NEWS for Bucky’s Archive for Data Analysis in the Social Sciences
Release 1.0.6 (2019-12-17)
- Fixed small parentheses bug in mi.eval
- Updated robustify to mirror Stata defaults with linear models
- Updated mi.eval docs regarding texreg & stargazer
- Fixed bug with cluster argument in mi.eval
- Fixed bad link to mice docs
Release 1.0.5 (2018-10-29)
- Fixed bugs with predict method for robustified objects
- Added vcovHC method for polr objects (from MASS)
- Added predict method for mi.estimates objects based on lm or glm
Release 1.0.4 (2017-11-30)
- Moved methods, sandwich, lmtest from “Depends” to “Imports”
- Fixed robustify examples (“coeftest” replaced by “summary”)
- Added option for lazy evaluation to “mi.eval”
- Changed default for robust standard errors to HC0 to match Stata
- Added predict method for robustified objects based on lm or glm models
- Improved compatibility between “mi.eval” and other packages
- Added compatibility with ‘mice’
- Fixed compatibility with ‘mitools’
- Added compatibility with ‘stargazer’ when using lm, glm, and a few other types of models
Release 1.0.3 (2017-11-20)
- Initial submission to CRAN
- Initial check-in to Github