Covid19R Project Data Format

The refresh_coronavirus_jhu function enables to pull the coronavirus dataset using the Covid19R project data format standard. This data format includes the following fields:


covid19_df <- refresh_coronavirus_jhu()

#>         date    location location_type location_code location_code_type
#> 1 2020-07-26 Afghanistan       country            AF         iso_3166_2
#> 2 2020-05-17 Afghanistan       country            AF         iso_3166_2
#> 3 2020-07-26 Afghanistan       country            AF         iso_3166_2
#> 4 2020-04-28 Afghanistan       country            AF         iso_3166_2
#> 5 2020-04-24 Afghanistan       country            AF         iso_3166_2
#> 6 2020-04-25 Afghanistan       country            AF         iso_3166_2
#>       data_type value      lat     long
#> 1 recovered_new   387 33.93911 67.70995
#> 2     cases_new   262 33.93911 67.70995
#> 3    deaths_new    11 33.93911 67.70995
#> 4     cases_new   125 33.93911 67.70995
#> 5     cases_new    72 33.93911 67.70995
#> 6     cases_new   112 33.93911 67.70995