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The cort package provides S4 classes and methods to fit several copula models:


cort is Now on CRAN! You can install the stable version with:


The upstream development version can also be installed with :


The vignettes are quite expressive. They give a clear overview of what can be done with this package, how it is coded and why it is useful. Please read them for more details.


Cuberos A, Masiello E, Maume-Deschamps V (2019). “Copulas Checker-Type Approximations: Application to Quantiles Estimation of Sums of Dependent Random Variables.” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1–19. ISSN 0361-0926, 1532-415X.

Laverny O, Maume-Deschamps V, Masiello E, Rullière D (2020). “Dependence Structure Estimation Using Copula Recursive Trees.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.02912