Added the ability for inflation_adjust()
function to extend to data before 1947. Using the old base, the data now extents to 1913.
Added a new naics
data set. This is meant to replace the old niacs
data set, which was mis-spelled. The old data set remains in place for backward compatibility.
Converted BLS hyperlinks to https.
Fixed various dead hyperlinks.
function was pulling inproper dates.qcew_api()
that throws a warning if useer attempts to query dates outside of the API’s range.Updated NIACS and FIPS codes for 2018.
Updated NIACS and FIPS codes for 2018.
function now returns the catalog data with a catalog=TRUE
argument.The bls_api()
function now returns verbose error message if the api request fails.
Added BLS series_ids
internal dataset.
Added search_ids()
function to search the internal series_ids data set.
.Added new feature examples to QCEW_API.Rmd.
Removed qcew.Rmd, since it was duplicated.
Added the map_bls() function. This function replaces the deprecated bls_map_county() bls_map_state() functions and is not backward compatible.
Updated internal data to 2016 FIPS standards.
Updated internal functions to use tidyverse methods. This includes the addition of a few dependencies such as purrr, tibble, and dplyr.
All data are now returned as tibbles.
Updated all existing vignettes to use tidyverse functions.
Edited mapping vignette to include new map_bls()
Added tidyverse style code to the readme and vignettes.
Added total non-farm employment as a “quick function.”
Added a dt_format argument to the dateCast() function.
Added urlExists as a utility function for more robust error handling.
Added try/catch to url downloads.
The ability to select custom choropleth colors with all map functions.
Automatic end dates set for bls_api() function.
Removed dependencies for xts and zoo packages. Changed to base R.
Fixed error when rendering national maps with county-wise data.
Alaska and Hawaii moved further apart in map_data.
Date column changed to optional for bls_api() function.
Added a map projection argument to the bls_map_county() function. Choices are either Lambert or Mercator. Mercator is the default for single states, and Lambert the default for national views.
Enhanced error handling for the get_bls_state() function.
Added the qcew_api() function to gather data from the BLS Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages. This API is owned by the QCEW and is separate from the main BLS API.
Added 404 error handling to the main bls_api() function.
Added documentation for the qcew_api() function.
Added documentation for the three new data sets; niacs, size_titles, and area_titles.
Added a vignette for the qcew_api() function.
Added stateName argument to get_bls_county() that allows user to specify a state or list of states.
Added stateName argument to map_bls_county() that allows user to specify state(s) to map.
Added mapping vignette.
Added manual pages for the county_map_data
and state_map_data
internal data sets.
Fixed date argument in get_bls_county() and get_bls_state() to return the most recent date if argument is NULL.
Added error handling to map_bls_state() and map_bls_county().
Added tests for map_bls_state() and map_bls_county() to the /testthat directory.
Added quick functions to pull popular data sets from the API without the need of the user inputting a series id.
Added data argument to get_bls_county. If NULL the function will return the most recent month.
Added the inflation_adjust() function to help users with calculating inflation from the CPI. Since the API will only allow twenty years of data, the inflation function pulls data from a text file instead that allows the user to get CPI data back to 1947.
Added more error handling to bls_api() function.
Added documentation to get_bls_county() to explain the new date argument.
Added package vignettes.
Added the set_bls_key()
function to be used with the bls_api()
function. The new function writes the user’s api key to the Renviron. The change is backward compatible since the user is sill able to enter their api key as a string. However, for security purposes, the stored key method is preferred and should be promoted.
Added testthat directory and added test_bls_api.R
. The tests won’t affect anything in the package functionality, but will be useful for future testing.
Truncated the bls_state_data()
function and added those features to the get_bls_state()
Removed dplyr from imports since it’s not necessary anymore. Added leaflet and cron to package recommends.
Renamed blscrape.R
to bls_api.R
since the bls_api()
function was the only function in that file.
Added testthat to recommends.
Revised the map prep in data-raw
to render smaller data frames, thereby making the total package size much smaller.
Added a label title argument to map functions bls_map_state()
and bls_map_county()
Standardized colnames in all returned data frames throughout the package.
function for now. The API seems to return adjusted dollar-values.Made documentation for helper functions invisible in the manual.
Added News.Rd
Changed name of county_map()
to avoid conflicts with other packages. I didn’t mark this as a major release because no other functions in the package are dependent on this.
Various fixes in map functions including removing unused themes and general code tidyness.
Various fixes to examples.
Made descriptions more robust.
to bls_api()
to avoid any problems in the global environment. Bumped the version to 0.3.0 because this is the primary workhorse function of the package.Complete re-write of old get_data()
function to pull from API only.
Added arguments to get_data()
to pass the BLS API perams.
Added bls_state_data()
function to pull most recent sate-level employment data for mapping.
Added arguments to get_data()
to pass the BLS API perams.
Added documentation for data sets.