CCAFS Amazon S3 Keys
Keys used in this package are a bit opaque. To make it a bit more clear how
keys link to the CCAFS web interface, the following is an example run through
the website to show you how a key is found.
- Navigate to
- Navigate to Data -> Spatial Downscaling
- On the left bar -> File Set, select “Delta Method IPCC AR5” under the
“Empirical/Statistical Downscaling”
- On the left bar -> Scenario, select “RCP 2.6”
- On the left bar -> Model, select the “bcc_csm1_1_m”
- On the top bar -> Extent, select “Global”
- On the top bar -> Format, select “ASCII Grid Format”
- On the top bar -> Period, select “2030s”
- On the top bar -> Variable, select “Precipitation”
- On the top bar -> Resolution, select “10 minutes”
- Click “Search”
- Click the box next to the file returned by the search, and clicked “Generate Download Links”
- Select “Skip”, or fill in your information
- Copy the address of the file to download (Right click -> Copy Link Address)
- Assign the link address as a character string, removing the
changes to ccafs/ccafs-climate/data/ipcc_5ar_ciat_downscaled/rcp2_6/2030s/bcc_csm1_1_m/10min/
- Use the key as input to