Author: Lakshay Anand ( )
provides interactive, configurable and elegant graphics visualization of chromosomes or chromosomal regions allowing users to map chromosome elements (like genes,SNPs etc.) on the chromosome plot.Each chromosome is composed of loci(representing a specific range determined based on chromosome length) that, on hover, shows details about the annotations in that locus range. The plots can be saved as HTML documents that can be shared easily. In addition, you can include them in R Markdown or in R Shiny applications.
Some of the prominent features of the package are:
This vignette provide you with a description of how you can use the various features of chromoMap
to create fantastic annotation plots. If you, however, want to know more about the applications of the plot, please check the publication or simply contact me. I recommend using the RStudio
application since the interactive plots can be viewed beautifully in the application’s viewer pane and it allows you to export the plot either as static image or a stand-alone HTML web page.
You can install the package by just typing the following commands:
The chromoMap
can be used to visualize and annotate chromosomes of any living organism. It is because it renders the chromosome based on the co-ordinate information that you will provide as input. So, if you have the genomic co-ordinates of the organism, you can create chromoMaps for it.
The input data are tab-delimited text files (almost similar to the BED file format). It takes seperate files for the chromosomes and the annotations. The input files should not have column headers (however, I have explained each column type below)
This file contains the co-ordinates of the chromosomes. The columns of this file(in order) are described below (all columns are mandatory unless specified optional):
I have developed algorithm that will include both start and end cordinates of chromosomes so that users can also be able to visualize a region of chromosome (not necessarily starting at 1). You can use your imagination to visualize anything that has cordinates( like RNA as well).
Your chromosome file should look like:Once you have chromosome co-ordinates in file, the next thing is to have data for annotation. annotation elements could be anything that has co-ordinates like genes,SNPS, etc. the data is also provided in the same format.
your annotation file should look like:
To prevent you from making some possible errors, here are a few points to care about while preparing files:
TIP: You can use MS excel to create your files and then use save as tab-delimited option.
Once you have your input files ready, begin creating chromosomes plots like a pro. The simplest annotation plot can be created using the following command:
This will create a plot with default properties. Well, images included in this vignette are non-interactive, but you should see an interactive plot on RStudio’s viewer pane.
that’s it. you have created a simple annotation plot. now hover over the annotated loci to see the magic. you should see a tooltip describing:
If you have added hyperlinks to the elements, you can click the element labels in tooltip to access the web page.
well, on hover, the tooltip appear on the screen as long as your pointer is over the locus. It will disappear if you move the pointer away. I know, you must be thinking that the tootltip disappears before you can click to the element’s hyperlink. Don’t worry.
TIP: You can click the locus to have a stable tooltip on screen. click again on same or other locus to hide it again.
If you are not satisfied with the default look of the plot(which I’m sure you wouldn’t), you can play around with some of the properties to style your plot described under the section ‘configuring chromoMap
’ in this vignette.
Biologically speaking, chromosomes occur in sets. So, just visualizing a set of chromosome(called as haploid) wouldn’t be sufficient in some scenarios. Hence, I added the feature of adding sets of chromosomes as seperate set of files. Don’t forget to set the ploidy
argument to the number of sets you are passing.
,c("annotation_file_set_1.txt","annotation_file_set_2.txt"), ploidy = 2)
polyploidy turned out to be a powerful feature that can actually be used in multiple ways. The sets of chromsomes are rendered independent of each other and, hence, can differ in number and size. Using this feature you can visualize polyploid sets, haploid sets of different species on same plot, or even different samples of same species for comparison. Be creative to use this feature to your own requirement. Some interesting examples I have included in my paper.
I have provided two types of annotation algorithms that will visualize the annotations differently. Point annotation will annotate an element on a single locus, ignoring its size. While, the segment-annotation algorithm consider the size and visualize the annotation as a segment.
The default is point-annotation. To use segment annotation set the argument segment_annotation
. Segment annotations will be advantageous in cases like displaying gene structure.
chromoMap("chromosome_file.txt","annotation_file.txt",segment_annotation = T)
here’s a hypothetical example.
Huge volume of biological data is being produced in today’s world. I thought it would be nice to visualize the data associated with the chrosmome regions or elements. You can do this by creating data-based color annotations in chromoMap
. Before going forward let’s know about the data types chromoMap can handle. You can use either numeric data or character/categorical data for annotations. For the type of data type you are using, you need to set the argument data_type
to either numeric
or categorical
. Also, to use this category of plot, you need to set data_based_color_map
.Now let’s explore the two major types of plots you can create.
As the name suggests, this type of plot can be used if your annotations are categorized into groups. This plot will assign distict colors to each group. Your annotations file’s data column should have groups assigned to each element as character value.
IMPORTANT: the data_colors
argument will specify the color for each group and must be passed as a list() of vectors. If the ploidy is 2, two vectors will be passed in list. Hence, you must pass each a vector for each ploidy in a list.
data_based_color_map = T,
data_type = "categorical",
data_colors = list(c("orange","yellow")))
The best thing is, it will also create a legend for each group with labels used by you as group names. isn’t it amazing? :) [see more under ‘legends’ section]
Now, let’s create the best plot of the year (just kidding :D). FYI chromosome heatmaps is the major inspiration I started developing this package. Anyways, chromosome heatmaps allow you to visualize numeric data as heat colors. In your annotations file, add numeric data in data column.
data_based_color_map = T,
data_type = "numeric")
Yes, the legends are shown in this plot too.
let’s look at the tool tip:data_colors
can be used to set the heat colors also. It should be passed as a list of vector(s) with a vector for each ploidy.
Well, remember that chromosomal locus in the plot is a range, and more than one elements can be annotated in that range. So, for the data assignment of the loci where multiple elements are mapped, I implemented an aggregation algorithm. The data for each locus will be determined by aggregate_func
argument which can take either avg
for average (default) or sum
for summation of data values of all elemets mapped on that locus.
So, if you want to use the sum function:
data_based_color_map = T,
data_type = "numeric",
aggregate_func = "sum")
You can use the different agregate functions for each ploidy by passing the argument as vector. Hence, for polyploidy, if only one value is passed, this value will be used for all sets.Otherwise, you can specify for each set as:
ploidy = 2, data_based_color_map = T,data_type = "numeric"
,aggregate_func = c("avg","sum"))
Note: If only one element is annotated per loci, than the loci will take the element’s data value.
Well, you want to change the looks of the plot. It’s boring using default. Here, are the various options for you.
You can configure the dimensions(width and height) of the plot by using the parameter canvas_width
and canvas_height
canvas_width = 600,
canvas_height = 700)
Well, when you try to use multiple ploidy, plot might go off the margins. You can adjust the width and height to fit the plot to your need.
You can add a title to your plot by using title
chromoMap("chromosome_file.txt","annotation_file.txt",title = "my first chromoMap plot")
You can adjust the left and top margins through top_margin
and left_margin
top_margin = 25,
left_margin = 15)
You can change the color of each set of chromosome by using chr_color
chr_color = c("orange"))
For polyploidy, if only one color is passed it will be taken for all sets of chromsomes. Otherwise, you can assign color to each set:
ploidy = 2,
chr_color = c("pink","blue"))
For simply annotation plot, you can change the annotation color by using anno_col
anno_col = c("orange"))
For polyploidy, if you have passed one color value it will be taken for all the sets. Otherwise, you can pass distinct color values for each set:
ploidy = 2,
anno_col = c("pink","blue"))
NOTE: For data-based annotation plots(group or heatmaps), colors are controlled by data_colors
argument which is list of vector(s).
Do you think chromosomes appear too thin or too short for your annotations? well, you can adjust these parameters by using chr_width
and chr_length
chr_width = 4,
chr_length = 5)
the spacing between chromsomes can be adjusted with ch_gap
ch_gap = 6)
Well, the chromosome text will be taken from file you have provided. The only thing I thought might be useful is to enable or disable text individually for each ploidy. This is done by using chr_text
chr_text = F)
For multiple ploidy pass a vector:
ploidy = 2,
chr_text = c(T,F))
Well, you can align chromsome vertically by using v_align
v_align = T)
legends are provided for data-based annotation plots. It is hidden by default. Use legend
option to enable it.
data_based_color_map = T,
data_type = "categorical",
legend = T)
For polyploidy, you can enable or disable the legend independently for each set.
ploidy = 2,
data_based_color_map = T,
data_type = "numeric",
legend = c(F,T))
I know, the legends in your plot are present weirdly?. I have made the postion of legends independent of the plot and hence you can position it anywhere in the plot you want using the y and x direction length. Consider the orgin to be the bottom right corner of the plot now tweak the lg_x
and/or lg_y
arguments to adjust the positioning of the legend.
data_based_color_map = T,
data_type = "categorical",
legend = T, lg_x = 100,
lg_y = 250)
This feature I added at the end thought might be useful in some scenarios. This will show the labels (element names) on top of locus. It is disabled by default, to enable it use label
A hypothetical example:
NOTE: the labellings might not look good if the label names are long and annotations are close. If it appear good on plot you can use this feature. Also, remember if your annotations are close, you can adjust the chromosome range to make them apart. the range of each locus is determined algorithmically based on chromosome length. Also, the labels are only displayed for ploidy=1, i.e, for only first/one set of chromosomes. A warning, labelling require the element names(first column) to be unique.
Last, but not the least, this feature will allow you add hyperlinks with elements. Add hyperlinks in annotations file and don’t forget to use hlinks
argument to enable it.
The RStudio
allows the option to export the graphics, shown in its veiwer’s pane ,as either a static image or a web page. Use this feature to either save chromaps as static images and include them into your documents or papers, or export interactive plots as standalone-html to include them as supplementary materials in publications.
You can include chromoMaps in Shiny application by using the function chromoMapOutput()
in the UI part of the code and renderChromoMap()
in the server part of the code.
# Define UI for application that draws chromoMap
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
titlePanel("An example of chromoMap in Shiny"),
# you can use GUI controls for your chromoMap
#some code
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
# Define server logic required to draw chromoMap
server <- function(input, output) {
output$myChromoMap <- renderChromoMap({
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
The chromoMap package is distributed under GPL-3 (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3).
You are welcome to send feedback or bug reports through e-mail
#> R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
#> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
#> Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 17763)
#> Matrix products: default
#> locale:
#> [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252
#> [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
#> [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#> [1] compiler_3.5.2 magrittr_1.5 htmltools_0.3.6 tools_3.5.2
#> [5] yaml_2.2.0 Rcpp_1.0.0 stringi_1.3.1 rmarkdown_1.11
#> [9] knitr_1.21 stringr_1.4.0 digest_0.6.18 xfun_0.5
#> [13] evaluate_0.13