caRamel is a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm combining the MEAS algorithm and the NGSA-II algorithm.
Download the package from CRAN or GitHub and then install and load it.
Schaffer test function has two objectives with one variable.
schaffer <- function(i) {
if (x[i,1] <= 1) {
s1 <- -x[i,1]
} else if (x[i,1] <= 3) {
s1 <- x[i,1] - 2
} else if (x[i,1] <= 4) {
s1 <- 4 - x[i,1]
} else {
s1 <- x[i,1] - 4
s2 <- (x[i,1] - 5) * (x[i,1] - 5)
return(c(s1, s2))
Note that :
The variable lies in the range [-5, 10]:
nvar <- 1 # number of variables
bounds <- matrix(data = 1, nrow = nvar, ncol = 2) # upper and lower bounds
bounds[, 1] <- -5 * bounds[, 1]
bounds[, 2] <- 10 * bounds[, 2]
Both functions are to be minimized:
nobj <- 2 # number of objectives
minmax <- c(FALSE, FALSE) # min and min
Before calling caRamel in order to optimize the Schaffer's problem, some algorithmic parameters need to be set:
popsize <- 100 # size of the genetic population
archsize <- 100 # size of the archive for the Pareto front
maxrun <- 1000 # maximum number of calls
prec <- matrix(1.e-3, nrow = 1, ncol = nobj) # accuracy for the convergence phase
Then the minimization problem can be launched:
results <-
carallel=FALSE) # no parallelism
## Beginning of caRamel optimization <-- Fri May 24 12:15:49 2019
## Number of variables : 1
## Number of functions : 2
## Done in 4.75387096405029 secs --> Fri May 24 12:15:54 2019
## Size of the Pareto front :
## Number of calls : 1020
Test if the convergence is successful:
## [1] TRUE
Plot the Pareto front:
plot(results$objectives[,1], results$objectives[,2], main="Schaffer Pareto front", xlab="Objective #1", ylab="Objective #2")
plot(results$parameters, main="Corresponding values for X", xlab="Element of the archive", ylab="X Variable")
Kursawe test function has two objectives of three variables.
kursawe <- function(i) {
k1 <- -10 * exp(-0.2 * sqrt(x[i,1] ^ 2 + x[i,2] ^ 2)) - 10 * exp(-0.2 * sqrt(x[i,2] ^2 + x[i,3] ^ 2))
k2 <- abs(x[i,1]) ^ 0.8 + 5 * sin(x[i,1] ^ 3) + abs(x[i,2]) ^ 0.8 + 5 * sin(x[i,2] ^3) + abs(x[i,3]) ^ 0.8 + 5 * sin(x[i,3] ^ 3)
return(c(k1, k2))
The variables lie in the range [-5, 5]:
nvar <- 3 # number of variables
bounds <- matrix(data = 1, nrow = nvar, ncol = 2) # upper and lower bounds
bounds[, 1] <- -5 * bounds[, 1]
bounds[, 2] <- 5 * bounds[, 2]
Both functions are to be minimized:
nobj <- 2 # number of objectives
minmax <- c(FALSE, FALSE) # min and min
Set algorithmic parameters and launch caRamel:
popsize <- 100 # size of the genetic population
archsize <- 100 # size of the archive for the Pareto front
maxrun <- 1000 # maximum number of calls
prec <- matrix(1.e-3, nrow = 1, ncol = nobj) # accuracy for the convergence phase
results <-
carallel=FALSE) # no parallelism
## Beginning of caRamel optimization <-- Fri May 24 12:15:55 2019
## Number of variables : 3
## Number of functions : 2
## Done in 2.61848902702332 secs --> Fri May 24 12:15:58 2019
## Size of the Pareto front : 97
## Number of calls : 1011
Test if the convergence is successful and plot the optimal front:
## [1] TRUE
plot(results$objectives[,1], results$objectives[,2], main="Kursawe Pareto front", xlab="Objective #1", ylab="Objective #2")
Finally plot the convergences of the objective functions:
matplot(results$save_crit[,1],cbind(results$save_crit[,2],results$save_crit[,3]),type="l",col=c("blue","red"), main="Convergence", xlab="Number of calls", ylab="Objectives values")