: Fast and Easy Data Cleaning(Previously called clean
, but renamed to cleaner
upon CRAN request)
Website of this package:
The R package for cleaning and checking data columns in a fast and easy way. Relying on very few dependencies, it provides smart guessing, but with user options to override anything if needed.
It also provides two new data types that are not available in base R: currency
and percentage
As a data scientist, I’m often served with data that is not clean, not tidy and consquently not ready for analysis at all. For tidying data, there’s of course the tidyverse
(, which lets you manipulate data in any way you can think of. But for cleaning, I think our community was still lacking a neat solution that makes data cleaning fast and easy with functions that kind of ‘think on their own’ to do that.
If the CRAN button at the top of this page is green, install the package with:
Otherwise, or if you are looking for the latest stable development version, install the package with:
This package provides two types of functions: cleaning and checking.
Use clean()
to clean data. It guesses what kind of data class would best fit your input data. It calls any of the following functions, that can also be used independently. They always return the class from the function name (e.g. clean_Date()
always returns class Date
for values TRUE
. You only define what should be TRUE
and it handles the rest for you. At default, it supports “Yes” and “No” in the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Mandarin), Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Malay, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Telugu, Turkish and Urdu. This covers at least two-third of the world population (Ulrich Ammon et al., University of Düsseldorf).
# English
clean_logical(c("Yes", "No", "Invalid", "Unknown"))
# French
clean_logical(c("Oui, c'est ca", "Non, pas encore"))
# Indonesian
clean_logical(c("ya :)", "tidak :("))
If you define the true
and false
parameters yourself, they will be interpreted as regular expressions:
for setting and redefining a factor
. You can use regular expressions to match values in your data to set new factor levels.
gender_age <- c("male 0-50", "male 50+", "female 0-50", "female 50+")
#> [1] "male 0-50" "male 50+" "female 0-50" "female 50+"
clean_factor(gender_age, levels = c("M", "F"))
#> [1] M M F F
#> Levels: M F
clean_factor(gender_age, levels = c("Male", "Female"))
#> [1] Male Male Female Female
#> Levels: Male Female
clean_factor(gender_age, levels = c("0-50", "50+"), ordered = TRUE)
#> [1] 0-50 50+ 0-50 50+
#> Levels: 0-50 < 50+
You can also name your levels to let them match your values. They support regular expressions too:
for any type of dates. This could be dates imported from Excel, or any combination of days, months and years. For convenience, the format
parameter understands the date format language of Excel (like d-mmm-yyyy
) and transforms it internally to the human-unreadable POSIX standard that R understands (%e-%b-%Y
clean_Date("13jul18", "ddmmmyy")
#> [1] "2018-07-13"
#> (assuming format 'dd-mm-yyyy')
#> [1] "2012-06-12"
clean_Date("14 August 2010")
#> (assuming format 'dd mmmm yyyy')
#> [1] "2010-08-14"
#> (assuming Excel format)
#> [1] "2004-03-25"
The function to transform d-mmm-yyyy
to %e-%b-%Y
is available as format_datetime()
to users. This makes it possible to use it in other date functions too:
to remove all non-date/time characters and transform to a date/time element. It automatically adds the systems timezone, which can be changed by the user:
to remove all non-numbers from cluttered input text. It understands usage of dots and comma’s in different languages:
to remove all obvious non-characters from cluttered input text:
#> [1] "qwerty"
clean_character("Positive (0.143)")
#> [1] "Positive"
You can define yourself what should be removed using the remove
argument, with regular expressions:
to use the new percentage
class that comes with this package. It prints numeric values as percentages using as.percentage()
to use the new currency
class that comes with this package. It transforms the input with clean_numeric()
first, after which it will be transformed with as.currency()
, guessing the currency symbol based on your system locale:
clean_currency(c("Jack sent £ 25", "Bill sent £ 31.40"))
#> [1] `GBP 25.00` `GBP 31.40`
received <- clean_currency(c("Received $25", "Received $31.40"))
#> [1] `USD 25.00` `USD 31.40`
#> [1] `USD 56.40`
currency_symbol = "€", decimal.mark = ",")
#> [1] "€ 56,40"
This new class also comes with support for printing in tibble
s, used by the tidyverse
Any idea why in R as.numeric()
and is.numeric()
and as.Date()
exist, but is.Date()
doesn’t? Me neither, but now it does. And you probably know runif()
to create random numeric values. Now rdate()
exists as well, for generating random dates.
The easiest and most comprehensive way to check the data of a column/variable is to create frequency tables. Use freq()
to do this. It supports a lot of different classes (types of data) and is even extendible by other packages.
#> Frequency table
#> Class: character
#> Length: 500
#> Available: 500 (100%, NA: 0 = 0%)
#> Unique: 5
#> Shortest: 1
#> Longest: 6
#> Item Count Percent Cum. Count Cum. Percent
#> --- ------- ------ -------- ----------- -------------
#> 1 male 240 48.0% 240 48.0%
#> 2 female 220 44.0% 460 92.0%
#> 3 man 22 4.4% 482 96.4%
#> 4 m 15 3.0% 497 99.4%
#> 5 F 3 0.6% 500 100.0%
Clean it and check again:
levels = c("^m" = "Male", "^f" = "Female")))
#> Frequency table
#> Class: factor (numeric)
#> Length: 500
#> Levels: 2: Male, Female
#> Available: 500 (100%, NA: 0 = 0%)
#> Unique: 2
#> Item Count Percent Cum. Count Cum. Percent
#> --- ------- ------ -------- ----------- -------------
#> 1 Male 277 55.4% 277 55.4%
#> 2 Female 223 44.6% 500 100.0%
This could also have been done with dplyr
syntax, since freq()
supports tidy evaluation:
unclean %>%
levels = c("^m" = "Male", "^f" = "Female")))
# or:
unclean %>%
pull(gender) %>%
clean_factor(c("^m" = "Male", "^f" = "Female")) %>%
The cleaning functions are tremendously fast, because they rely on R’s own internal C++ libraries:
# Create a vector with 500,000 items
n <- 500000
values <- paste0(sample(c("yes", "no"), n, replace = TRUE),
as.integer(runif(n, 0, 10000)))
# data looks like:
#> [1] "no3697" "yes1906" "yes6738"
#> [1] "no" "yes" "yes"
#> [1] 3697 1906 6738
# benchmark the cleaning based on 10 runs and show it in seconds:
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(logical = clean_logical(values),
character = clean_character(values),
numeric = clean_numeric(values),
times = 10,
unit = "s")
#> Unit: seconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> logical 0.2846163 0.2925479 0.3076008 0.3100244 0.3189712 0.3269428 10
#> character 0.4522698 0.4593437 0.4734631 0.4636837 0.4888959 0.5303473 10
#> numeric 0.6428362 0.6476207 0.6618845 0.6542312 0.6778215 0.6897005 10
Cleaning 500,000 values (!) only takes 0.3-0.6 seconds on our system.
If invalid regular expressions are used, the cleaning functions will not throw errors, but instead will show a warning and will interpret the expression as a fixed value:
clean_character("0123test 0123[a-b] ")
#> [1] "test ab"
clean_character("0123test 0123[a-b] ", remove = "[a-b]")
#> [1] "0123test 0123[-]"
clean_character("0123test0123", remove = "[a-b")
#> [1] "0123test 0123]"
#> Warning message:
#> invalid regular expression '[a-b', reason 'Missing ']'' - now interpreting as fixed value