added extra query operators: eq
, has_substring
and |
to support the query syntax of cbsopendata.
updated documentation
updated documentation
fixed issue #22 when table has no DefaultSelection, thanks to @sarahouweling.
Added a new function cbs_get_data_from_link to allow for retrieving data using a link created with the opendata portal. Thanks to Albert Pieters for the suggestion
Improved the base_url default value.
fixed a bug in cbs_get_data, key columns were not always loaded as character columns (issue #15). Thanks to @VincentKars
removed httr and changed to jsonlite::read_json. httr gave problems with some Windows configurations.
fixed cbs_get_toc with select argument (issue #12). Thanks to Rob van Harrevelt.
changed api: all (new) functions are prefixed with cbs_
to have a more clean programming interface.
old functions are still available and working but are deprecated.
and cache=TRUE
by default: (for new functions).
renamed to cbs_get_toc
data by default is typed
: converted to the numeric representation (was not the case)
data is not recoded anymore, but label columns can be added to the data set by using cbs_add_label_columns
shows the column title.
adds a column with the period converted to Date
or numeric
added with strip.whitespace to get_data
(issue #4), suggestion of Jonathan de Bruin
changed address of opendata to https variant.
used httr
: better performance and error handling of failed connections.
add get_tables_themes
: suggestion of Wietse Dol.