cometr - Comet API for R

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Comet is a cloud platform allowing you to track, compare, explain and optimize machine learning experiments and models. If you perform any machine learning in R, you can use the cometr R package to create and track Comet experiments. All experiment data is available for retrieval through cometr or can be viewed on the Comet dashboard.

You can read more about Comet to see its full capabilities on Comet’s website. The package curently supports Comet’s REST API v2.


To install the stable CRAN version:


To install the latest development version from GitHub:


One-time setup

To use cometr, you must first have a Comet account (you can sign up for a free account) and obtain your personal API key from the ‘Settings’ page on Comet’s website. The API key can either be passed into every cometr function call as an argument, or it can be defined as a configuration variable as described later in the ‘Configuration variables’ section.

How to use

cometr is most useful when used in an R script that is run using the Rscript tool. It can also be used in interactive environments (such as the R shell or RStudio). To use Comet in your R script, you need to first load cometr and create a Comet Experiment by calling create_experiment().

API_KEY <- "<your API key>"
exp <- create_experiment(experiment_name = "my-first-experiment",
                         project_name = "project1",
                         workspace_name = "daattali",
                         api_key = API_KEY)

You’ll see a message displayed with a URL where you can view this newly created Experiment online.

Experiment created:

By default, creating an experiment will log your system’s details to Comet’s servers, keep track of how long your experiment is running for, log any output that gets generated, and perform a few more house-keeping tasks automatically. You can run ?cometr::create_experiment to see all the supported features and turn them on or off.

Now that an Experiment object has been created, you can run your machine learning code as usual. The exp variable you created is an Experiment object (which is an R6 object–if you don’t know what that means then don’t worry about it!), and we can use it to set parameters of the experiment and to retrieve information from it. To see all the methods that are supported on Experiment objects, run ?cometr::Experiment.

Here is an example of how you can use the exp object to set or retrieve experiment information:

> exp$get_key()
[1] "46d53bbce4e14fb692585b6e73da6e0c"
> exp$log_metric("metric1", 5, step = 1)
> exp$log_metric("metric1", 10, step = 2)
> exp$log_graph('{"nodes":[["a"],["b"],["c"]],"edges":[["a,b"],["c,a"]]}')
> str(exp$get_metrics_summary())
List of 1
 $ values:List of 1
  ..$ :List of 10
  .. ..$ name            : chr "metric1"
  .. ..$ valueMax        : chr "10.0"
  .. ..$ valueMin        : chr "5.0"
  .. ..$ valueCurrent    : chr "10.0"
  .. ..$ timestampMax    : num 1.59e+12
  .. ..$ timestampMin    : num 1.59e+12
  .. ..$ timestampCurrent: num 1.59e+12
  .. ..$ stepMax         : int 2
  .. ..$ stepMin         : int 1
  .. ..$ stepCurrent     : int 2
> exp$get_graph()
[1] "{\"nodes\":[[\"a\"],[\"b\"],[\"c\"]],\"edges\":[[\"a,b\"],[\"c,a\"]]}"

A Comet Experiment will automatically end when the R script that created it finishes running. However, it’s recommeneded to explicitly stop the experiment with exp$stop().

While the Experiment object and its associated functions are the cornerstone of cometr, there are other functions that aren’t directly related to a specific experiment, such as get_workspaces(), get_projects(), get_experiments(), create_project(), delete_project().

> get_workspaces(api_key = API_KEY)
[1] "cometrtestws"

[1] "daattali"

Configuration variables

Since it can get tedious to repeat the api_key in different function calls, and it can also be a security concern to include the API key in your code, you can set the API key and a few other variables as cometr configuration variables.

The following table lists all the configuration variables that cometr uses. All of these variables are optional.

Variable Description
COMET_API_KEY Personal Comet API key to use in every function that accepts an api_key parameter. ***
COMET_WORKSPACE Default workspace to use in every function that accepts a workspace_name parameter. ***
COMET_PROJECT_NAME Default project to use in every function that accepts a project_name parameter. ***
COMET_LOGGING_FILE File to store detailed logs poduced by cometr. This is mostly useful for troubleshooting.
COMET_LOGGING_FILE_LEVEL If a logging file is provided, set the level of infomation to log. Must be one of “DEBUG”, “INFO”, “ERROR”.
COMET_URL_OVERRIDE Custom Comet API URL, if you have one.

*** If this value is not provided as a configuration variable, it must be provided as an argument to the relevant functions. If a value is provided as an argument directly to the function, that argument takes precedence and the configuration value is ignored.

Configuration variables can be set either as environment variables or in a cometr config file.

A cometr config file is a YAML file named .comet.yml that can be defined either in the current working directory or in the user’s home directory. For example, a cometr config file that defines a default workspace and a default project could look like this:

COMET_WORKSPACE: my_workspace

If a configuration variable is defined in multiple places, then the order of precedence is as follows:

  1. Function argument, if relevant (for API keys, workspace name, project name)
  2. Environment variable
  3. .comet.yml config file in the local working directory
  4. .comet.yml config file in the home directory