ckanr vignette

Scott Chamberlain



Stable version from CRAN


Development version from GitHub


Note: the default base CKAN URL is set to You can change this using ckanr_setup(), or change the URL using the url parameter in each function call.

To set one or both, run:

# restores default CKAN url to
# Just set url
ckanr_setup(url = "")
# set url and key
ckanr_setup(url = "", key = "my-ckan-api-key")


changes(limit = 2, as = "table")[, 1:4]
#>                                user_id                  timestamp
#> 1 27778230-2e90-4818-9f00-bbf778c8fa09 2016-06-14T21:31:28.306231
#> 2 27778230-2e90-4818-9f00-bbf778c8fa09 2016-06-14T21:30:26.594125
#>                              object_id                          revision_id
#> 1 99f457c9-ea24-48a1-87be-b52385825b6a e2d9463d-e97c-48f5-a816-7fe26ee60dcd
#> 2 99f457c9-ea24-48a1-87be-b52385825b6a 9d846213-1389-4dab-bfe5-77dd3256995a

List datasets

package_list(as = "table")
#>  [1] "artifact-data-agriculture"                                  
#>  [2] "artifact-data-aviation"                                     
#>  [3] "artifact-data-bookbinding"                                  
#>  [4] "artifact-data-chemistry"                                    
#>  [5] "artifact-data-communications"                               
#>  [6] "artifact-data-computing-technology"                         
#>  [7] "artifact-data-domestic-technology"                          
#>  [8] "artifact-data-energy-electric"                              
#>  [9] "artifact-data-exploration-and-survey"                       
#> [10] "artifact-data-fisheries"                                    

List tags

tag_list('aviation', as = 'table')
#>   vocabulary_id                     display_name
#> 1            NA                         Aviation
#> 2            NA Canada Aviation and Space Museum
#>                                     id                             name
#> 1 cc1db2db-b08b-4888-897f-a17eade2461b                         Aviation
#> 2 8d05a650-bc7b-4b89-bcc8-c10177e60119 Canada Aviation and Space Museum

Show tags

Subset for readme brevity

#> <CKAN Tag> cc1db2db-b08b-4888-897f-a17eade2461b 
#>   Name: Aviation
#>   Display name: Aviation
#>   Vocabulary id: 
#>   No. Packages: 2
#>   Packages (up to 5): artifact-data-aviation, cstmc-smstc-artifacts-artefact

List groups

group_list(as = 'table')[, 1:3]
#>                         display_name description
#> 1                     Communications            
#> 2 Domestic and Industrial Technology            
#> 3                         Everything            
#> 4                           Location            
#> 5                          Resources            
#> 6         Scientific Instrumentation            
#> 7                     Transportation            
#>                                title
#> 1                     Communications
#> 2 Domestic and Industrial Technology
#> 3                         Everything
#> 4                           Location
#> 5                          Resources
#> 6         Scientific Instrumentation
#> 7                     Transportation

Show groups

Subset for readme brevity

group_show('communications', as = 'table')$users
#>   openid about capacity     name                    created
#> 1     NA  <NA>    admin     marc 2014-10-24T14:44:29.885262
#> 2     NA          admin sepandar 2014-10-23T19:40:42.056418
#>                         email_hash sysadmin
#> 1 a32002c960476614370a16e9fb81f436    FALSE
#> 2 10b930a228afd1da2647d62e70b71bf8     TRUE
#>   activity_streams_email_notifications  state number_of_edits
#> 1                                FALSE active             516
#> 2                                FALSE active              44
#>   number_administered_packages display_name fullname
#> 1                           40         marc     <NA>
#> 2                            1     sepandar         
#>                                     id
#> 1 27778230-2e90-4818-9f00-bbf778c8fa09
#> 2 b50449ea-1dcc-4d52-b620-fc95bf56034b

Show a package

package_show('34d60b13-1fd5-430e-b0ec-c8bc7f4841cf', as = 'table')$resources[, 1:10]
#>                      resource_group_id cache_last_updated
#> 1 ea8533d9-cdc6-4e0e-97b9-894e06d50b92                 NA
#> 2 ea8533d9-cdc6-4e0e-97b9-894e06d50b92                 NA
#> 3 ea8533d9-cdc6-4e0e-97b9-894e06d50b92                 NA
#> 4 ea8533d9-cdc6-4e0e-97b9-894e06d50b92                 NA
#> 5 ea8533d9-cdc6-4e0e-97b9-894e06d50b92                 NA
#>           revision_timestamp webstore_last_updated
#> 1 2016-06-13T20:05:16.818800                    NA
#> 2 2014-11-04T02:59:50.567068                    NA
#> 3 2014-11-05T21:23:58.533397                    NA
#> 4 2014-11-05T21:25:16.848423                    NA
#> 5 2016-06-13T20:06:50.013746                    NA
#>                                     id size  state hash
#> 1 be2b0af8-24a8-4a55-8b30-89f5459b713a   NA active     
#> 2 7d65910e-4bdc-4f06-a213-e24e36762767   NA active     
#> 3 97622ad7-1507-4f6a-8acb-14e826447389   NA active     
#> 4 7a72498a-c49c-4e84-8b10-58991de10df6   NA active     
#> 5 7e2cb5de-550d-41a8-ab9d-b2ec35b6671a   NA active     
#>                                    description format
#> 1                                  XML Dataset    XML
#> 2 Data dictionary for CSTMC artifact datasets.    XLS
#> 3       Tips for using the artifacts datasets.   .php
#> 4       Tips for using the artifacts datasets.   .php
#> 5                          Jeux de données XML    XML

Search for packages

out <- package_search(q = '*:*', rows = 2, as = "table")$results
out[, !names(out) %in% 'resources'][, 1:10]
#>                      license_title maintainer relationships_as_object private
#> 1 Open Government Licence - Canada                               NULL   FALSE
#> 2 Open Government Licence - Canada                               NULL   FALSE
#>   maintainer_email         revision_timestamp
#> 1                  2014-10-28T21:27:57.475091
#> 2                  2014-10-28T20:40:55.803602
#>                                     id           metadata_created
#> 1 99f457c9-ea24-48a1-87be-b52385825b6a 2014-10-24T17:39:06.411039
#> 2 443cb020-f2ae-48b1-be67-90df1abd298e 2014-10-28T20:39:23.561940
#>            metadata_modified author
#> 1 2016-06-14T21:31:27.983485       
#> 2 2016-06-14T18:59:17.786219

Search for resources

resource_search(q = 'name:data', limit = 2, as = 'table')
#> $count
#> [1] 74
#> $results
#>                      resource_group_id cache_last_updated webstore_last_updated
#> 1 01a82e52-01bf-4a9c-9b45-c4f9b92529fa                 NA                    NA
#> 2 01a82e52-01bf-4a9c-9b45-c4f9b92529fa                 NA                    NA
#>                                     id size  state last_modified hash
#> 1 e179e910-27fb-44f4-a627-99822af49ffa   NA active            NA     
#> 2 ba84e8b7-b388-4d2a-873a-7b107eb7f135   NA active            NA     
#>                                    description format mimetype_inner url_type
#> 1                                  XML Dataset    XML             NA       NA
#> 2 Data dictionary for CSTMC artifact datasets.    XLS             NA       NA
#>   mimetype cache_url                                         name
#> 1       NA        NA Artifact Data - Exploration and Survey (XML)
#> 2       NA        NA                              Data Dictionary
#>                      created
#> 1 2014-10-28T15:50:35.374303
#> 2 2014-11-03T18:01:02.094210
#>                                                                                                                                                    url
#> 1    
#> 2
#>   webstore_url position                          revision_id resource_type
#> 1           NA        0 a22e6741-3e89-4db0-a802-ba594b1c1fad            NA
#> 2           NA        1 da1f8585-521d-47ef-8ead-7832474a3421            NA

ckanr’s dplyr interface

ckanr implements a dplyr SQL interface to CKAN’s datastore. You can access any resource in the datastore directly using only the CKAN resource ID.

Note: this will only work for resources which were uploaded successfully to the datastore - they will show the green “Data API” button in CKAN.

ckan <- ckanr::src_ckan("")
res_id <- "my-ckan-resource-id"
dplyr::tbl(src = ckan$con, from = res_id) %>% as_tibble(.)

Example of using a different CKAN API

See ckanr::servers() for a list of CKAN servers. Ther are 127 as of 2020-07-29.

The UK Natural History Museum


List datasets

ckanr_setup(url = "")
package_list(as = "table")
#>  [1] "3d-cetacean-scanning"                                                                           
#>  [2] "3d-laser-scan-of-nhm-pv-r-9372-palaeosauropus-sp"                                               
#>  [3] "abyssline"                                                                                      
#>  [4] "african-spiny-solanum"                                                                          
#>  [5] "aleyrodoidea-slide-collection"                                                                  
#>  [6] "alice-test-images"                                                                              
#>  [7] "alignments-of-co1-nd1-and-16s-rrna-for-the-land-snail-corilla"                                  
#>  [8] "al-sabouni-et-al-reproducibility"                                                               
#>  [9] "american-phlebotominae-nhm"                                                                     
#> [10] "an-influence-of-environmental-variability-on-insects-wing-shape-a-case-study-of-british-odonata"



head(tag_list(as = "table"))
#>   vocabulary_id display_name                                   id         name
#> 1            NA          16S a2fabd81-89df-4520-96d2-d5cd7bdcf094          16S
#> 2            NA          18S 1f9670fe-c4c5-40bb-a02a-8889a11788e7          18S
#> 3            NA          28S 71e10e81-c643-4b67-af02-4f9516b4238b          28S
#> 4            NA           3d 098ccfee-a0fe-451d-b748-b617086d146c           3d
#> 5            NA           3D b26c5cce-dc41-40c6-9cbf-f966aa75d458           3D
#> 6            NA 3D modelling 119868d7-1753-4c35-8641-14681dc472a7 3D modelling


tag_show('arthropods', as = 'table')
#> $vocabulary_id
#> $display_name
#> [1] "arthropods"
#> $id
#> [1] "f9245868-f4cb-4c85-a59d-11692db19e86"
#> $name
#> [1] "arthropods"



out <- package_search(q = '*:*', rows = 2, as = 'table')
out$results[, 1:10]
#>                  license_title maintainer contributors relationships_as_object
#> 1 Creative Commons Attribution         NA                                 NULL
#> 2                      CC0-1.0         NA         <NA>                    NULL
#>   private maintainer_email num_tags            affiliation update_frequency
#> 1   FALSE               NA        1 Natural History Museum                 
#> 2   FALSE               NA        1                   <NA>           weekly
#>                                     id
#> 1 d68e20f4-a56d-4a8a-a8d7-dc478ba64c76
#> 2 56e711e6-c847-4f99-915a-6894bb5c5dea


package_show(id = "56e711e6-c847-4f99-915a-6894bb5c5dea", as = "table")
#> $domain
#> [1] ""
#> $license_title
#> [1] "CC0-1.0"
#> $maintainer
#> $relationships_as_object

The National Geothermal Data System


x <- package_search(q = '*:*', rows = 1)
#> [[1]]
#> <CKAN Package> 787986f3-fd65-4e99-b28e-077c69933c76 
#>   Title: Hawthorne Nevada Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Data Used for Geothermal Resource Conceptual Modeling and Power Capacity Estimates Hawthorne_fracture_data_HWAAD-2A_HWAAD-3.xlsx
#>   Creator/Modified: 2020-05-07T23:35:47.237011 / 2020-05-07T23:35:47.328456
#>   Resources (up to 5): Hawthorne_fracture_data_HWAAD-2A_HWAAD-3.xlsx
#>   Tags (up to 5): 2-meter temperatures, DDU, HWAAD-2, HWAAD-2A, HWAAD-3
#>   Groups (up to 5):