The goal of crandep is to provide functions for analysing the dependencies of CRAN packages using social network analysis.
You can install crandep from github with:
To obtain the information about various kinds of dependencies of a package, we can use the function get_dep_all()
which takes the package name and the type of dependencies as the first and second arguments, respectively. Currently, the second argument accepts Depends
, Imports
, LinkingTo
, Suggests
, Reverse_depends
, Reverse_imports
, Reverse_linking_to
, and Reverse_suggests
, or any variations in their letter cases.
get_dep_all("dplyr", "Imports")
#> [1] "ellipsis" "assertthat" "glue" "magrittr" "methods"
#> [6] "pkgconfig" "R6" "Rcpp" "rlang" "tibble"
#> [11] "tidyselect" "utils"
get_dep_all("MASS", "depends")
#> [1] "grDevices" "graphics" "stats" "utils"
get_dep_all("MASS", "dePends")
#> [1] "grDevices" "graphics" "stats" "utils"
and Depends
are the most common types of dependencies in R
packages, but there are other types such as Suggests
. For more information on different types of dependencies, see the official guidelines and
As the information all dependencies of one package are on the same page on CRAN, to avoid scraping the same multiple times, we can use get_dep_df()
instead of get_dep_all()
. The output will be a data frame instead of a character vector.
get_dep_df("dplyr", c("imports", "LinkingTo"))
#> from to type reverse
#> 1 dplyr ellipsis imports FALSE
#> 2 dplyr assertthat imports FALSE
#> 3 dplyr glue imports FALSE
#> 4 dplyr magrittr imports FALSE
#> 5 dplyr methods imports FALSE
#> 6 dplyr pkgconfig imports FALSE
#> 7 dplyr R6 imports FALSE
#> 8 dplyr Rcpp imports FALSE
#> 9 dplyr rlang imports FALSE
#> 10 dplyr tibble imports FALSE
#> 11 dplyr tidyselect imports FALSE
#> 12 dplyr utils imports FALSE
#> 13 dplyr BH linking_to FALSE
#> 14 dplyr plogr linking_to FALSE
#> 15 dplyr Rcpp linking_to FALSE
The column type
is the type of the dependency converted to lower case. Also, LinkingTo
is now converted to linking_to
for consistency. For the four reverse dependencies, the substring "reverse_"
will not be shown in type
; instead the reverse
column will be TRUE
. This can be illustrated by the following:
get_dep_all("abc", "depends")
#> [1] "" "nnet" "quantreg" "MASS" "locfit"
get_dep_all("abc", "reverse_depends")
#> [1] "abctools" "EasyABC"
get_dep_df("abc", c("depends", "reverse_depends"))
#> from to type reverse
#> 1 abc depends FALSE
#> 2 abc nnet depends FALSE
#> 3 abc quantreg depends FALSE
#> 4 abc MASS depends FALSE
#> 5 abc locfit depends FALSE
#> 6 abc abctools depends TRUE
#> 7 abc EasyABC depends TRUE
Theoretically, for each forward dependency
#> from to type reverse
#> 1 A B c FALSE
there should be an equivalent reverse dependency
#> from to type reverse
#> 1 B A c TRUE
Aligning the type
in the forward dependency and the reverse dependency enables this to be checked easily.
To build a dependency network, we have to obtain the dependencies for multiple packages. For illustration, we choose the core packages of the tidyverse, and find out what each package Imports
. We put all the dependencies into one data frame, in which the package in the from
column imports the package in the to
column. This is essentially the edge list of the dependency network.
df0.imports <- rbind(
get_dep_df("ggplot2", "Imports"),
get_dep_df("dplyr", "Imports"),
get_dep_df("tidyr", "Imports"),
get_dep_df("readr", "Imports"),
get_dep_df("purrr", "Imports"),
get_dep_df("tibble", "Imports"),
get_dep_df("stringr", "Imports"),
get_dep_df("forcats", "Imports")
#> from to type reverse
#> 1 ggplot2 digest imports FALSE
#> 2 ggplot2 glue imports FALSE
#> 3 ggplot2 grDevices imports FALSE
#> 4 ggplot2 grid imports FALSE
#> 5 ggplot2 gtable imports FALSE
#> 6 ggplot2 isoband imports FALSE
#> from to type reverse
#> 61 stringr magrittr imports FALSE
#> 62 stringr stringi imports FALSE
#> 63 forcats ellipsis imports FALSE
#> 64 forcats magrittr imports FALSE
#> 65 forcats rlang imports FALSE
#> 66 forcats tibble imports FALSE