To calculate correlations with data inside databases, it is very common to import the data into R and then run the analysis. This is not a desirable path, because of the overhead created by copying the data into memory.
Taking advantage of the latest features offered by dbplyr
and rlang
, it is now possible to run the correlation calculation inside the database, thus avoiding importing the data.
A simple SQLite database will be used to this example. A temporary database is created, and the mtcars
data set is copied to it. The db_mtcars
variable is only a pointer to the new table inside the database, it does not hold any data.
Even though it is not a formal data.frame
object, db_mtcars
can be use as if it was a data.frame
and simply pipe it into the correlate()
The correlate()
function will check the type of object passed, if it is a database-backed table, meaning a tbl_sql()
object class, then it will use the new tidyeval
code to calculate the correlations inside the database. The function will automatically retrieve only the results of the operation.
db_mtcars %>%
correlate(quiet = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 11 x 12
#> rowname mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 mpg NA -0.852 -0.848 -0.776 0.681 -0.868 0.419 0.664 0.600
#> 2 cyl -0.852 NA 0.902 0.832 -0.700 0.782 -0.591 -0.811 -0.523
#> 3 disp -0.848 0.902 NA 0.791 -0.710 0.888 -0.434 -0.710 -0.591
#> 4 hp -0.776 0.832 0.791 NA -0.449 0.659 -0.708 -0.723 -0.243
#> 5 drat 0.681 -0.700 -0.710 -0.449 NA -0.712 0.0912 0.440 0.713
#> 6 wt -0.868 0.782 0.888 0.659 -0.712 NA -0.175 -0.555 -0.692
#> 7 qsec 0.419 -0.591 -0.434 -0.708 0.0912 -0.175 NA 0.745 -0.230
#> 8 vs 0.664 -0.811 -0.710 -0.723 0.440 -0.555 0.745 NA 0.168
#> 9 am 0.600 -0.523 -0.591 -0.243 0.713 -0.692 -0.230 0.168 NA
#> 10 gear 0.480 -0.493 -0.556 -0.126 0.700 -0.583 -0.213 0.206 0.794
#> 11 carb -0.551 0.527 0.395 0.750 -0.0908 0.428 -0.656 -0.570 0.0575
#> # … with 2 more variables: gear <dbl>, carb <dbl>
The tidyeval
-based function ensures that a cor_df
object is returned, so then it can be used with other functions in the corrr
db_mtcars %>%
correlate(quiet = TRUE) %>%
#> Don't know how to automatically pick scale for object of type noquote. Defaulting to continuous.
For connections using sparklyr
, corrr
will use that package function called ml_corr()
to run all of the correlations at the same time. That is all done under the hood. The user just needs to pass a tbl_spark
object to the correlate()
function, and corrr
will automatically select the right function to run.
When using correlate()
with a database-backed table, please make sure to keep the following items in mind:
Only the pearson method is supported. It is the default method, so it is not necessary to pass it. But if a different method is chosen, then the operation will return an error.
Only pairwise complete observations are used. Meaning that the use
argument has to be set to pairwise.complete.obs
The y
argument is not supported. This means that if 1-to-1 comparisons are needed, then pre-select the two variables prior passing it to the correlate()
The diagonal
argument only accepts NA’s.