Since version 0.3, cranly includes functions for extracting information from cranly_network
objects (see ?extractor-functions
). All extractor functions in cranly
try to figure out what y
is in the statements
is [the] extractor-function
a package
Let’s download, clean and organize today’s CRAN database, and build the package and author directives networks
package_network %>% package_by("Kurt Hornik", exact = TRUE)
#> [1] "ISOcodes" "MASS" "NLP"
#> [4] "NLPutils" "OAIHarvester" "PolynomF"
#> [7] "RKEA" "RKEAjars" "ROI"
#> [10] "ROI.plugin.msbinlp" "RWeka" "RWekajars"
#> [13] "Rcplex" "Rglpk" "Rpoppler"
#> [16] "Rsymphony" "TSP" "Unicode"
#> [19] "W3CMarkupValidator" "arules" "aucm"
#> [22] "bibtex" "bindata" "cclust"
#> [25] "chron" "clue" "cluster"
#> [28] "coin" "colorspace" "cordillera"
#> [31] "ctv" "date" "dendextend"
#> [34] "digest" "e1071" "exactRankTests"
#> [37] "fortunes" "gap" "isotone"
#> [40] "kernlab" "mda" "mistr"
#> [43] "mobForest" "movMF" "mvord"
#> [46] "openNLP" "openNLPdata" "oz"
#> [49] "pandocfilters" "party" "polyclip"
#> [52] "polynom" "princurve" "qrmdata"
#> [55] "qrmtools" "relations" "seriation"
#> [58] "sets" "signal" "skmeans"
#> [61] "slam" "stablelearner" "strucchange"
#> [64] "tau" "textcat" "tm"
#> [67] "tm.plugin.mail" "topicmodels" "tseries"
#> [70] "vcd" "wordnet" "xgobi"
author_network %>% package_with("glm")
#> [1] "glmnet" "biglm" "biglmm"
#> [4] "glm2" "glmertree" "glmx"
#> [7] "cglm" "glmmTMB" "StroupGLMM"
#> [10] "glmlep" "fastglm" "bestglm"
#> [13] "glmBfp" "GLMaSPU" "glmtlp"
#> [16] "glmbb" "glmm" "AutoStepwiseGLM"
#> [19] "glmnetUtils" "glmdm" "GLMpack"
#> [22] "poisson.glm.mix" "glmmfields" "HBglm"
#> [25] "brglm" "brglm2" "plsRglm"
#> [28] "glmdisc" "GLMMadaptive" "glm.predict"
#> [31] "mbrglm" "circglmbayes" "CPMCGLM"
#> [34] "icdGLM" "misclassGLM" "hglm"
#> [37] "" "CompGLM" "glmgraph"
#> [40] "glmpath" "GLMMRR" "glmc"
#> [43] "randomGLM" "designGLMM" "dglm"
#> [46] "GLMsData" "DGLMExtPois" "dhglm"
#> [49] "mdhglm" "parglm" "EBglmnet"
#> [52] "pglm" "glmmML" "emax.glm"
#> [55] "ezglm" "glmvsd" "lsplsGlm"
#> [58] "speedglm" "glmmEP" "geoRglm"
#> [61] "glm.deploy" "glmaag" "glmtree"
#> [64] "glmmboot" "glmmLasso" "glmmsr"
#> [67] "glmnetcr" "glmpathcr" "glmpca"
#> [70] "GlmSimulatoR" "glmulti" "HDGLM"
#> [73] "HiCglmi" "simglm" "MGLM"
#> [76] "mglmn" "MCMCglmm" "mcemGLM"
#> [79] "mcglm" "robmixglm" "mvglmmRank"
#> [82] "r2glmm" "oglmx" "QGglmm"
#> [85] "RPEGLMEN"
packagepackage_network %>% suggested_by("sf", exact = TRUE)
#> [1] "blob" "covr" "dplyr" "ggplot2"
#> [5] "knitr" "lwgeom" "maps" "maptools"
#> [9] "mapview" "microbenchmark" "odbc" "pillar"
#> [13] "pool" "raster" "rgdal" "rgeos"
#> [17] "rlang" "rmarkdown" "RPostgres" "RPostgreSQL"
#> [21] "RSQLite" "sp" "spatstat" "stars"
#> [25] "testthat" "tibble" "tidyr" "tmap"
#> [29] "vctrs"
package_network %>% imported_by("sf", exact = TRUE)
#> [1] "classInt" "DBI" "graphics" "grDevices" "grid"
#> [6] "magrittr" "Rcpp" "stats" "tools" "units"
#> [11] "utils"
package_network %>% enhanced_by("sf", exact = TRUE)
#> character(0)
packagepackage_network %>% suggesting("sf", exact = TRUE)
#> [1] "adklakedata" "arcos" "BIOMASS"
#> [4] "biscale" "c14bazAAR" "cancensus"
#> [7] "ckanr" "DeclareDesign" "echor"
#> [10] "EcoIndR" "eddi" "eRTG3D"
#> [13] "fasterize" "geohashTools" "geojson"
#> [16] "geometa" "ggformula" "ggiraph"
#> [19] "ggplot2" "googlePolylines" "GSODR"
#> [22] "gstat" "gtfsrouter" "ipumsr"
#> [25] "isoband" "janitor" "leaflet"
#> [28] "leafpop" "leri" "lutz"
#> [31] "mapdeck" "mlr" "MODIStsp"
#> [34] "mudata2" "NetLogoR" "nlaR"
#> [37] "nlgeocoder" "osmdata" "pinochet"
#> [40] "plotly" "raster" "rcartocolor"
#> [43] "rgrass7" "rmangal" "rnoaa"
#> [46] "sdcSpatial" "sociome" "SpaDES.core"
#> [49] "" "spatialreg" "spatialwidget"
#> [52] "spbabel" "spData" "stormwindmodel"
#> [55] "streamDepletr" "swmmr" "tabularaster"
#> [58] "tricolore" "USAboundaries" "weathercan"
package_network %>% importing("sf", exact = TRUE)
#> [1] "amt" "areal" "bdl"
#> [4] "bnspatial" "brazilmaps" "btb"
#> [7] "capm" "cartogram" "cartography"
#> [10] "cdcfluview" "censusxy" "compstatr"
#> [13] "concaveman" "crawl" "crimedata"
#> [16] "cyclestreets" "diffman" "dssd"
#> [19] "ebirdst" "eixport" "elevatr"
#> [22] "EmissV" "eSDM" "eurostat"
#> [25] "exactextractr" "FedData" "fingertipscharts"
#> [28] "foieGras" "gdalUtilities" "geobr"
#> [31] "geogrid" "geojsonio" "geonetwork"
#> [34] "geoviz" "ggsn" "ggspatial"
#> [37] "grainchanger" "graph4lg" "GWSDAT"
#> [40] "hydrolinks" "jpmesh" "jpndistrict"
#> [43] "kokudosuuchi" "LAGOSNE" "landsepi"
#> [46] "lconnect" "leafem" "leafpm"
#> [49] "lidR" "linemap" "link2GI"
#> [52] "lwgeom" "macleish" "mapedit"
#> [55] "mapi" "mapsapi" "mapview"
#> [58] "MODIS" "MODISTools" "moveVis"
#> [61] "ncdfgeom" "nhdplusTools" "nhdR"
#> [64] "NipponMap" "NLMR" "nlrx"
#> [67] "oceanis" "openSTARS" "Orcs"
#> [70] "osrm" "ows4R" "parlitools"
#> [73] "pct" "plotdap" "PWFSLSmoke"
#> [76] "qualmap" "quickmapr" "raceland"
#> [79] "RCzechia" "readwritesqlite" "reproducible"
#> [82] "rerddapXtracto" "rgeopat2" "rmapshaper"
#> [85] "rmapzen" "rnaturalearth" "rpostgisLT"
#> [88] "RPyGeo" "RQGIS" "Rsagacmd"
#> [91] "rSymbiota" "sabre" "sfdct"
#> [94] "slga" "SMITIDstruct" "smoothr"
#> [97] "spatialEco" "SpatialPosition" "spatialrisk"
#> [100] "stats19" "stlcsb" "stplanr"
#> [103] "sugarbag" "tanaka" "tidycensus"
#> [106] "tidyRSS" "tidytransit" "tidyUSDA"
#> [109] "tigris" "tmap" "tmaptools"
#> [112] "trackeRapp" "transformr" "trigpoints"
#> [115] "uavRmp" "vein" "velociraptr"
#> [118] "velox" "webTRISr" "windfarmGA"
package_network %>% enhancing("sf", exact = TRUE)
#> [1] "landscapemetrics" "pointdexter"
package_network %>% email_with("")
#> [1] "" ""
#> [3] "" ""
#> [5] "" ""
#> [7] "" ""
#> [9] "" ""
#> [11] "" ""
#> [13] ""
packagepackage_network %>% title_of("semnar", exact = TRUE)
#> [1] "Constructing and Interacting with Databases of Presentations"
package_network %>% description_of("semnar", exact = TRUE)
#> [1] "Provides methods for constructing and maintaining a database of presentations in R. The presentations are either ones that the user gives or gave or presentations at a particular event or event series. The package also provides a plot method for the interactive mapping of the presentations using 'leaflet' by grouping them according to country, city, year and other presentation attributes. The markers on the map come with popups providing presentation details (title, institution, event, links to materials and events, and so on)."
package_network %>% version_of("semnar", exact = TRUE)
#> [1] "0.7.1"
Since version 0.5 cranly provides methods to construct word clouds of either author names, package descriptions or package titles. For example, the word cloud of the descriptions of the packages maintained by me, Achim Zeileis, and Edzer Pebesma are
or the word cloud of the titles of those packages are
word_cloud(package_network, maintainer = "Ioannis Kosmidis", perspective = "title", exact = TRUE,
scale = c(2, 0.1), min.freq = 1)
word_cloud(package_network, maintainer = "Achim Zeileis", perspective = "title", exact = TRUE,
scale = c(2, 0.1), min.freq = 1)
word_cloud(package_network, maintainer = "Edzer Pebesma", perspective = "title", exact = TRUE,
scale = c(2, 0.1), min.freq = 1)
More complex queries can be achieved by using the extractor functions and computing the term frequencies manually. For example, the word cloud of all packages maintained by people with “” in their email is
warwick_emails <- package_network %>% email_with("", flat = FALSE)
warwick_pkgs <- warwick_emails$package
descriptions <- package_network %>% description_of(warwick_pkgs, exact = FALSE)
term_frequency <- compute_term_frequency(descriptions)
word_cloud(term_frequency, min.freq = 1)