Create Rich Command Line Applications
Create rich command line applications, with colors, headings, lists, alerts, progress bars, etc. It uses CSS for theming.
This README uses the simple theme, included in the package, see ?simple_theme()
, cli_h2()
and cli_h3()
create three levels of headings:
All (non-verbatim) outputted text runs through glue::glue()
. In addition to glue interpolation, cliapp also supports inline markup via the {markup text}
form. The builtin theme defines inline markup classes, see ?inline-markup
cli_text("{emph Emphasized text}, {strong Strong} importance.
A piece of code: {code sum(a) / length(a)}. Package names:
{pkg cliapp}, file names: {path /usr/bin/env}, etc.")
cli_alert("Generic alert")
cli_alert_danger("Something went horribly wrong")
cli_alert_warning("Better watch out!")
cli_alert_info("About to download 1.4GiB of data.")
cli_alert_success("All downloads finished successfully")
Ordered, unordered and definition lists, they can be nested. See ?cli_ol()
, ?cli_ul()
, ?cli_dl()
and ?cli_it()
cli_div(theme = list(ol = list("margin-left" = 2)))
cli_ul("one", .close = FALSE)
cli_ol(c("foo", "bar", "foobar"))
Progress bars are supported via the progress package.
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