of @paleolimbot)Up to version 1.4.2 cartography was mainly based on sp and and rgeos for its spatial data management and geoprocessing operations. These dependencies are as much as possible replaced by sf functions since version 2.0.0. Most functions are kept unchanged except for the addition of an x argument used to take sf objects as inputs.
getBorders, getOuterBorders: an x argument is added in first position, x is added to take sf objects as inputs, if x is used then spdf is not used. spdfid is replaced by id. An sf object (MULTILINESTRING) of borders is returned.
discLayer: spdf, spdfid1, spdfid2 and dfid are replaced by x (an sf object as outputed by getBorders).
getGridLayer: getGridLayer replaces getGridLayer + getGridData, x argument replaces spdf and can take an sf object or an sp object. var is added to enter the name(s) of numeric field(s) to compute into the grid. cellsize refers to the targeted area of the cells. The function returns an sf object
getLinkLayer: spdf, spdf2, df, spdfid, spdf2id, dfids and dfide arguments are replaced by x, xid, df and dfid. x can be either a Spatial*DataFrame or an sf object. The function returns an sf LINESTRING instead of a SpatialLinesDataFrame.
propLinkLayer, gradLinkLayer, gradLinkTypoLayer: spdf, df, spdfid, spdfids, spdfide, dfid, dfids and dfide arguments are replaced by x, df, xid and dfid. x must be an sf object (as outputed by getLinkLayer).
legend* functions have been enhanced to be more customizable. It is now possible to lay legend on specified x & y.
propSymbolsLayer: breakval and col2 arguments are defunct, use propSymbolsTypoLayer if needed. ## Major changes
choroLayer, typoLayer, propSymbolsLayer, propSymbolsChoroLayer, propSymbolsTypoLayer, dotDensityLayer, getTiles, getFigDim, labelLayer, smoothLayer: an x argument is added in first position of all these functions. x is added to take sf objects as inputs, if x is used then spdf, df, spdfid, id are not used.
labelLayer: possibility to add a colored halo around the labels, option to have non-overlapping labels.
layoutLayer: the extent argument can take an sf object.
Each function has an example based on sf object.
possibility to use text labels in legendChoro