The betadiv package is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3).
The betadiv package implements the multiple-site dissimilarity indices of Simpson, Sorensen and nestedness, which can be used to assess the beta diversity of a population. These indices were adapted from those developed by Baselga (2010, Global Ecology and Biogeography 19:134–143) in order to make them population size-independent. All the details behind the calculation and estimation of these adapted indices can be found in Fortin et al. (2020, Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 1073-1084).
The betadiv package depends on the J4R package which is available on CRAN. The dissimilarity indices are estimated using two Java libraries: betadiversityindices and repicea. Both are licensed under the Lesser GNU General Public License v3.0 (LGPL-3). This package and the associated Java libraries come with absolutely NO WARRANTY.
The source code of the betadiv package and the Java classes of the betadiversityindices library are freely available at .
The documentation can be found at .
Tickets can be created at .
Mathieu Fortin e-mail: