Barr, Levy, Scheepers, & Tily (2013) suggest that for valid statistical inference, a regression model must control for all possible confounding factors, specifically those coming from random effects such as subjects and items. Bates, Kliegl, Vasishth, & Baayen (2015) suggest that this proposed strategy leads to overfitting and that an appropriately-parsimonious model must be chosen, preferably based on theory but possibly also using stepwise elimination (Matuschek, Kliegl, Vasishth, Baayen, & Bates, 2017). Both strategies require a maximal model to be identified (for Barr et al. (2013), this is the final model; for Matuschek et al. (2017), this is the basis for backward stepwise elimination), but for many psycholinguistic experiments, the truly maximal model will fail to converge and a reasonable subset model needs to be chosen.
The buildmer
package aims to automate the procedures identifying the maximal model that can still converge & performing backward stepwise elimination based on a variety of criteria (change in log-likelihood, AIC, BIC, change in explained deviance). The package does not contain any model-fitting code, but functions as an administrative loop around other packages by simply building up a maximal formula object and passing it along. Currently, the package supports models that can be fitted by (g)lm
, (g)lmer
(package lme4
), gls
, lme
(package nlme
), bam
, gam
, gamm
(package mgcv
), gamm4
(package gamm4
), glmmTMB
(package glmmTMB
), multinom
(package nnet
), glmertree
(package glmertree
), mixed_model
(package GLMMadaptive
), and it can use JuliaCall
to drive Douglas Bates’s MixedModels
package for Julia.
To illustrate what buildmer
can do for you, the package comes with a particularly pathological dataset called vowels
. It looks like this:
## participant word vowel neighborhood timepoint f1 f2 following
## 1 1 Keulen oey 36.1961 0.05118788 407.8202 1838.611 lOns
## 2 1 Keulen oey 36.1961 0.11941466 416.2701 1635.436 lOns
## 3 1 Keulen oey 36.1961 0.18764143 450.6488 1654.561 lOns
## 4 1 Keulen oey 36.1961 0.25586821 449.7890 1645.075 lOns
## 5 1 Keulen oey 36.1961 0.32409498 444.6863 1606.261 lOns
## 6 1 Keulen oey 36.1961 0.39232176 438.5311 1607.581 lOns
## information stress
## 1 4.511475 TRUE
## 2 4.511475 TRUE
## 3 4.511475 TRUE
## 4 4.511475 TRUE
## 5 4.511475 TRUE
## 6 4.511475 TRUE
This is a pilot study that I conducted when I was just starting my PhD, and attempted to analyze in probably the worst way possible. The research question was whether vowel diphthongization in the Dutch vowels // was affected by syllable structure, such that an /l/ within the same syllable would block diphthongization but an /l/ in the onset of the next syllable would permit it. In plain English, the question was whether these five vowels in Dutch were pronounced like the vowel in English ‘fear’, with the tongue held constant for the duration of the vowel, or like the vowel in English ‘fade’, which has an upward tongue movement towards the position of the vowel in English ‘fit’. The position of the tongue can be measured in a simple word-list reading experiment by measuring the speech signal’s so-called ‘first formant’, labeled f1
in this dataset, where lower F1 = higher tongue. Thus, the research question is if the F1 either changes or remains stable for the duration of each vowel depending on whether the following consonant is an ‘l’ in the same syllable (coded as lCda
in column following
) or in the next syllable (coded as lOns
). Additionally, I wanted to control for the factors neighborhood
(a measure of entropy: ‘if only one sound is changed anywhere in this word, how many new words could be generated?’), information
(another measure of entropy derived from the famous Shannon information measure), and stress
(a dummy encoding whether the vowel was stressed or unstressed).
An entirely reasonable way to analyze these data, and the approach I ultimately pursued later in my PhD, would be to take samples from each vowel at 75% realization and at 25% realization, subtract these two, and use this ‘delta score’ as dependent variable: if this score is non-zero, the vowel changes over time, if it is approximately zero, the vowel was stable. In this dataset, however, I instead took as many samples as were present in the part of the wave file corresponding to these vowels, and wanted to fit a linear regression line through all of these samples as a function of the sample number. This number, scaled from 0 to 1 per token, is listed in column timepoint
. To make the model even more challenging to fit, only six participants were tested in this pilot study, making it very difficult to find an optimum when including a full random-slope structure.
In lme4
syntax, the fully maximal model would be given by the following formula:
f <- f1 ~ vowel*timepoint*following * neighborhood*information*stress +
(vowel*timepoint*following * neighborhood+information+stress | participant) +
(timepoint | word)
It should go without saying that this is a completely unreasonable model that will never converge. A first step towards reducing the model structure could be to reason that effects of neighborhood, information, and stress, which are all properties of the individual words in this data set, could be subsumed into the random effects by words. This reduces the maximal model to:
f <- f1 ~ vowel*timepoint*following +
(vowel*timepoint*following | participant) +
(timepoint | word)
This model is still somewhat on the large side, so we will now use buildmer
to check: - if this model is capable of converging at all; - if all of these terms are really necessary.
To illustrate buildmer
’s modular capabilities, we’ll fit this model in two steps. We start by identifying the maximal model that is still capable of converging. We do this by running buildmer
, with the direction
argument set to 'order'
. We also set lme4
s optimizer to bobyqa
, as this manages to get much further than the default nloptwrap
. The output of the command is edited for brevity.
m <- buildmer(f,data=vowels,direction='order',control=lmerControl(optimizer='bobyqa'))
## Determining predictor order
## Currently evaluating LRT for: vowel, timepoint, following
## Fitting as (g)lm: f1 ~ vowel
## Fitting as (g)lm: f1 ~ timepoint
## Fitting as (g)lm: f1 ~ following
## Updating formula: f1 ~ following
## Currently evaluating LRT for: vowel, timepoint
## Fitting as (g)lm: f1 ~ following + vowel
## Fitting as (g)lm: f1 ~ following + timepoint
## Updating formula: f1 ~ following + vowel
## Currently evaluating LRT for: timepoint, vowel:following
## [...]
## Currently evaluating LRT for: vowel | participant
## Fitting via lme4, with REML: f1 ~ following + vowel + timepoint + vowel:timepoint + following:timepoint + following:vowel + following:vowel:timepoint + (1 + timepoint | word) + (1 + timepoint + following + timepoint:following + vowel | participant)
## boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular
## None of the models converged - giving up ordering attempt.
The order
step is useful if the maximal model includes random effects: buildmer
will start out with an empty model and keeps adding terms to this model until convergence can no longer be achieved. The order
step adds terms in order of their contribution to a certain criterion, such that the most important random slopes will be included first; this criterion is controlled by the crit
argument. The default criterion is the significance of the change in log-likelihood (LRT
: terms which provide lower chi-square \(p\) values are considered more important), but other options are also supported. These are the raw log-likelihood (LL
: terms which provide the largest increase in the log-likelihood; this measure will favor categorical predictors with many levels), AIC (AIC
), and BIC (BIC
); you can select among them by passing e.g. crit='LRT'
. The default direction
is c('order','backward')
, i.e. proceeding directly to backward stepwise elimination, but for illustration purposes we separate those steps here. (The crit
argument also accepts vectors, such that e.g. direction=c('order','backward'),crit=c('LL','LRT')
is allowed.)
After a lot of model fits, the model converges onto the following maximal model:
(f <- formula(m@model))
## f1 ~ following + vowel + timepoint + vowel:timepoint + following:timepoint +
## following:vowel + following:vowel:timepoint + (1 + timepoint +
## following + timepoint:following | participant) + (1 + timepoint |
## word)
The maximal feasible model, i.e. the maximal model that is actually capable of converging, is one excluding random slopes for vowels by participants. This is not optimal for inference purposes, but for now it will do; we will see below that taking out the correlation parameters in the random effects makes it possible to include random slopes for vowels as well. We now proceed to the next step: stepwise elimination. This could also be done using e.g. lmerTest
, but since the machinery was needed for direction='order'
anyway it came at very little cost to also implement stepwise elimination in buildmer
(both forward and backward are supported). This uses the same elimination criterion as could be specified previously; if left unspecified, it defaults to crit='LRT'
, for the likelihood-ratio test. This is the preferred test for mixed models in Matuschek et al. (2017).
m <- buildmer(f,data=vowels,direction='backward',control=lmerControl(optimizer='bobyqa'))
## Fitting ML and REML reference models
## Fitting with REML: f1 ~ following + vowel + timepoint + vowel:timepoint + following:timepoint + following:vowel + following:vowel:timepoint + (1 + timepoint | word) + (1 + timepoint + following + timepoint:following | participant)
## Fitting with ML: f1 ~ following + vowel + timepoint + vowel:timepoint + following:timepoint + following:vowel + following:vowel:timepoint + (1 + timepoint | word) + (1 + timepoint + following + timepoint:following | participant)
## Testing terms
## Fitting with ML: f1 ~ following + vowel + timepoint + vowel:timepoint + following:timepoint + following:vowel + (1 + timepoint | word) + (1 + timepoint + following + timepoint:following | participant)
## Fitting with REML: f1 ~ following + vowel + timepoint + vowel:timepoint + following:timepoint + following:vowel + following:vowel:timepoint + (1 | word) + (1 + timepoint + following + timepoint:following | participant)
## Fitting with REML: f1 ~ following + vowel + timepoint + vowel:timepoint + following:timepoint + following:vowel + following:vowel:timepoint + (1 + timepoint | word) + (1 + timepoint + following | participant)
## grouping term
## 1 <NA> 1
## 2 <NA> following
## 3 <NA> vowel
## 4 <NA> timepoint
## 5 <NA> vowel:timepoint
## 6 <NA> following:timepoint
## 7 <NA> following:vowel
## 8 <NA> following:vowel:timepoint
## 9 participant 1
## 10 participant timepoint
## 11 participant following
## 12 participant timepoint:following
## 13 word 1
## 14 word timepoint
## block LRT Iteration
## 1 NA NA 1 NA 1
## 2 NA NA following NA 1
## 3 NA NA vowel NA 1
## 4 NA NA timepoint NA 1
## 5 NA NA vowel:timepoint NA 1
## 6 NA NA following:timepoint NA 1
## 7 NA NA following:vowel NA 1
## 8 NA NA following:vowel:timepoint 4.967287e-01 1
## 9 NA participant 1 NA 1
## 10 NA participant timepoint NA 1
## 11 NA participant following NA 1
## 12 NA participant timepoint:following 8.319280e-11 1
## 13 NA word 1 NA 1
## 14 NA word timepoint 2.134598e-153 1
## Updating formula: f1 ~ following + vowel + timepoint + vowel:timepoint + following:timepoint + following:vowel + (1 + timepoint | word) + (1 + timepoint + following + timepoint:following | participant)
## Fitting ML and REML reference models
## [...]
## All terms are significant
## Finalizing by converting the model to lmerTest
By default, buildmer
automatically calculates summary and ANOVA statistics based on Wald \(z\)-scores (summary) or Wald \(\chi^2\) tests (ANOVA). For answering our research question, we look at the summary:
## Linear mixed model fit by REML
## (p-values based on Wald z-scores) ['lmerMod']
## Formula:
## f1 ~ following + vowel + timepoint + vowel:timepoint + following:timepoint +
## (1 + timepoint | word) + (1 + timepoint + following + timepoint:following |
## participant)
## Data: vowels
## Control: control
## REML criterion at convergence: 149448.9
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -6.2347 -0.4168 0.0102 0.3877 21.6815
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr
## word (Intercept) 2539.3 50.39
## timepoint 11089.5 105.31 -0.78
## participant (Intercept) 2199.7 46.90
## timepoint 3423.5 58.51 -0.50
## followinglOns 747.3 27.34 0.11 0.65
## timepoint:followinglOns 3053.2 55.26 0.64 -0.88 -0.67
## Residual 10018.1 100.09
## Number of obs: 12351, groups: word, 148; participant, 6
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 551.733 20.075 27.484 < 2e-16 ***
## followinglOns 49.106 14.504 3.386 0.00071 ***
## vowel1 114.254 8.951 12.765 < 2e-16 ***
## vowel2 142.083 8.910 15.946 < 2e-16 ***
## vowel3 -125.955 8.626 -14.601 < 2e-16 ***
## vowel4 -79.211 9.970 -7.945 1.94e-15 ***
## timepoint -15.445 26.856 -0.575 0.56524
## vowel1:timepoint -39.663 18.239 -2.175 0.02966 *
## vowel2:timepoint -91.032 18.171 -5.010 5.45e-07 ***
## vowel3:timepoint 105.886 17.554 6.032 1.62e-09 ***
## vowel4:timepoint 38.924 20.271 1.920 0.05483 .
## followinglOns:timepoint -136.888 29.411 -4.654 3.25e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr) fllwnO vowel1 vowel2 vowel3 vowel4 timpnt vwl1:t vwl2:t
## follwnglOns -0.043
## vowel1 -0.014 0.020
## vowel2 -0.017 0.025 -0.225
## vowel3 -0.029 0.031 -0.210 -0.207
## vowel4 0.034 -0.031 -0.278 -0.276 -0.266
## timepoint -0.533 0.596 0.017 0.020 0.034 -0.041
## vowl1:tmpnt 0.011 -0.016 -0.787 0.177 0.165 0.218 -0.021
## vowl2:tmpnt 0.013 -0.020 0.177 -0.787 0.163 0.217 -0.025 -0.226
## vowl3:tmpnt 0.023 -0.024 0.166 0.164 -0.788 0.210 -0.044 -0.210 -0.208
## vowl4:tmpnt -0.027 0.024 0.219 0.218 0.210 -0.788 0.051 -0.277 -0.276
## fllwnglOns: 0.567 -0.720 -0.016 -0.020 -0.024 0.024 -0.788 0.020 0.024
## vwl3:t vwl4:t
## follwnglOns
## vowel1
## vowel2
## vowel3
## vowel4
## timepoint
## vowl1:tmpnt
## vowl2:tmpnt
## vowl3:tmpnt
## vowl4:tmpnt -0.265
## fllwnglOns: 0.031 -0.030
The highly significant effect for followinglOns:timepoint
shows that if the following /l/ is in the onset of the next syllable, there is a much larger change in F1 compared to the reference condition of having the following /l/ in the coda of the same syllable.
One hidden feature that is present in buildmer
but that has not yet been discussed is the ability to group terms together in blocks for ordering and stepwise-elimination purposes. While the first argument to buildmer
functions is normally a formula, it is also possible to pass a ‘buildmer terms list’. This is a data frame as generated by tabulate.formula
## index grouping term
## 1 <NA> <NA> 1
## 2 <NA> <NA> following
## 3 <NA> <NA> vowel
## 4 <NA> <NA> timepoint
## 5 <NA> <NA> vowel:timepoint
## 6 <NA> <NA> following:timepoint
## 7 <NA> <NA> following:vowel
## 8 <NA> <NA> following:vowel:timepoint
## 9 9 1 participant 1
## 10 9 1 participant timepoint
## 11 9 1 participant following
## 12 9 1 participant timepoint:following
## 13 10 1 word 1
## 14 10 1 word timepoint
## code block
## 1 1 NA NA 1
## 2 following NA NA following
## 3 vowel NA NA vowel
## 4 timepoint NA NA timepoint
## 5 vowel:timepoint NA NA vowel:timepoint
## 6 following:timepoint NA NA following:timepoint
## 7 following:vowel NA NA following:vowel
## 8 following:vowel:timepoint NA NA following:vowel:timepoint
## 9 9 1 participant 1 NA participant 1
## 10 9 1 participant timepoint NA participant timepoint
## 11 9 1 participant following NA participant following
## 12 9 1 participant timepoint:following NA participant timepoint:following
## 13 10 1 word 1 NA word 1
## 14 10 1 word timepoint NA word timepoint
This is an internal buildmer
data structure, but it is rather self-explanatory in how it is used. It is possible to modify the block
column to force terms to be evaluated as a single group, rather than separately, by giving these terms the same block
value. These values are not used in any other way than this purpose of selecting terms to be grouped together, which can be exploited to fit models with diagonal random-effects structures. The first step is to create explicit columns for the factor vowel
; if this is not done, only random-effect correlations between vowels and other random slopes will be eliminated and those between the vowels themselves will remain.
vowels <- cbind(vowels,model.matrix(~vowel,vowels))
We next create a formula for this modified data set. To make it easier to type, we do not explicitly diagonalize the formula ourselves, but use buildmer
’s diag()
method for formula
objects. We then call tabulate.formula()
on the new formula, providing a regular expression that matches terms belonging to the same vowel. Note that we cannot use the simple vowel
factor in the fixed-effects part of the formula, as this will break buildmer
’s marginality checks when considering which terms are eligible for inclusion or removal.
form <- diag(f1 ~ (vowel1+vowel2+vowel3+vowel4)*timepoint*following +
((vowel1+vowel2+vowel3+vowel4)*timepoint*following | participant) +
(timepoint | word))
terms <- tabulate.formula(form,group='vowel[^:]')
Finally, we can instruct buildmer
to use this specially-crafted terms
object by simply passing it along instead of a regular formula. buildmer
will recognize what is going on, and look for an additional dep
argument for the name of the dependent variable in the data frame (provided as a character string).
m <- buildmer(terms,data=vowels,dep='f1',control=lmerControl(optimizer='bobyqa'))
This approach allows random slopes for vowel
and for vowel:timepoint
to make it in, both of which significantly improve model fit. This model seems much more adequate for statistical inference.
Because buildmer
does not do any model fitting by itself but is only an administrative formula processor around pre-existing modeling fuctions, it was straightforward to extend it beyond its original purpose of mixed-effects models. The logical extension of buildmer
to GAMMs is fully supported, with appropriate safeguards against using likelihood-based tests for bam
and gamm
models. Relevant functions are available as buildbam
, buildgam
, buildgamm
, and buildgamm4
; for buildbam
and buildgam
, random effects in lme4
form are converted to s(.,bs='re')
form automatically. glmmTMB
models are also supported via function buildglmmTMB
, although their syntax for covariance structures (e.g. diag(timepoint | participant)
) is not; these models are still useful for their ability to handle autocorrelation, zero-inflation, and to use REML for GLMMs. From package nlme
, gls
models are supported via buildgls
, lme
models are supported via buildlme
. At the request of Willemijn Heeren, buildmer
was also extended to handle multinomial-logistic-regression models fitted by function multinom
from package nnet
; see function buildmultinom
. It is also possible to use buildjulia
to drive Douglas Bates’s MixedModels
package for Julia. buildmertree
makes it possible to do term ordering and backward elimination of the random-effects part of glmertree
models. Finally, buildGLMMadaptive
works with function mixed_model
from package GLMMadaptive
Barr, D. J., Levy, R., Scheepers, C., & Tily, H. J. (2013). Random effects structure for confirmatory hypothesis testing: Keep it maximal. Journal of Memory and Language, 68(3), 255–278.
Bates, D., Kliegl, R., Vasishth, S., & Baayen, H. (2015). Parsimonious mixed models. arXiv Preprint arXiv:1506.04967.
Matuschek, H., Kliegl, R., Vasishth, S., Baayen, H., & Bates, D. (2017). Balancing Type I error and power in linear mixed models. Journal of Memory and Language, 94, 305–315.