsed drugs related parsed database as csv
dbparser 1.0.1
- Fix CRAN Note
- Improve documentation
- Refactor unused functions
- Remove Count features from drug data set
- Fix several typos in documentation and code
- Fix consistency issue of CLASS of tibbles Returned by dbparser
- Check if drugbank database exist before parsing
- Add support for international_brands and salts elements
- Properly rename some features to have clear names
- Reduce datasets size by getting unique rows only
- Support reading zip file containing DrugBank xml database
dbparser 1.0.0
- Initial release that contains core functionalities