bayesplot 1.7.2

Compatibility with dplyr 1.0.0 (#219)

bayesplot 1.7.1

Release requested by CRAN to fix errors at due to matrices also inheriting from “array” in R 4.0.

bayesplot 1.7.0

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

bayesplot 1.6.0

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

bayesplot 1.5.0

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

bayesplot 1.4.0

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

bayesplot 1.3.0

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

bayesplot 1.2.0

A lot of new stuff in this release. (GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)


New features in existing functions

New functions

bayesplot 1.1.0

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)


New features in existing functions

New functions

bayesplot 1.0.0

Initial CRAN release