cNORM:news and change-log
This file documents the development of the package as well as open issues or points for further improvements.
Version in 1.2.3 (in progress)
Date: 2020.06.18
- Error in citation fixed
- Improved explanations in the Shiny GUI
- Additional ‘Update’-Buttons in norm and raw scores plot in visualization tab of shiny gui
- removed unnecessary import askYesNo
- spell checking in diverse function descriptions
- correction for monotonicity in rawTable and normTable (now default)
- predictRaw can now return matrices for list of norm x age
- new dataset added on the basis of the EPM paper
- Bug in plotPercentiles fixed for datasets with decending ranking order
- ‘descend’ parameter added to prepareData
- rawTable can now return matrices
Version in 1.2.2 (fifth release)
Date: 2019.09.18
- Error in rankByGroup and rankBySlidingWindow when covariate variable name was used
- warning added to rankBySlidingWindow in case, age and group do not correspond
- rankBySlidingWindow accepts age variable in addition to age variable name
- plotPercentiles now allows plotting both degrees of binary covariate
- code cleaning in plotPercentiles
- bestModel automatically does plotPercentiles if parameter plot set to TRUE
- Citation file added
Version in 1.2.1
Date: 2019.08.01
- prepareDate issues warnings if age and group values do not relate
- modified message in bestModel function if R2 is not reached
- if R2 and terms are not specified in bestModel function, fall back to model 5 in case R2 does not reach .99 in most complex model
- Additional message in bestModel in case of high number of terms
- Code simplification in computePowers by using ‘poly’ function
- Performance improvement and code cleaning in checkConsistency
- Multiple R2 output added to computePowers
- new option to add index labels to data points in plotSubset
- now respects sliding window ranking
- silent parameter added to prepareData and computePowers
- rankBySlidingWindo and rankByGroup add width parameter to data preparation
- pCutoff in now adjusts for sample size
Version in 1.2.0 (fourth release)
Date: 2019.07.26
- Preparing for the inclusion of a binary covariate. The package is been rewritten by larger parts NOTE: The inclusion of a covariate is currently still experimental and not optimized. Please use carefully! If covariates are central for your research question, consider packages like GAMLSS or quantreg
- Entering systematic testing
- BUG fixed: retrieving normtables and norm scores in large datasets could produce outlier (hashing function to remove duplicates was flawed)
- Corrected keywords for datasets
Version in 1.1.9
Date: 2019.07.07
- weighting added to bestModel-function
- cast to data.frame in prepareData method to prevent SPSS import failing
- Ordering of raw table when using descending values
- Warning message added to computePowers function in case the multiple R2 between the explanatory variable and the raw score is below .05; modelling norm scores in dependence of age is questionable in that case
- prepareData, rankByGroup and rankBySlidingWindow now accept variables instead of variable names as well
- rankByGroup and rankBySlidingWindow display warning in case of small groups
Version in 1.1.8 (Third release to CRAN)
Date: 2019.03.15 (mainly testing and cleaning minor errors)
- fixing exceptions
- group and age can now be deactivated, resulting in conventional norming procedure, based in ranking + regression over powers of L
Version in 1.1.7
Date: 2019.02.28
- bestModel function now accepts a formula as a predictors object
- plotPercentile now accepts descending ranking
- rawTable and normTable adapted for descending values
- rangeCheck prints additional information
- Leaner GUI with more options
- predictNorm now much faster through using lookup tables, large speed gains as well for depending functions
- Setting age = FALSE in computePowers prevents computation of powers of age and interactions. All plotting and modelling functions changed accordingly. cNORM in this case models norm score tables simply based on regression without computing different groups
- normTable automatically chooses default values for minNorm, maxNorm and step
Version in 1.1.6
Date: 2019.02.07, third release on CRAN
- Improvement to cv function in GUI and in package
Version in 1.1.5
Date: 2019.02.06, third release on CRAN
- Cross Validation added to shiny GUI
- documentation improved
- added information to BestModel output
Version in 1.1.4
Date: 2018.12.18
- scale parameter added to prepareData function
- fix for plotNorm by group with missing values
Version in 1.1.3 - Second release on CRAN
Date: 2018.12.09
- rmarkdown moved from imports to suggests
- info added to README
Version in 1.1.2
Date: 2018.12.08
- deleted code in vignette needing to much build time
- removed UTF-8 attributes from ppvt dataset and cleared all datasets from non ASCII signs
- deleted code in vignette needing to much build time
- additional tests run on R-hub
- added rmarkdown to imports
Version in 1.1.1
Date: 2018.12.01
- Parameters added to cv.norm: Significance level for stratification process
- Additional plot in cv.norm: delta R2 in norm score validation
- Example in readme improved
- CDC data: group variable set to center of interval
- descend parameter removed from plotPercentileSeries, plotPercentiles, checkConsistency, rawTable & normTable; instead take default from model; vignette updated accordingly
- stop criterion added to data sampling in
- cv.norm: lines added to R2 delta plot
- normTable and rawTable can now produce list of tables
Version in 1.1.0
Date: 2018.11.23
- Cross validation added: new function: for assessing RMSE for raw data and R2 and CROSSFIT for norm data
- Data table output for
- rankBySlidingWindow now accessible via prepareData()
- group, raw, age and width can now be provided in
- parameter for full cross validation (separate ranking for train and validation)
- Additional NA checks and warning messages
- plotPercentiles now with R2adjr in title
Version in 1.0.3
Date: 2018.11.16
- Additional instruction on series section of visualization tab in Shiny GUI
- Code cleanup in bestModel function
- SE added to plotNorm based on Oosterhuis, van der Ark & Sijtsma (2016)
- RMSE added to model object (m$subsets), to plotRaw and to plotSubset
- additional plotting options added to GUI:
- plotting of differences in raw and norm plot
- RMSE in model selection information function
Version in 1.0.2
Date: 2018.11.16
- Improvements in precision of plotPercentiles
- error corrected in ppvt dataset: groups did not represent group means
- function description in ‘ranBySlidingWindow’ updated
- checking for missing packages in shiny GUI improved
- user menu asking to install missing packages added
- derive-function: more general approach with “order” parameter
- plotDerivative function can now plot derivatives of higher order
- exclude cases with missing values in rankByX functions
- percentile columns added to rawTable and normTable
- additional data cleansing for data objects imported from Excel file format
Version in 1.0.1 - First release on CRAN
Date: 2018.11.03
- Improvements in the GUI: Waiting circle shown to indicate ongoing computation
- Additional help texts on best model in GUI
- Additional plotting options in cNORM.GUI(): Raw Score and Norm Score plots
- User input asking for missing suggested packages to install
Version in 1.0.0
Date: 2018.10.26
- Final polishing finished; realising first major version
Version in 0.9.20
Date: 2018.10.24
- GUI with Shiny finished
- … now working on finally releasing the package
Version in 0.9.19
Date: 2018.10.20
- API changed: predictNormValue renamed to predictNorm
- Shiny GUI enhanced
- Additional plotting options in plotNorm and plotRaw
- less strict warning messages in predictNormValue function and checkConsistency
Version in 0.9.18
Date: 2018.10.08
- First shiny prototype (many thanks to Sebastian Gary); please use cNORM.GUI() to start user interface
Version in 0.9.17
Date: 2018.10.01
- predictNormValue fixed and optimized (many thanks to Sebastian Gary)
- API change with respect to predictNormValue, rawTable and plotNorm
- plotNorm: norm score boundaries guessed by min and max score from modelling
Version in 0.9.16
Date: 2018.09.21
- bug in predictNormValue partly fixed (further optimization necessary)
- API change: plotValues renamed to plotRaw
- new function: plotNorm
Version in 0.9.15
Date: 2018.09.18
- plotDensity function added
- attributes added to data.frame to increase usability
Version in 0.9.13
Date: 2018.09.16
- predictNormValue with higher precision and effectivity
- rawTableQuick removed from source code
Version in 0.9.12
Date: 2018.09.11
- ‘simulateRasch’ to simulate test data was added
- old sim functions removed
- documentation improved
- new parameters to bestModel in order to force covariates into regression
- additional checks in box cox functions
Version in 0.9.9
Date: 2018.09.06
- Enhancements to the ‘prepareData’ function
Version in 0.9.8
Date: 2018.09.05
- Life expectancy dataset of the World Bank added
- Mortality of infants per 1000 life birth from 1960 to 2017 added
- Minor changes in functions to check data integrity and exceptions
- Vignette updated
Version in 0.9.7
Date: 2018.08.31
- License changed to AGPL
- Capitalizations in labels of plots
- min and max renamed to minRaw and maxRaw (where appropriate)
- terminology: standard or normal score instead of norm; score instead of value
- new function for model validation: plotPercentileSeries
- many functions now draw the default values from the model (plotting and predicting)
Version in 0.9.6
Date: 2018.08.28
- Minor improvements in function descriptions
- API of plotSubset changed due to new plotting options
Version in 0.9.5
Date: 2018.08.25
- New, large dataset for BMI centile estimation from CDC included, type ?CDC for explanation
- Extensive documentation available via (in progress)
Version in 0.9.4
Date: 2018.08.23
- Generating group variable in rankBySlidingWindow
- parameters in plotPercentile to restrict age range
- ppvt dataset restricted
Version in 0.9.3
Date: 2018.08.20
- plotNormCurves enhanced (Thanks to Sebastian Gary)
- new function to plot semi parametric analyses via box cox power transformation: plotBoxCox
- variable “explanatoryVariable” and “normVariable” in computePowers function renamed for easier API
Version in 0.9.2
Date: 2018.08.18
- Additional dataset: vocabulary development (PPVT4)
Version in 0.9.1
Date: 2018.08.16
- Added predictRawBC and predictNormBC for computing norm and raw values based on the parametric box cox power function parameters
- New contributor: Sebastian Gary, welcome to the team!
- Missing raw variable definition in plotValues corrected
Version in 0.9.0
Date: 2018.08.14
- Box Cox power transformation for regression model at specific age: optional parametric modelling for non-parametric regression model
Version in 0.8.9
Date: 2018.08.13
- Convenience method for selection best model added: ‘printSubset’
- predictNormValue now accepts lists of values as well
Version in 0.8.8
Date: 2018.08.12
- parameter checks added
- new parameter ‘descriptives’ added to rankByGroup and rankBySlidingWindow added to retrieve descriptive statistics for each observation
- improvements in the documentation
- errors in bestModel and plotPercentiles corrected, when variable names are not as in example sample
Version in 0.8.6
Date: 2018.08.11
- new function: ‘rankBySlidingWindow’ which can be used for data sets with continuous age variables
- error corrected for data being loaded from SPSS files
- improvements in the documentation
Version in 0.8.5
Date: 2018.08.06
- new function for simulating data
Version in 0.8.3
Date: 2018.08.03
- Code cleaning and formatting
Version in 0.8.2
Date: 2018.08.02
- new internal function: rawTableQuick for speeding up generating norm tables Still has to be checked for working with descending values. Works only, if model assumptions are valid
Version in 0.8.0
Date: 2018.08.01
- new function: rawTable allows creating norm tables with assignment of raw -> norm values solves inverse function of regression model with brute force
Version in 0.7.11
Date: 2018.07.31
- improved ‘prepareData’ function
Version in 0.7.10
Date: 2018.07.28
- Description for computePowers improved
- option in plotPercentile to use percentile scale or self defined c(mean, sd)
Version in 0.7.9
Date: 2018.07.28
- ‘descend’ parameter added to consistencyCheck and normTable
- dependency rColorBrewer removed; plotPercentiles changed accordingly
- latticeExtra moved to ‘suggests’
Version in 0.7.8
Date: 2018.07.27
- ‘descend’ parameter added to consistencyCheck and normTable
Version in 0.7.7
Date: 2018.07.27
- Small changes to error messages in bestModel
- printing of min value in plotDerivate removed
Version in 0.7.6
Date: 2018.07.27
- parameter ‘predictors’ added to allow self defined regression functions, e. g. for the inclusion of other ranking parameters like sex
- ‘type’ parameter added to ‘plotPercentile’ to allow selection of quantile algorithm. Please consult help(quantile) for further information on ‘type’
Version in 0.7.5
Date: 2018.07.26
- dependency dplyr removed: rankByOrder and plotPercentiles rewritten
- API-change: derivationPlot renamed to plotDerivate
- small changes to vignette and readme
- parameter “raw” added to rankByGroup to specify raw value variable
- rawVar and groupVar in plotPercentiles renamed to raw and group to make API more coherent
Version in 0.7.4
Date: 2018.07.25
- rankByOrder: ranking in descending order added
Version in 0.7.3
Date: 2018.07.25
- Additional ranking algorithms: Filliben, Levenbach, Yu & Huang; API changed to index
- scale can be specified as double vector with c(mean, sd)
- vignette updated accordingly
Version in 0.7.2
Date: 2018.07.24
- None. This is the first release