The bcdata
R package contains functions for searching & retrieving data from the B.C. Data Catalogue.
The B.C. Data Catalogue is the place to find British Columbia Government data, applications and web services. Much of the data are released under the Open Government Licence — British Columbia, as well as numerous other licences.
You can install bcdata
directly from CRAN:
let’s you access the B.C. Data Catalogue web interface directly from R—opening the catalogue search page in your default browser:
If you know the catalogue “human-readable” record name or permanent ID you can open directly to the record web page:
let’s you search records in the B.C. Data Catalogue, returning the search results in your R session.
Let’s search the catalogue for records that contain the word “recycling”:
## Give me the catalogue search results for 'recycling'
#> List of B.C. Data Catalogue Records
#> Number of records: 5
#> Titles:
#> 1: BC FIRST Tire Recycling Data 1991-2006 (csv)
#> ID: a29ad492-29a2-44b9-8693-d27a8cc8e686
#> Name: bc-first-tire-recycling-data-1991-2006
#> 2: Tire Stewardship BC Tire Recycling Data (csv)
#> ID: f791329b-c2dc-4f82-9993-209780f2a1c6
#> Name: tire-stewardship-bc-tire-recycling-data
#> 3: Environmental Protection Information Resources e-Library ()
#> ID: dae0f2c3-b4f4-4d16-a96d-d7fe7c1581f3
#> Name: environmental-protection-information-resources-e-library
#> 4: Cross-linked Information Resources (CLIR) (other)
#> ID: 6f8576bc-1585-429c-97f9-e94b059fa455
#> Name: cross-linked-information-resources-clir
#> 5: Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Surface Type (other, wms, kml)
#> ID: 3a77f19f-2f49-416c-ad32-75e8d06e6c5a
#> Name: ministry-of-transportation-mot-surface-type
#> Access a single record by calling bcdc_get_record(ID)
#> with the ID from the desired record.
You can set the number of records to be returned from the search and/or you can customize your search using the catalogue search facets license_id
, download_audience
, type
, res_format
, sector
, and organization
## Give me the first catalogue search result for 'recycling'
bcdc_search("recycling", n = 1)
#> List of B.C. Data Catalogue Records
#> Number of records: 1
#> Titles:
#> 1: BC FIRST Tire Recycling Data 1991-2006 (csv)
#> ID: a29ad492-29a2-44b9-8693-d27a8cc8e686
#> Name: bc-first-tire-recycling-data-1991-2006
#> Access a single record by calling bcdc_get_record(ID)
#> with the ID from the desired record.
## Give me the catalogue search results for 'recycling' where the
## data is tabular and licenced under Open Government Licence – British Columbia
bcdc_search("recycling", type = "Dataset", license_id = "2")
#> List of B.C. Data Catalogue Records
#> Number of records: 1
#> Titles:
#> 1: BC FIRST Tire Recycling Data 1991-2006 (csv)
#> ID: a29ad492-29a2-44b9-8693-d27a8cc8e686
#> Name: bc-first-tire-recycling-data-1991-2006
#> Access a single record by calling bcdc_get_record(ID)
#> with the ID from the desired record.
You can see all valid values for the catalogue search facets using bcdata::bcdc_search_facets()
## Valid values for search facet 'license_id'
bcdc_search_facets(facet = "license_id")
#> facet count display_name
#> 1 license_id 84 Statistics Canada Open Licence
#> 2 license_id 1 Queen's Printer Licence - British Columbia
#> 3 license_id 12 Open Government Licence – TransLink
#> 4 license_id 12 Open Government Licence – Municipality of North Cowichan
#> 5 license_id 4 Open Government Licence - Destination BC
#> 6 license_id 59 Open Government Licence - Canada
#> 7 license_id 1543 Open Government Licence - British Columbia
#> 8 license_id 3 Open Government Licence - BC Assessment
#> 9 license_id 2 Open Data Commons - Public Domain Dedication and Licence
#> 10 license_id 16 Elections BC Open Data Licence
#> 11 license_id 1299 Access Only
#> name
#> 1 21
#> 2 25
#> 3 48
#> 4 44
#> 5 43
#> 6 24
#> 7 2
#> 8 47
#> 9 45
#> 10 42
#> 11 22
Finally, you can retrieve the metadata for a single catalogue record by using the record name or permanent ID with bcdc_get_record()
. It is advised to use the permanent ID rather than the human-readable name in non-interactive situations—like scripts—to guard against future name changes of a record:
## Give me the catalogue record metadata for `bc-first-tire-recycling-data-1991-2006`
#> B.C. Data Catalogue Record: BC FIRST Tire Recycling Data 1991-2006
#> Name: bc-first-tire-recycling-data-1991-2006 (ID: a29ad492-29a2-44b9-8693-d27a8cc8e686 )
#> Permalink:
#> Sector: Natural Resources
#> Licence: Open Government Licence - British Columbia
#> Type: Dataset
#> Last Updated: 2018-07-12
#> Description: Financial Incentives for Recycling Scrap Tires (FIRST) collection and recycling data
#> (tonnes) from 1991 to 2006. In 2007 [Tire Stewardship BC](, a
#> not for profit society, launched the new scrap tire recycling program replacing the
#> government-run program that had been in place since 1991. Tire Stewardship BC
#> collection and recycling data is available
#> [here](
#> Resources: (1)
#> # A tibble: 1 x 8
#> name url id format ext package_id location bcdata_available
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl>
#> 1 BC FIRS… https://c… ed24cc… csv csv a29ad492-2… catalog… TRUE
#> You can access the 'Resources' data frame using bcdc_tidy_resources()
Once you have located the B.C. Data Catalogue record with the data you want, you can use bcdata::bcdc_get_data()
to download and read the data from the record. You can use the record name, permanent ID or the result from bcdc_get_record()
. Let’s look at the B.C. Highway Web Cameras data:
## Get the data resource for the `bc-highway-cams` catalogue record
#> # A tibble: 884 x 19
#> links_bchighway… links_imageDisp… links_imageThum… links_replayThe… id
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 2
#> 2 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 5
#> 3 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 6
#> 4 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 7
#> 5 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 8
#> 6 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 9
#> 7 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 10
#> 8 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 11
#> 9 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 12
#> 10 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 13
#> # … with 874 more rows, and 14 more variables: highway_number <chr>,
#> # highway_locationDescription <chr>, camName <chr>, caption <chr>,
#> # credit <chr>, orientation <chr>, latitude <dbl>, longitude <dbl>,
#> # imageStats_updatePeriodMean <chr>, imageStats_updatePeriodStdDev <dbl>,
#> # markedDelayed <dbl>, updatePeriodMean <dbl>, updatePeriodStdDev <dbl>,
#> # fetchMean <dbl>
## OR use the permanent ID, which is better for scripts or non-interactive use
#> # A tibble: 884 x 19
#> links_bchighway… links_imageDisp… links_imageThum… links_replayThe… id
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 2
#> 2 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 5
#> 3 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 6
#> 4 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 7
#> 5 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 8
#> 6 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 9
#> 7 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 10
#> 8 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 11
#> 9 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 12
#> 10 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 13
#> # … with 874 more rows, and 14 more variables: highway_number <chr>,
#> # highway_locationDescription <chr>, camName <chr>, caption <chr>,
#> # credit <chr>, orientation <chr>, latitude <dbl>, longitude <dbl>,
#> # imageStats_updatePeriodMean <chr>, imageStats_updatePeriodStdDev <dbl>,
#> # markedDelayed <dbl>, updatePeriodMean <dbl>, updatePeriodStdDev <dbl>,
#> # fetchMean <dbl>
## OR use the result from bcdc_get_record()
my_record <- bcdc_get_record("6b39a910-6c77-476f-ac96-7b4f18849b1c")
#> # A tibble: 884 x 19
#> links_bchighway… links_imageDisp… links_imageThum… links_replayThe… id
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 2
#> 2 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 5
#> 3 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 6
#> 4 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 7
#> 5 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 8
#> 6 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 9
#> 7 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 10
#> 8 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 11
#> 9 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 12
#> 10 http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… http://images.d… 13
#> # … with 874 more rows, and 14 more variables: highway_number <chr>,
#> # highway_locationDescription <chr>, camName <chr>, caption <chr>,
#> # credit <chr>, orientation <chr>, latitude <dbl>, longitude <dbl>,
#> # imageStats_updatePeriodMean <chr>, imageStats_updatePeriodStdDev <dbl>,
#> # markedDelayed <dbl>, updatePeriodMean <dbl>, updatePeriodStdDev <dbl>,
#> # fetchMean <dbl>
A catalogue record can have one or multiple data files—or “resources”. If there is only one resource, bcdc_get_data()
will return that resource by default, as in the above bc-highway-cams
example. If there are multiple data resources you will need to specify which resource you want. Let’s look at a catalogue record that contains multiple data resources—BC Schools - Programs Offered in Schools:
## Get the record ID for the `bc-schools-programs-offered-in-schools` catalogue record
bcdc_search("school programs", n = 1)
#> List of B.C. Data Catalogue Records
#> Number of records: 1
#> Titles:
#> 1: BC Schools - Programs Offered in Schools (txt, xlsx)
#> ID: b1f27d1c-244a-410e-a361-931fac62a524
#> Name: bc-schools-programs-offered-in-schools
#> Access a single record by calling bcdc_get_record(ID)
#> with the ID from the desired record.
## Get the metadata for the `bc-schools-programs-offered-in-schools` catalogue record
#> B.C. Data Catalogue Record: BC Schools - Programs Offered in Schools
#> Name: bc-schools-programs-offered-in-schools (ID: b1f27d1c-244a-410e-a361-931fac62a524 )
#> Permalink:
#> Sector: Education
#> Licence: Open Government Licence - British Columbia
#> Type: Dataset
#> Last Updated: 2017-02-02
#> Description: BC Schools English Language Learners, French Immersion, Francophone, Career
#> Preparation, Aboriginal Support Services, Aboriginal Language and Culture,
#> Continuing Education and Career Technical Programs offered in BC schools up to
#> 2013/2014.
#> Resources: (2)
#> # A tibble: 2 x 8
#> name url id format ext package_id location bcdata_available
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl>
#> 1 Progra… http://www… a393f8… txt txt b1f27d1c-2… external TRUE
#> 2 Progra… http://www… 1e3409… xlsx xlsx b1f27d1c-2… external TRUE
#> You can access the 'Resources' data frame using bcdc_tidy_resources()
We see there are two data files or resources available in this record, so we need to tell bcdc_get_data()
which one we want. When used interactively, bcdc_get_data()
will prompt you with the list of available resources through bcdata
and ask you to select the resource you want. The resource ID for each data set is available in the metadata record ☝️:
## Get the txt data resource from the `bc-schools-programs-offered-in-schools`
## catalogue record
bcdc_get_data("b1f27d1c-244a-410e-a361-931fac62a524", resource = 'a393f8cf-51ec-42c6-8449-4cea4c75385c')
#> # A tibble: 16,152 x 24
#> `Data Level` `School Year` `Facility Type` `Public Or Inde… `District Numbe…
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 SCHOOL LEVEL 2005/2006 STANDARD BC Public School 005
#> 2 SCHOOL LEVEL 2006/2007 STANDARD BC Public School 005
#> 3 SCHOOL LEVEL 2007/2008 STANDARD BC Public School 005
#> 4 SCHOOL LEVEL 2005/2006 STANDARD BC Public School 005
#> 5 SCHOOL LEVEL 2006/2007 STANDARD BC Public School 005
#> 6 SCHOOL LEVEL 2007/2008 STANDARD BC Public School 005
#> 7 SCHOOL LEVEL 2008/2009 STANDARD BC Public School 005
#> 8 SCHOOL LEVEL 2009/2010 STANDARD BC Public School 005
#> 9 SCHOOL LEVEL 2010/2011 STANDARD BC Public School 005
#> 10 SCHOOL LEVEL 2011/2012 STANDARD BC Public School 005
#> # … with 16,142 more rows, and 19 more variables: `District Name` <chr>,
#> # `School Number` <chr>, `School Name` <chr>, `Has Eng Lang Learner
#> # Prog` <lgl>, `Has Core French` <lgl>, `Has Early French Immersion` <lgl>,
#> # `Has Late French Immersion` <lgl>, `Has Prog Francophone` <lgl>, `Has Any
#> # French Immersion Prog` <lgl>, `Has Any French Prog` <lgl>, `Has Aborig Supp
#> # Services` <lgl>, `Has Other Appr Aborig Prog` <lgl>, `Has Aborig Lang And
#> # Cult` <lgl>, `Has Continuing Ed Prog` <lgl>, `Has Distributed Learn
#> # Prog` <lgl>, `Has Career Prep Prog` <lgl>, `Has Coop Prog` <lgl>, `Has
#> # Apprenticeship Prog` <lgl>, `Has Career Technical Prog` <lgl>
Alternatively, you can retrieve the full details of the available resources for a given record as a data frame using bcdc_tidy_resources()
## Get a data frame of data resources for the `bc-schools-programs-offered-in-schools`
## catalogue record
#> # A tibble: 2 x 8
#> name url id format ext package_id location bcdata_available
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl>
#> 1 Progra… http://www… a393f8… txt txt b1f27d1c-2… external TRUE
#> 2 Progra… http://www… 1e3409… xlsx xlsx b1f27d1c-2… external TRUE
will also detect if the data resource is a geospatial file, and automatically reads and returns it as an sf
object in your R session.
Let’s get the air zones for British Columbia:
## Find the B.C. Air Zones catalogue record
bcdc_search("air zones", res_format = "geojson")
#> List of B.C. Data Catalogue Records
#> Number of records: 1
#> Titles:
#> 1: British Columbia Air Zones (shp, kml, geojson)
#> ID: e8eeefc4-2826-47bc-8430-85703d328516
#> Name: british-columbia-air-zones
#> Access a single record by calling bcdc_get_record(ID)
#> with the ID from the desired record.
## Get the metadata for the B.C. Air Zones catalogue record
bc_az_metadata <- bcdc_get_record("e8eeefc4-2826-47bc-8430-85703d328516")
## Get the B.C. Air Zone geospatial data
bc_az <- bcdc_get_data(bc_az_metadata, resource = "c495d082-b586-4df0-9e06-bd6b66a8acd9")
## Plot the B.C. Air Zone geospatial data with ggplot()
bc_az %>%
ggplot() +
geom_sf() +
Note: The bcdata
package supports downloading most file types, including zip archives. It will do its best to identify and read data from zip files, however if there are multiple data files in the zip, or data files that bcdata
doesn’t know how to import, it will fail.
Many geospatial data sets in the B.C. Data Catalogue are available through a Web Service. While bcdc_get_data()
will retrieve the geospatial data for you, sometimes the geospatial file is very large—and slow to download—and/or you may only want some of the data. bcdc_query_geodata()
let’s you query catalogue geospatial data available as a Web Service using select
and filter
functions (just like in dplyr
. The bcdc::collect()
function returns the bcdc_query_geodata()
query results as an sf
object in your R session.
Let’s get the Capital Regional District boundary from the B.C. Regional Districts geospatial data—the whole file takes 30-60 seconds to download and I only need the one polygon, so why not save some time:
## Find the B.C. Regional Districts catalogue record
bcdc_search("regional districts administrative areas", res_format = "wms", n = 1)
#> List of B.C. Data Catalogue Records
#> Number of records: 1
#> Titles:
#> 1: Regional Districts - Legally Defined Administrative Areas of BC (other, xlsx, wms, kml)
#> ID: d1aff64e-dbfe-45a6-af97-582b7f6418b9
#> Name: regional-districts-legally-defined-administrative-areas-of-bc
#> Access a single record by calling bcdc_get_record(ID)
#> with the ID from the desired record.
## Get the metadata for the B.C. Regional Districts catalogue record
bc_regional_districts_metadata <- bcdc_get_record("d1aff64e-dbfe-45a6-af97-582b7f6418b9")
## Have a quick look at the geospatial columns to help with filter or select
#> # A tibble: 21 x 4
#> col_name sticky remote_col_type local_col_type
#> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 id FALSE xsd:string character
#> 2 LGL_ADMIN_AREA_ID FALSE xsd:decimal numeric
#> 3 ADMIN_AREA_NAME TRUE xsd:string character
#> 4 ADMIN_AREA_ABBREVIATION TRUE xsd:string character
#> 5 ADMIN_AREA_BOUNDARY_TYPE TRUE xsd:string character
#> 6 ADMIN_AREA_GROUP_NAME TRUE xsd:string character
#> 7 CHANGE_REQUESTED_ORG TRUE xsd:string character
#> 8 UPDATE_TYPE TRUE xsd:string character
#> 9 WHEN_UPDATED TRUE xsd:date date
#> 10 MAP_STATUS TRUE xsd:string character
#> # … with 11 more rows
## Get the Capital Regional District polygon from the B.C. Regional
## Districts geospatial data
my_regional_district <- bcdc_query_geodata(bc_regional_districts_metadata) %>%
filter(ADMIN_AREA_NAME == "Capital Regional District") %>%
## Plot the Capital Regional District polygon with ggplot()
my_regional_district %>%
ggplot() +
geom_sf() +
The vignette Querying Spatial Data with bcdata provides a full demonstration on how to use bcdata::bcdc_query_geodata()
to fine tune a Web Service request for geospatial data from the B.C. Data Catalogue.