for 2nd order phase transition when k > 4factor
to inflate the variance of the surrogate modelVmax1
for \(\beta < \beta_{crit}\) and \(\beta > \beta_{crit}\), respectivelymh$sort
to impose an ordering constraint on the component meansremoved OpenMP options from Makevars
to fix problems with RcppArmadillo. Users should edit ~/.R/Makevars
to enabel multithreading.
no longer wait for mh$auxiliary
iterations before beginning to update \(\beta\) using the exchange algorithm or ABC. For \(\beta > \beta_{crit}\), this increased the propensity of the Gibbs sampler to become stuck in a suboptimal local mode, far from the true parameter value.
added jss.bst
and jss.cls
to .Rbuildignore
removed the deprecated slices
parameter from mcmcPotts()
some minor edits to the Roxygen
removed the R package PottsUtils
from Suggested packages; added mcmcse
moved README-chunkname.png
images from root directory to inst/images
Added new option to swNoData and mcmcPottsNoData to initialise the labels using either random or deterministic values. This can be useful when comparing the convergence of the Swendsen-Wang and Gibbs sampling algorithms to known distributions (e.g. when \(\beta\)=0 or \(\infty\))
Additional documentation in with an example of usage
Fixed compile warnings from icpc (Intel Parallel Studio XE) on Linux
Added bayesImageS_init.cpp to call R_registerRoutines and R_useDynamicSymbols