version 2.1.0
- snowfall package for parallel processing is replaces by future.apply package; #7
- future.apply, shiny, shinydashboard, geosphere and ggplot2 packages moved to SUGGESTION packages. These are not install by default and the user is asked if needed. #7
- RStoolbox is no longer used for clustering
- an argument is added to envBlock function for sampling from raster layers
- no dependency on sp package any more
- doParallel = FALSE by default in spatialAutoRange function
version 2.0.1
- print() and cat() are removed from the functions and verbose argument is added instead
version 2.0.0
- most of the underlying functions are migrated to
- the parallel processing changed from
to snowfall
- the
argument in spatialBlock
function accepts multi-class responses to find evenly distributed records in train and test folds;
version 1.1.0
- change
function to accepts rasters with low number of pixels; #2
- the
maskBySpecies = FALSE
in spatialBlock
function is no longer supported;
- the
argument in spatialBlock
function is only accepts numeric values, and 0 means searching for evenly distributed folds;
version 1.0.1
- add
to spatialAutoRange