Version 0.8.5
- Minor update
- Warning with gcc link time optimization (on Fedora) is resolved.
Version 0.8.4
- Cross-platform compilation is improved.
- The core processing library, libsailr has become able to report runtime errors with correspoding script location, and DataSailr supports it.
- Fixes
- Variables that appear only on RHS of script crashed the program, which is fixed and the program stops safely.
- String objects and regular expression objects were not freed in some cases. Memory leaks are fixed.
- NA in StringVector is treated as NULL, which results in passing an empty string to libsailr.
Version 0.8.3
- Memory leaks fixed at various points that are pointed out after CRAN submission. (Apr.5-13 2020)
- Check whether parsing succeded or not. Function stops if the Sailr script has a wrong syntax. (Apr.14 2020)
Version 0.8.2
- CRAN release candidate (Mar. 12 2020)
- Biarch: true in DESCRIPTION.
- In windows environment, if you have configure.win file, cross-compilation is not executed. This Biarch option solves it.
- (ref) https://community.rstudio.com/t/configure-win-and-cran-submission/24684/4?fbclid=IwAR3RIMNzABwyBicz6hSPG6m1hmurtEzLGPjgMTFsjXJVkHEqBdW6wYFPd-Q
- Package C++ main file (data_sailr_cpp_main.cpp) is updated for minor warnings.
- Rcpp vectors’ size() function returns singed int. Chage my code to be compatible with it.
- Pass R defined makefile variables to Onigmo and libsailr makefiles
- Minor updates (Mar. 15 2020)
- Typos are corrected in README.md
- Also, the following files are updated to resolve CRAN submission problems.
- library() functions are removed.
- These are used especially in test functions.
- Title and description in DESCRIPTION are updated.
- Minor updates (Mar. 18 2020)
- DESCRIPTION file is updated
- printf() functions are enclosed within IF_DEBUG() macro in src/data_sailr_cpp_main.cpp
- Including stdout/stderr related functions is not allowed in CRAN package.
- bin directory is renamed to exec
- Minor updates (Mar. 22 2020)
- DESCRIPTION file is updated. (Encoding and SystemRequirements)
- Example script is added to package document.
- Factor class vector in dataframe is supported. They are now dealt as CharactorVector. (Apr. 1 2020)
- In this implementation, factor levels is supposed to be CharacterVector.
Version 0.8.1
Version 0.8
- First commit
- Thanksgiving Day Release (11/28/2019)
- Christmas Update (12/25/2019) to release to the public
- Updating to submit to CRAN (01/11/2020)
- The variables updated by this package have character types, not factors.
- New argument, rowname, is added to sail() function.
- libsailr is updated.
- Change following the libsailr API update. (01/19/2020)
- cleanup script is updated (2/4/2020)
- Resolve warnings for submitting CRAN (2/5/2020)
- Resolve windows compilation failures. (avoid autotools dependency during installation) (2/8/2020)
- configure.ac updates to cope with autotools nonexistent system. (2/9/2020)
- Makevars.win is updated. To build onigmo, win32/Makefile.mingw is now used.
- This leads to successfully build on rhub windows environment. (3/8/2020)
Version 0.0 (Birth)
- Package skeleton was created. (11/15/2018)
- The original name was RCppCalc, which was intended only for arithmetic calculation.