function to extract summary data_frame
from fit_ssm
output objects. The data_frame
can optionally be written to a .csv filesp
and rworldxtra
back to Imports list in DESCRIPTION. Ensures all required packages are installed, otherwise map_ssm
will return an error when attempting to load countriesHigh
data if sp
and/or rworldxtra
are not installedremoved sp and rworldxtra from Imports
added BugReports URL to DESCRIPTION
Simplified movement models by removing the mean turn angle parameter. This tends to improve convergence for the behavioural switching models
Simplified the regularisation / interpolation in the observation models
Simplified data preparation code
Diagnostic plots (renamed from diagSSM
to diag_ssm
) now include the Gelman-Rubin-Brooks shrink factor plots for each parameter
New mapping function (map_ssm
) uses coastline data from rworldxtra
and ggplot2
for core plotting functions
New plot function (plot_fit
) to inspect fit to location data
Renamed core function fitSSM
to fit_ssm
Improved selection of random initial values for MCMC sampling
Initial values for location states are now based on a loess smooth through the observed locations. Users can control the degree of smoothing via the span
argument to fit_ssm
ported from source 2016-05-27
converted to use roxygen2
Added a
file to track changes to the package.
f <- ""
download.file(f, basename(f), mode = "wb")
system(sprintf("tar zxvf %s", basename(f)))