Converting from Rcpp

In many cases there is no need to convert a package from Rcpp. If the code is already written and you don’t have a very compelling need to use cpp11 I would recommend you continue to use Rcpp. However if you do feel like your project will benefit from using cpp11 this vignette will provide some guidance and doing the conversion.

It is also a place to highlight some of the largest differences between Rcpp and cpp11.

Class comparison table

Rcpp cpp11 (read-only) cpp11 (writable) cpp11 header
NumericVector doubles writable::doubles <cpp11/doubles.hpp>
IntegerVector integers writable::integers <cpp11/integers.hpp>
CharacterVector strings writable::strings <cpp11/strings.hpp>
RawVector raws writable::raws <cpp11/raws.hpp>
List list writable::list <cpp11/list.hpp>
RObject sexp <cpp11/sexp.hpp>
XPtr external_pointer <cpp11/external_pointer.hpp>
Environment environment <cpp11/environment.hpp>
Function function <cpp11/function.hpp>
Environment (namespace) package <cpp11/function.hpp>
wrap as_sexp <cpp11/as.hpp>
as as_cpp <cpp11/as.hpp>
stop stop <cpp11/protect.hpp>

Incomplete list of Rcpp features not included in cpp11

Read-only vs writable vectors

The largest difference between cpp11 and Rcpp classes is that Rcpp classes modify their data in place, whereas cpp11 classes require copying the data to a writable class for modification.

The default classes, e.g. cpp11::doubles are read-only classes that do not permit modification. If you want to modify the data you need to use the classes in the cpp11::writable namespace, e.g. cpp11::writable::doubles.

In addition use the writable variants if you need to create a new R vector entirely in C++.

Calling R functions from C++

Calling R functions from C++ is similar to using Rcpp.

Rcpp::Function as_tibble("as_tibble", Rcpp::Environment::namespace_env("tibble"));
as_tibble(x, Rcpp::Named(".rows", num_rows), Rcpp::Named(".name_repair", name_repair));
using namespace cpp11::literals; // so we can use ""_nm syntax

auto as_tibble = cpp11::package("tibble")["as_tibble"];
as_tibble(x, ".rows"_nm = num_rows, ".name_repair"_nm = name_repair);

Appending behavior

One major difference in Rcpp and cpp11 is how vectors are grown. Rcpp vectors have a push_back() method, but unlike std::vector() no additional space is reserved when pushing. This makes calling push_back() repeatably very expensive, as the entire vector has to be copied each call.

In contrast cpp11 vectors grow efficiently, reserving extra space. Because of this you can do ~10,000,000 vector appends with cpp11 in approximately the same amount of time that Rcpp does 10,000, as this benchmark demonstrates.

grid <- expand.grid(len = 10 ^ (0:7), pkg = "cpp11", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
grid <- rbind(
  expand.grid(len = 10 ^ (0:4), pkg = "rcpp", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
b_grow <- bench::press(.grid = grid,
    fun ="%sgrow_", ifelse(pkg == "cpp11", "", paste0(pkg, "_"))))
)[c("len", "pkg", "min", "mem_alloc", "n_itr", "n_gc")]
saveRDS(b_grow, "growth.Rds", version = 2)

len pkg min mem_alloc n_itr n_gc
1e+00 cpp11 3.25µs 0B 9999 1
1e+01 cpp11 5.76µs 0B 9999 1
1e+02 cpp11 8.45µs 1.89KB 9999 1
1e+03 cpp11 13.62µs 16.03KB 9999 1
1e+04 cpp11 63.47µs 256.22KB 2797 2
1e+05 cpp11 432.75µs 2MB 451 4
1e+06 cpp11 3.45ms 16MB 56 3
1e+07 cpp11 111.09ms 256MB 1 5
1e+00 rcpp 2.36µs 0B 10000 0
1e+01 rcpp 2.87µs 0B 9999 1
1e+02 rcpp 14.84µs 42.33KB 9997 3
1e+03 rcpp 529.55µs 3.86MB 345 3
1e+04 rcpp 71.19ms 381.96MB 1 3

Random Number behavior

Rcpp unconditionally includes calls to GetRNGstate() and PutRNGstate() before each wrapped function. This ensures that if any C++ code calls the R API functions unif_rand(), norm_rand(), exp_rand() or R_unif_index() the random seed state is set accordingly. cpp11 does not do this, so you must include the calls to GetRNGstate() and PutRNGstate() yourself if you use any of those functions in your C++ code. See R-exts 6.3 - Random number generation for details on these functions.

Mechanics of converting a package from Rcpp

  1. Add cpp11 to LinkingTo
  2. Add C++11 to SystemRequirements
  3. Convert all instances of // [[Rcpp::export]] to [[cpp11::register]]
  4. Clean and recompile the package, e.g. pkgbuild::clean_dll() pkgload::load_all()
  5. Run tests devtools::test()
  6. Start converting function by function
    • Remember you can usually inter-convert between cpp11 and Rcpp classes by going through SEXP if needed.
    • Converting the code a bit at a time (and regularly running your tests) is the best way to do the conversion correctly and make progress
    • Doing a separate commit after converting each file (or possibly each function) can make finding any regressions with git bisect much easier in the future.

Common issues when converting

Include order

Due to cpp11 redefining the Rboolean enum any cpp11 header needs to come before any Rcpp or Rinternals.h include. Errors like

error: redefinition of enumerator ‘FALSE’

Indicate this is a problem and can be resolved by ensuring the cpp11 headers are included first.

STL includes

Rcpp.h includes a number of STL headers automatically, notably <string> and <vector>, however the cpp11 headers generally do not. If you have errors like

error: no type named ‘string’ in namespace ‘std’

You will need to include the appropriate STL header, in this case <string>.

R API includes

cpp11 defines a compatible but different version of the Rboolean enum. This means that you must ensure that at least one cpp11 header is included before any R headers. One easy way to ensure this is to replace #include <Rinternals.h> with #include <cpp11/R.hpp>.