In order to be able to execute the following code, one first needs to install
the following packages (along with betaboost
## Install packages
install.packages(c("betareg")) ## install betareg for comparison of results
Next, we load the betaboost
library("betaboost") ## load betaboost
First, we analyse publicly available data on health-realated quality of life of 60 patients. The data set was originally published as dataqol2
in the QoLR
package and later added to betareg
. The explanatory variables are the treatment group (arm
) and an additional score measuring the patients pain
. First, we load and preprocess the data:
## load data
# data("dataqol2", package = "QoLR")
## take one time-point
dataqol <- dataqol2[dataqol2$time ==0,]
## remove missings
dataqol <- dataqol[complete.cases(dataqol[,c("QoL", "arm", "pain")]),]
## rescale outcome to [0,1]
dataqol$QoL <- dataqol$QoL/100
The data set consists of 7 variables and 57 observations.
## 'data.frame': 57 obs. of 7 variables:
## $ id : int 1 2 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 ...
## $ time : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
## $ date : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
## $ QoL : num 0.78 0.67 0.6 0.59 0.51 0.51 0.53 0.59 0.87 0.48 ...
## $ pain : int 36 36 34 36 27 31 18 50 31 23 ...
## $ arm : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
## $ death: int 251 NA NA NA NA 123 NA NA 240 NA ...
The raw outcome is distributed as follows (histogram of the Quality of Life with smooth kernel density estimate for its empirical distribution).
hist(dataqol$QoL, breaks = 20, col = "lightgrey",
main = "Quality of life", prob = TRUE, las = 1)
lines(density(dataqol$QoL), col = 2, lwd = 2)
The influence of various predictors on the outcome is depicted in the following: First, boxplots comparing the Quality of Life outcome for both treatment arms.
## QOL by treatment arm
boxplot(QoL ~ arm, data = dataqol, names = c("A","B"), las = 1,
col = "lightgrey", ylab = "Qualitiy of life")
Second, a scatterplot for the relationship between the explanatory variable pain
(x-axis) and the outcome variable (y-axis):
## QOL by pain
plot(QoL ~ pain, data = dataqol, pch = 19, las = 1)
abline(lm(QoL ~ pain, data = dataqol))
First, we fit a classical beta regression with linear effects
beta1 <- betaboost(QoL ~ pain + arm, data = dataqol)
coef(beta1, off2int = TRUE)
## (Intercept) pain arm
## 0.19037893 0.00529943 -0.33447873
the precission parameter is treated as nuissance.
## [1] 24.73453
Note, that here we automatically are using 100 boosting iterations mstop = 100
, as this is the default value.
Similarly, we can fit a model with smooth effect for pain
beta2 <- betaboost(QoL ~ s(pain) + arm, data = dataqol,
form.type = "classic")
and plot the corresponding smooth effect for the explanatory variable pain
on the outcome QoL
plot(beta2, which = "pain")
The effect represents the estimate f(pain
) evaluated at the different observations. This effect does not vary with other variables, but depends only on the pain
As for all boosting methods, we need to tune the model regarding the number of boosting iterations mstop
via cross-validation or bootstrap procuedures which are implemented in cvrisk()
. Note that the function uses 25-fold bootstrap per default.
This takes a few seconds.
cvr <- cvrisk(beta2)
## extract optimal boosting iteration as determined via cvrisk
## [1] 10
## and plot the predictive risk (on out-of-bag observations) over the iterations
The plot displays results from 25-fold bootstrap to optimize the number of boosting iterations. The gray lines indicate the performance (regarding predictive risk) for the 25 bootstrap samples. The solid black line represents the average performance; the optimal performance (minimal risk) is reached after 10 iterations (dashed vertical line).
Afterwards, we set the model to the optimal iteration:
## set model to optimal stopping iteration:
mstop(beta2) <- mstop(cvr)
As a result of early stopping, variable selection takes place and pain
is no longer included in the final model:
## $`bols(arm)`
## (Intercept) arm
## 0.0788887 -0.1524986
## attr(,"offset")
## [1] 0.1822572
Now, we fit an extended beta regression model, where the precision parameter phi
modeled as well. This is achieved by additionally providing a phi.formula
beta3 <- betaboost(QoL ~ arm + pain,
phi.formula = QoL ~ arm + pain,
data = dataqol)
coef(beta3, off2int = TRUE)
## $mu
## (Intercept) arm pain
## 0.194675488 -0.329714708 0.005154894
## $phi
## (Intercept) pain
## 3.139958155 -0.001626975
We fit the model again with a smooth effect for pain:
beta4 <- betaboost(QoL ~ arm + s(pain),
phi.formula = QoL ~ arm + s(pain),
data = dataqol, form.type = "classic")
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(beta4, which = "pain")
Now, we get two plots: The smooth effect of the pain variable on the mean parameter mu
(left) and the precision parameter \phi
(right) in an extended beta regression model for the Quality of Life outcome. The curves represent the estimates for f(pain
) in the two parameter models, evaluated at the different observations and hence depend only on the pain
We can also look at the fitted values or predict new observations:
# fitted values
preds <- predict(beta4, type = "response")
summary(cbind(preds$mu, preds$phi))
## V1 V2
## Min. :0.4873 Min. :20.11
## 1st Qu.:0.5089 1st Qu.:20.30
## Median :0.5217 Median :20.94
## Mean :0.5458 Mean :22.42
## 3rd Qu.:0.5856 3rd Qu.:23.07
## Max. :0.5960 Max. :33.70
# predictions for two new obs from the two treatment arms
predict(beta3, newdata = data.frame(pain = c(30, 30), arm = c(0,1)),
type = "response")
## $mu
## [,1]
## 1 0.5864532
## 2 0.5049017
## $phi
## [,1]
## 1 22.00234
## 2 22.00234
As arm
was not selected for the precision part of the model, only mu
is influenced by the treatment arm, phi
stays the same.
cbind("lin" = R2.betaboost(beta1, data = dataqol),
"smooth" = R2.betaboost(beta2[100], data = dataqol),
"ext. lin" = R2.betaboost(beta3, data = dataqol),
"ext. smooth" = R2.betaboost(beta4, data = dataqol))
## lin smooth ext. lin ext. smooth
## R2_maddala 0.1635197 0.1661942 0.1502778 0.150995
## R2_link 0.1594109 0.162418 0.1592298 0.1620651
## R2_response 0.1633067 0.1653875 0.1632926 0.1654617
and betaboost
The second data set is a standard example for beta regression. The outcome is the proportion of income spent on food for a random sample of 38 households in a large US city. The data set is freely available and included in the betareg
## load betareg and data
First, we fit the standard beta regression model to the data with betareg
beta1 <- betareg(I(food/income) ~ income + persons,
data = FoodExpenditure)
Now, we fit a boosted beta regression model with betaboost
beta2 <- betaboost(I(food/income) ~ income + persons,
data = FoodExpenditure)
If we compare the estimated coefficients of the methods
rbind("betareg" = coef(beta1),
"betaboost" = c(coef(beta2, off2int = TRUE),
## (Intercept) income persons (phi)
## betareg -0.6225481 -0.01229884 0.1184621 35.60975
## betaboost -0.6203121 -0.01167270 0.1113287 35.23329
we see that there are only minor differences. If we increase the number of boosting
iterations to 500 iterations, the boosting model converges to the standard solution of betareg
mstop(beta2) <- 500
## compare again
rbind("betareg" = coef(beta1),
"betaboost" = c(coef(beta2, off2int = TRUE),
## (Intercept) income persons (phi)
## betareg -0.6225481 -0.01229884 0.1184621 35.60975
## betaboost -0.6225479 -0.01229870 0.1184606 35.60968
The following graphic is a coefficient plot for 500 boosting iterations (coefficient estimates on the y-axis and number of boosting iteration on the x axis). One can observe how the algorithm rapidly converges to the same effect estimates as those obtained from the standard software betareg
. In fact, after the first 100 boosting iterations there are only minor changes in the coefficients :
plot(beta2, off2int = TRUE, main = "boosting")
Note that betaboost
incorporates additionally also a matrix interface, which is particularly advantageous in case of larger or even high-dimensional models. Instead of using the formula interface, the user only needs to provide the response y
and a matrix x
. Via mat.parameter = c("mean","both")
and mat.effect = c("linear","smooth")
the user can specify weather to apply classical or extended beta regression, and if linear or non-linear effects are assumed.
## Fit same model than beta2 but via matrix interface
beta2b <- betaboost(y = FoodExpenditure$food/FoodExpenditure$income,
x = cbind(FoodExpenditure$income, FoodExpenditure$persons),
iterations = 500)
## intercept
## 0.2744383 -0.0122987 0.1184606
## attr(,"offset")
## [1] -0.8969861
## Now extended beta regression
beta2c <- betaboost(y = FoodExpenditure$food/FoodExpenditure$income,
x = cbind(income = FoodExpenditure$income, persons = FoodExpenditure$persons),
iterations = 500, mat.parameter = "both",
mat.effect = "linear")
## $mu
## (Intercept) income persons
## 0.16840877 -0.01004507 0.11071215
## attr(,"offset")
## [1] -0.8876991
## $phi
## (Intercept) persons
## 1.1508957 -0.2053655
## attr(,"offset")
## [1] 3.03731