To cite bioRad in publications, please use:

Dokter AM, Desmet P, Spaaks JH, Van Hoey S, Veen L, Verlinden L, Nilsson C, Haase G, Leijnse H, Farnsworth A, Bouten W, Shamoun-Baranes J (2019). “bioRad: biological analysis and visualization of weather radar data.” Ecography, 42, 852-860. doi: 10.1111/ecog.04028.

Corresponding BibTeX entry:

    title = {bioRad: biological analysis and visualization of weather
      radar data},
    author = {Adriaan M. Dokter and Peter Desmet and Jurriaan H. Spaaks
      and Stijn {Van Hoey} and Lourens Veen and Liesbeth Verlinden and
      Cecilia Nilsson and Günther Haase and Hidde Leijnse and Andrew
      Farnsworth and Willem Bouten and Judy Shamoun-Baranes},
    journal = {Ecography},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {42},
    pages = {852-860},
    doi = {10.1111/ecog.04028},