High Dimensional Numerical and Symbolic Calculus in R

Efficient C++ optimized functions for numerical and symbolic calculus. It includes basic symbolic arithmetic, tensor calculus, Einstein summing convention, fast computation of the Levi-Civita symbol and generalized Kronecker delta, Taylor series expansion, multivariate Hermite polynomials, accurate high-order derivatives, differential operators (Gradient, Jacobian, Hessian, Divergence, Curl, Laplacian) and Monte Carlo integration in arbitrary orthogonal coordinate systems: cartesian, polar, spherical, cylindrical, parabolic or user defined by custom scale factors.


# Install calculus

# Load calculus


derivative: Numerical and Symbolic Derivatives


Compute symbolic derivatives based on the D function, or accurate and reliable numerical derivatives based on finite differences.


derivative(f, var = "x", order = 1, accuracy = 2, stepsize = NULL, deparse = TRUE)


Argument Description
f function, expression or character array.
var character vector, giving the variable names with respect to which derivatives will be computed. If a named vector is provided, derivatives will be computed at that point. See examples.
order integer vector, giving the differentiation order for each variable. See details.
accuracy accuracy degree for numerical derivatives.
stepsize finite differences stepsize for numerical derivatives. Auto-optimized by default.
deparse logical. Return character instead of expression or call?


The function behaves differently depending on the length of the order argument.

If order is of length 1, then the n-th order derivative is computed for each function with respect to each variable:

where F is the tensor of functions and is the tensor of variable names with respect to which the n-th order derivatives will be computed.

If order matches the length of var , then it is assumed that the differentiation order is provided for each variable. In this case, each function will be derived ni times with respect to the i-th variable, for each of the j variables:

where F is the tensor of functions to differentiate.

If var is a named vector, e.g. c(x = 0, y = 0) , derivatives will be computed at that point. Note that if f is a function, then var must be a named vector giving the point at which the numerical derivatives will be computed.


array of derivatives.


# derive f with respect to x
derivative(f = "sin(x)", var = "x")

# derive f with respect to x and evaluate in x = 0
derivative(f = "sin(x)", var = c("x" = 0))

# derive f twice with respect to x
derivative(f = "sin(x)", var = "x", order = 2)

# derive f once with respect to x, and twice with respect to y
derivative(f = "y^2*sin(x)", var = c("x","y"), order = c(1,2))

# compute the gradient of f with respect to (x,y)
derivative(f = "y*sin(x)", var = c("x","y"))

# compute the Jacobian of f with respect to (x,y)
f <- c("y*sin(x)", "x*cos(y)")
derivative(f = f, var = c("x","y"))

# compute the Hessian of f with respect to (x,y)
g <- derivative(f = "y^2*sin(x)", var = c("x","y"))
derivative(f = g, var = c("x","y"))

# compute the Jacobian of f with respect to (x,y) and evaluate in (0,0)
f1 <- function(x, y) y*sin(x)
f2 <- function(x, y) x*cos(y)
derivative(f = c(f1, f2), var = c("x"=0,"y"=0))

gradient: Numerical and Symbolic Gradient


Compute the gradient or jacobian of functions, expressions and characters.


gradient(f, var, accuracy = 2, stepsize = NULL, coordinates = "cartesian")
f %gradient% var


Argument Description
f function, expression or character array.
var character vector, giving the variable names with respect to which derivatives will be computed. If a named vector is provided, derivatives will be computed at that point.
accuracy accuracy degree for numerical derivatives.
stepsize finite differences stepsize for numerical derivatives. Auto-optimized by default.
coordinates coordinate system to use. One of: cartesian , polar , spherical , cylindrical , parabolic , parabolic-cylindrical or a character vector of scale factors for each varibale.


gradient or jacobian array.


# gradient with respect to x
gradient(f = "sin(x)", var = "x")
"sin(x)" %gradient% "x"

# gradient with respect to x and evaluate in x = 0
gradient(f = "sin(x)", var = c("x" = 0))
"sin(x)" %gradient% c(x=0)

# gradient with respect to (x,y)
gradient(f = "y*sin(x)", var = c("x","y"))
"y*sin(x)" %gradient% c("x","y")

# jacobian with respect to (x,y)
f <- c("y*sin(x)", "x*cos(y)")
gradient(f = f, var = c("x","y"))
f %gradient% c("x","y")

# jacobian with respect to (x,y) and evaluate in (x = 0, y = 0)
f <- c(function(x, y) y*sin(x), function(x, y) x*cos(y))
gradient(f = f, var = c(x=0,y=0))
f %gradient% c(x=0,y=0)

# gradient in spherical coordinates
gradient('r*theta*phi', var = c('r','theta','phi'), coordinates = 'spherical')

# numerical gradient in spherical coordinates
f <- function(r, theta, phi) r*theta*phi
gradient(f, var = c('r'=1, 'theta'=pi/4, 'phi'=pi/4), coordinates = 'spherical')

hessian: Numerical and Symbolic Hessian


Compute the hessian matrix of functions, expressions and characters.


hessian(f, var, accuracy = 2, stepsize = NULL, coordinates = "cartesian")
f %hessian% var


Argument Description
f function, expression or character.
var character vector, giving the variable names with respect to which derivatives will be computed. If a named vector is provided, derivatives will be computed at that point.
accuracy accuracy degree for numerical derivatives.
stepsize finite differences stepsize for numerical derivatives. Auto-optimized by default.
coordinates coordinate system to use. One of: cartesian , polar , spherical , cylindrical , parabolic , parabolic-cylindrical or a character vector of scale factors for each varibale.


hessian matrix.


# hessian with respect to x
hessian(f = "sin(x)", var = "x")
"sin(x)" %hessian% "x"

# hessian with respect to x and evaluate in x = 0
hessian(f = "sin(x)", var = c("x" = 0))
"sin(x)" %hessian% c(x=0)

# hessian with respect to (x,y)
hessian(f = "y*sin(x)", var = c("x","y"))
"y*sin(x)" %hessian% c("x","y")

# hessian in spherical coordinates
hessian('r*theta*phi', var = c('r','theta','phi'), coordinates = 'spherical')

# numerical hessian in spherical coordinates
f <- function(r, theta, phi) r*theta*phi
hessian(f, var = c('r'=1, 'theta'=pi/4, 'phi'=pi/4), coordinates = 'spherical')

divergence: Numerical and Symbolic Divergence


Compute the divergence of functions, expressions and characters.


divergence(f, var, accuracy = 2, stepsize = NULL, coordinates = "cartesian")
f %divergence% var


Argument Description
f function, expression or character array.
var character vector, giving the variable names with respect to which derivatives will be computed. If a named vector is provided, derivatives will be computed at that point.
accuracy accuracy degree for numerical derivatives.
stepsize finite differences stepsize for numerical derivatives. Auto-optimized by default.
coordinates coordinate system to use. One of: cartesian , polar , spherical , cylindrical , parabolic , parabolic-cylindrical or a character vector of scale factors for each varibale.


divergence array.


# divergence of a vector field
f <- c('x^2','y^3','z^4')
divergence(f, var = c('x','y','z'))
f %divergence% c('x','y','z')

# numerical divergence of a vector field
f <- c(function(x,y,z) x^2, function(x,y,z) y^3, function(x,y,z) z^4)
divergence(f, var = c('x'=1,'y'=1,'z'=1))
f %divergence% c('x'=1,'y'=1,'z'=1)

# divergence of array of vector fields
f1 <- c('x^2','y^3','z^4')
f2 <- c('x','y','z')
a <- matrix(c(f1,f2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
divergence(a, var = c('x','y','z'))
a %divergence% c('x','y','z')

# divergence in polar coordinates
f <- c('sqrt(r)/10','sqrt(r)')
divergence(f, var = c('r','phi'), coordinates = 'polar')

curl: Numerical and Symbolic Curl


Compute the curl of functions, expressions and characters.


curl(f, var, accuracy = 2, stepsize = NULL, coordinates = "cartesian")
f %curl% var


Argument Description
f function, expression or character array.
var character vector, giving the variable names with respect to which derivatives will be computed. If a named vector is provided, derivatives will be computed at that point.
accuracy accuracy degree for numerical derivatives.
stepsize finite differences stepsize for numerical derivatives. Auto-optimized by default.
coordinates coordinate system to use. One of: cartesian , polar , spherical , cylindrical , parabolic , parabolic-cylindrical or a character vector of scale factors for each varibale.


curl array.


# curl of a vector field
f <- c('x*y','y*z','x*z')
curl(f, var = c('x','y','z'))
f %curl% c('x','y','z')

# irrotational vector field
f <- c('x','-y','z')
curl(f, var = c('x','y','z'))
f %curl% c('x','y','z')

# numerical curl of a vector field
f <- c(function(x,y,z) x*y, function(x,y,z) y*z, function(x,y,z) x*z)
curl(f, var = c('x'=1,'y'=1,'z'=1))
f %curl% c('x'=1,'y'=1,'z'=1)

# curl of array of vector fields
f1 <- c('x*y','y*z','z*x')
f2 <- c('x','-y','z')
a <- matrix(c(f1,f2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
curl(a, var = c('x','y','z'))
a %curl% c('x','y','z')

# curl in polar coordinates
f <- c('sqrt(r)/10','sqrt(r)')
curl(f, var = c('r','phi'), coordinates = 'polar')

laplacian: Numerical and Symbolic Laplacian


Compute the laplacian of functions, expressions and characters.


laplacian(f, var, accuracy = 2, stepsize = NULL, coordinates = "cartesian")
f %laplacian% var


Argument Description
f function, expression or character array.
var character vector, giving the variable names with respect to which derivatives will be computed. If a named vector is provided, derivatives will be computed at that point.
accuracy accuracy degree for numerical derivatives.
stepsize finite differences stepsize for numerical derivatives. Auto-optimized by default.
coordinates coordinate system to use. One of: cartesian , polar , spherical , cylindrical , parabolic , parabolic-cylindrical or a character vector of scale factors for each varibale.


laplacian array.


# laplacian of a scalar field
f <- 'x^2+y^2+z^2'
laplacian(f, var = c('x','y','z'))
f %laplacian% c('x','y','z')

# laplacian of scalar fields
f <- c('x^2','y^3','z^4')
laplacian(f, var = c('x','y','z'))
f %laplacian% c('x','y','z')

# numerical laplacian of scalar fields
f <- c(function(x,y,z) x^2, function(x,y,z) y^3, function(x,y,z) z^4)
laplacian(f, var = c('x'=1,'y'=1,'z'=1))
f %laplacian% c('x'=1,'y'=1,'z'=1)

# laplacian of array of scalar fields
f1 <- c('x^2','y^3','z^4')
f2 <- c('x','y','z')
a <- matrix(c(f1,f2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
laplacian(a, var = c('x','y','z'))
a %laplacian% c('x','y','z')

# laplacian in polar coordinates
f <- c('sqrt(r)/10','sqrt(r)')
laplacian(f, var = c('r','phi'), coordinates = 'polar')

integral: Monte Carlo Integration


Integrate multidimensional functions, expressions, and characters in arbitrary orthogonal coordinate systems .


integral(f, ..., err = 0.01, rel = TRUE, coordinates = "cartesian", verbose = TRUE)


Argument Description
f function, expression or characters.
... integration bounds.
err acuracy requested.
rel logical. Relative accuracy? If FALSE , use absolute accuracy.
coordinates coordinate system to use. One of: cartesian , polar , spherical , cylindrical , parabolic , parabolic-cylindrical or a character vector of scale factors for each varibale.
verbose logical. Print on progress?


list with components

Name Description
value the final estimate of the integral.
abs.error estimate of the modulus of the absolute error.


# integrate character
integral('sin(x)', x = c(0,2*pi), rel = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

# integrate expression
integral(parse(text = 'x'), x = c(0,1), verbose = FALSE)

# integrate function
integral(function(x) exp(x), x = c(0,1), verbose = FALSE)

# multivariate integral
integral(function(x,y) x*y, x = c(0,1), y = c(0,1), verbose = FALSE)

# surface of a sphere
integral('1', r = 1, theta = c(0,pi), phi = c(0,2*pi), coordinates = 'spherical', verbose = FALSE)

# volume of a sphere
integral('1', r = c(0,1), theta = c(0,pi), phi = c(0,2*pi), coordinates = 'spherical', verbose = FALSE)

# Electric charge contained in a region of space
# Based on the divergence theorem and Maxwell's equations

# electric potential of unitary point charge
V <- '1/(4*pi*r)'

# electric field
E <- -1 %prod% gradient(V, c('r', 'theta', 'phi'), coordinates = 'spherical')

# electric charge
integral(E[1], r = 1, theta = c(0,pi), phi = c(0,2*pi), coordinates = 'spherical', verbose = FALSE)

partitions: Partitions of an Integer


Fast algorithm for generating integer partitions.


partitions(n, max = 0, length = 0, perm = FALSE, fill = FALSE, equal = TRUE)


Argument Description
n positive integer.
max maximum integer in the partitions.
length maximum number of elements in the partitions.
perm logical. Permute partitions?
fill logical. Fill partitions with zeros to match length ?
equal logical. Return only partition of n ? If FALSE , partitions of all integers less or equal to n are returned.


list of partitions, or data.frame if length>0 and fill=TRUE .


# partitions of 4

# partitions of 4 and permute
partitions(4, perm = TRUE)

# partitions of 4 with max element 2
partitions(4, max = 2)

# partitions of 4 with 2 elements
partitions(4, length = 2)

# partitions of 4 with 3 elements, fill with zeros
partitions(4, length = 3, fill = TRUE)

# partitions of 4 with 3 elements, fill with zeros and permute
partitions(4, length = 3, fill = TRUE, perm = TRUE)

# partitions of all integers less or equal to 3
partitions(3, equal = FALSE)

# partitions of all integers less or equal to 3, fill to 2 elements and permute
partitions(3, equal = FALSE, length = 2, fill = TRUE, perm = TRUE)

taylor: Taylor Series


Compute the Taylor series approximation of functions, expressions or characters.


taylor(f, var = "x", order = 1, accuracy = 2, stepsize = NULL)


Argument Description
f function, expression or character
var character. The variables of f .
order the order of the Taylor approximation.
accuracy accuracy degree for numerical derivatives.
stepsize finite differences stepsize for numerical derivatives. Auto-optimized by default.


list with components

Name Description
f the Taylor series.
order the approximation order.
terms data.frame containing the variables, coefficients and degrees of each term in the Taylor series.


# univariate taylor series
taylor('exp(x)', var = 'x', order = 3)

# univariate taylor series of arbitrary functions
taylor(function(x) exp(x), var = 'x', order = 3)

# multivariate taylor series
taylor('sin(x*y)', var = c('x','y'), order = 6)

# multivariate taylor series of arbitrary functions
taylor(function(x,y) sin(x*y), var = c('x','y'), order = 6)

hermite: Hermite Polynomials


Compute univariate and multivariate Hermite polynomials.


hermite(order, sigma = 1, var = "x")


Argument Description
order integer. The order of the Hermite polynomial.
sigma the covariance matrix of the Gaussian kernel.
var character. The variables of the polynomial.


Hermite polynomials are obtained by successive differentiation of the Gaussian kernel

where is a d-dimensional square matrix and is the vector representing the order of differentiation for each variable.


list of Hermite polynomials with components

Name Description
f the Hermite polynomial.
order the order of the Hermite polynomial.
terms data.frame containing the variables, coefficients and degrees of each term in the Hermite polynomial.


# univariate Hermite polynomials up to order 3

# univariate Hermite polynomials with variable z
hermite(3, var = 'z')

# multivariate Hermite polynomials up to order 2
hermite(order = 2, sigma = matrix(c(1,0,0,1), nrow = 2), var = c('z1', 'z2'))

kronecker: Generalized Kronecker Delta


Compute the Generalized Kronecker Delta.


kronecker(n, p = 1)


Argument Description
n number of elements for each dimension.
p order of the generalized Kronecker delta, p=1 for the standard Kronecker delta.


array representing the generalized Kronecker delta tensor.


# Kronecker delta 3x3

# generalized Kronecker delta 3x3 of order 2 -> 3x3 x 3x3
kronecker(3, p = 2)

levicivita: Levi-Civita Symbol


Compute the Levi-Civita totally antisymmetric tensor.




Argument Description
n dimension


array representing the Levi-Civita tensor.


# Levi-Civita tensor in 2-d

# Levi-Civita tensor in 3-d

trace: Tensor Contraction


Sum over repeated indices in a tensor. Can be seen as a generalization of the trace.


trace(x, i = NULL, drop = TRUE)


Argument Description
x array.
i subset of repeated indices to sum up. If NULL , the tensor contraction takes place on all repeated indices of x .
drop logical. Drop summation indices? If FALSE , keep dummy dimensions.




# trace of numeric matrix
x <- matrix(1:4, nrow = 2)

# trace of character matrix
x <- matrix(letters[1:4], nrow = 2)

# trace of a tensor (sum over diagonals)
x <- array(1:27, dim = c(3,3,3))

# tensor contraction over repeated indices
x <- array(1:27, dim = c(3,3,3))
index(x) <- c('i','i','j')

# tensor contraction over specific indices only
x <- array(1:16, dim = c(2,2,2,2))
index(x) <- c('i','i','k','k')
trace(x, i = 'k')

# tensor contraction keeping dummy dimensions
x <- array(letters[1:16], dim = c(2,2,2,2))
index(x) <- c('i','i','k','k')
trace(x, drop = FALSE)

einstein: Numerical and Symbolic Einstein Summation


Implement the Einstein notation for summation over repeated indices.


einstein(..., drop = TRUE)


Argument Description
... arbitrary number of indexed arrays.
drop logical. Drop summation indices? If FALSE , keep dummy dimensions.




a <- array(1:10, dim = c(2,5))
b <- array(1:45, dim = c(5,3,3))
c <- array(1:12, dim = c(3,4))
d <- array(1:15, dim = c(5,3))

index(a) <- c('i','j')
index(b) <- c('j','k','k')
index(c) <- c('k', 'l')
index(d) <- c('j', 'k')


