To cite beast in publications use:
Papastamoulis P., Furukawa T., van Rhijn N., Bromley M., Bignell E. and Rattray M. (2017) Bayesian detection of piecewise linear trends in replicated time-series with application to growth data modelling. arXiv:1709.06111 [stat.AP]
Corresponding BibTeX entry:
@Article{, title = {Bayesian detection of piecewise linear trends in replicated time-series with application to growth data modelling}, author = {Panagiotis Papastamoulis and Takanori Furukawa and Norman {van Rhijn} and Michael Bromley and Elaine Bignell and Magnus Rattray}, journal = {arXiv:1709.06111 [stat.AP]}, year = {2017}, }