camtrapR is a package for camera trap data management in R.
You can install the stable version of camtrapR from CRAN:
or you can install the latest development version from GitHub via:
Numerous important camtrapR functions read EXIF metadata from JPG images (and videos). This is done via Exiftool, a free and open-source sofware tool developed by Phil Harvey and available for Windows, MacOS and Linux.
To make full use of camtrapR, you will need Exiftool on your system. You can download it from the Exiftool homepage. Please follow the installation instruction in vignette 1 and the Exiftool website.
You may not need Exiftool if you do not work with image files, but only use camtrapR to create input for occupancy or spatial capture-recapture models from existing record tables.
There is a Google Group for all questions and problems regarding camtrapR. Please feel free to join the discussion there.
Alternatively, you can report bugs and problems as issues on GitHub (here).
See the Article in Methods in Ecology and Evolution for an overview of the package. The four package vignettes provide examples for the entire workflow.
To cite camtrapR, please use:
Jürgen Niedballa, Rahel Sollmann, Alexandre Courtiol, Andreas Wilting (2016). camtrapR: an R package for efficient camera trap data management. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7(12), 1457-1462,, URL:
or see citation("camtrapR")